Prof. Dr. techn. Herbert Dawid

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Economics of Innovation
Industry Dynamics
Dynamic Issues in Economic Policy Design
Agent-based Computational Economics
Evolutionary Game Theory
Ort / PLZ
33501 Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

Research Award 1995 of the Austrian Society of Operations Research
Young Economist Award, Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Ancona, Italy, 1998
Best Paper Award, Symposium: Simulation of Social Behavior and Artificial Economy, Vienna, 2000
Figdor-Price for Law, Social Sciences, and Economics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2001


Books and Edited Volumes

Dawid, H. (1999), "Adaptive Learning by Genetic Algorithms: Analytical Results and Applications to Economic Models", 2nd revised and extended edition, Springer, Berlin.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger,G. and Hartl, R.F. (Eds.) (1999) "Optimal Control and Differential Games", special issue of Annals of Operations Research, 88.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger,G. and Hartl, R.F. (Eds.) (1999) "Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Adaptive Methods", special issue of Annals of Operations Research, 89.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger,G. and Hartl, R.F. (Eds.) (2001) "Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Economic Applications", special issue of the Central European Journal of Operations Research, 9.

Dawid, H., Doerner, K., Dorffner, G., Fent, T., Feuerstein, M., Hartl, R.F., Mild, A., Natter, M., Reimann, M., Taudes, A. (Eds.) (2002) "Quantitative Models of Learning Organizations", Springer, Wien - New York.

Dawid, H. and G. Fagiolo (Eds.) (2007), "Agent Based Models for Economic Policy Design " special issue of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (forthcoming).


Tragler, G., Feichtinger, G. and Dawid, H. (1994), "Optimal ResourceExploitation May Be Chaotic", Central European Journal of Operations Research and Economics , 3, 111-122.

Dawid, H. (1994), "A Markov Chain Analysis of Genetic Algorithms with a State Dependent Fitness Function", Complex Systems, 8, 407-417.

Dawid, H. and Feichtinger, G. (1995), "Complex optimal policies in an advertising diffusion model", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ,5, 45-53.

Dawid, H. and Mehlmann, A. (1996), "Genetic Learning in Strategic Form Games", Complexity, 1, 5, 51-59.

Dawid, H. and Hornik, K. (1996), "The Dynamics of Genetic Algorithms in Interactive Environments", Journal of Network and Computer Applications ,19, 5-19.

Dawid, H. and Feichtinger, G. (1996), "Optimal Allocation of Drug Control Efforts: A Differential Game Analysis", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 91, 2, 279-297.

Dawid, H. (1996), "Genetic Algorithms as a Model of Adaptive Learning in Economic Systems", Central European Journal of Operations Research and Economics , 4, 7-24.

Dawid, H. (1996), "Learning of cycles and sunspot equilibria by genetic algorithms", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 6, 361-373.

Dawid, H. and Feichtinger, G. (1996), "On the Persistence of Corruption", Journalof Economics, 64, 177-193.

Dawid, H., Kopel, M. and Feichtinger, G. (1997), "Complex solutionsof nonconcave dynamic optimization models", Economic Theory, 9,427-439.

Dawid, H. (1997), "Learning of Equilibria by a Population with Minimal Information", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 32,1-18.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (1997), "On the Economically Optimal Exploitation of a Renewable Resource: the Case of a Convex Environment and a ConvexReturn Function", Journal of Economic Theory, 76, 272-297.

Kopel, M., Dawid, H. and Feichtinger, G. (1998), "Periodic and Chaotic Programs of Intertemporal Optimization Models with Non-concave Net Benefit Function", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 33, 435-447.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (1998), "The Appropriate Design of a Genetic Algorithm in Economic Applications exemplified by a Model of the CobwebType", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 8, 297-315.

Bullnheimer, B., Dawid, H. and Zeller, R. (1998), ''Learning from Own and Foreign Experience: Technological Adaptation by Imitating Firms'', Computationaland Mathematical Organization Theory, 4, 267-282.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (1999), "On Optimal Cycles in Dynamic Programming Models With Convex Return Functions", Economic Theory, 13, 309-327.

Dawid, H. (1999), "On the Dynamics of Word of Mouth Learning with and without Anticipations", Annals of Operations Research, 89, 273-295.

Dawid, H. (1999), ''On the Stability of Monotone Discrete SelectionDynamics with Inertia'', Mathematical Social Sciences, 37, 265 -280.

Dawid, H. (1999), "On the Convergence of Genetic Learning in a Double Auction Model", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23, 1545 - 1567.

Dawid, H. (2000), "On the Emergence of Exchange and Mediation in a Production Economy", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 41, 21- 53 .

Dawid H., König J., Strauss, C. (2001), "An Enhanced RosteringModel for Airline Crews", Computers and Operations Research, 28,671 - 688 .

Dawid, H., Reimann, M. and Bullnheimer, B. (2001), "To Innovate or Not To Innovate?", IEEE Transactrions on Evolutionary Computation (special issue on Agent-Based Computational Economics), 5, 471 -481.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2001), "Zur Organisation zwischenbetrieblicher Beziehungen: Sind kurzfristige oder langfristige Vereinbarungen optimal?", Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 4, 51 - 72 (in german).

Dawid, H. and MacLeod, W.B. (2001), "Holdup and the Evolution of BargainingConventions", European Journal of Economics and Social Systems, 15, 3, 153 - 169.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger, G. and Novak, A. (2002), "Extortion as an Obstacle to Economic Growth", European Journal of Political Economy, 18, 3, 499 - 516.

Bischi, G.-I.,Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2003),"Spillover Effects and the Evolution of Firm Clusters", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 50, 47-75.

Bischi, G.I., Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2003), "Gaining the Competitive Edge Using Internal and External Spillovers: A Dynamic Analysis", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27, 2171-2193.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2003), "A Comparison of Exit and Voice Relationships under Common Unertainty", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 12, 531-555.

Dawid, H. and Reimann, M. (2004), "Evaluating Market Attractiveness: Individual Incentives vs. Industry Profitability", Computational Economics, 24, 321-355.

Dawid, H.(2005), "Long Horizon versus Short Horizon Planning in Dynamic Optimization Problems with Incomplete Information", Economic Theory, 25, 575-597.

Dawid, H. and Deissenberg, C. (2005), "On the Efficiency Effects of Private (Dis-)Trust in the Government", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 57, 530-550.

Dawid, H. and J. Dermietzel (2006), 'How Robust is the Equal Split Norm? Responsive Strategies, Selection Mechanisms and the Need for Economic Interpretation of Simulation Parameters', Computational Economics, 28, 371-397.

Dawid, H. and Day, R. (2007), "On Sustainable Growth and Collapse: Optimal and Adaptive Paths", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31, 2374-2397.

Dawid, H. (2007), 'Evolutionary game dynamics and the analysis of agent-based imitation models: the long run, the medium run and the importance of a global analysis', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31, 2108-2133.

Dawid, H. and MacLeod, W.B. (2007), "Hold-up and the Evolution of Investment and Bargaining Norms", forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior.

Dawid, H. and Reimann, M. (2007), "Diversification: A Road to Inefficiency in Product Innovations?", forthcoming in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

Contributions in Multiauthor Books and Proceedings

Dawid, H. (1995), "Learning by Genetic Algorithms in Evolutionary Games", in: U. Derigs (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research '94, Springer, Berlin, 261-266.

Dawid, H. and Mehlmann, A. (1995), "Conservative Agents in GA-deceptive Games", in: F. Breitenecker and I. Husinsky (Ed.), Proceedings of the EUROSIM Simulation Congress EUROSIM 1995, Late Paper Volume, ARGESIM, Vienna, 27-32.

Dawid, H. and Mehlmann, A. (1995), "Two Population Contests and theLanguage of Genetics", in: G. Paun (Ed.), Mathematical Linguistics andRelated Topics, Editura Academiei, Bucarest, 88-95.

Wirl, F. Novak, A., Feichtinger, G., Dawid, H. and Hager, M. (1995), "Corruption in Democratic Systems: A Differential Game between Polititians and the Press", in: Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/SEDC Symposium on Modelling and Control of National and Regional Economies, The Institutionof Engineers, Australia.

Wirl, F. Novak, A., Feichtinger, G. and Dawid, H. (1997), "Indeterminacy of open-loop Nash equilibria: The ruling class versus the tabloid press", to be published in: Y. Ben-Hain (Ed.), Uncertainty: Models and Measures,Akademie Verlag.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger, G. and Jørgensen, S. (1999), "Crime and Law Enforcement: A Multistage Game", in J. Filar, K. Mitzukami and V. Gaitsgory (Eds.), Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications, Birkhauser, Boston.

Dawid, H. (2000), "Learning to Trade and Mediate", in D. Delli Gatti, M. Gallegatti and A. Kirman (Eds.), Interaction and Market Structure: Essays on Heterogeneity in Economics, Springer, Berlin, 9 -32.

Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2000), "Market Takeovers in Medieval Trade", in E.J. Dockner et al. (Eds.), Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger, Physica/Springer, Berlin, 118 -133.

Behrens, D. and Dawid, H. (2000), "On the Imitation and Communication Effects in Illicit Drug Markets: A Genetic Algorithm Based Model", in R.Trappl (Ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2000, 489 - 494.

Dawid, H., Doerner, K., Hartl, R.F., and Reimann, M. (2002), "Agent-based computation im management sciences", in Dawid et al. (Eds.), Quantitative Models of Learning Organizations, Springer, Wien - New York, 65 -94.

Behrens, D. and Dawid, H. (2004), "Genetic Learning of Nash Equilibria in Illicit Drug Markets and Prerequisites for a Successful Crackdown", in W. Barnett, C. Deissenberg, and G. Feichtinger (Eds.), "Economic Complexity: Non-linear Dynamics, Multi-agents Economies, and Learning", ISETE Vol 14, Elsevier, Amsterdam,

Dawid, H., Deissenberg, C. and P. Sevcik (2004), "Cheaptalk, gullibility, and welfare in an environmental taxation game", in A. Haurie and G. Zaccour, (Eds.), Dynamic Games: Theory and Applications, Kluwer, 175-192.

Dawid, H. (2006), Agent-based Models of Innovation and Technological Change. in: L. Tesfatsion, K. Judd (Eds.), Handbook of Computational Economics II: Agent-based Computational Economics, North-Holland, pp. 1235-1272.

Dawid, H. and Wersching, K. (2006), "On Technological Specialization in Industrial Clusters: An Agent-based Analysis", in J.-P. Rennard (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economic and Management, Idea Group Publishers, pp. 367-378.

Research Reports and Working Papers

Dawid, H. (1998), "Repeated Moral Hazard with Boundedly Rational Agents", POM Working Paper 2-98, University of Vienna.

Dawid, H. and Reimann, M. (1999), "Do Local Content Schemes Encourage Innovation?", POM Working Paper 4-99, University of Vienna.

Dawid, H., Hartl, R.F. and Ortner, G. (2003), "Simulationsstudie zur Analyse des Österreichischen Ausgleichsenergiemarktes", Working Paper, University of Bielefeld (in german).

Dawid, H., Dangl, T. and M. Kopel (2005), 'Trash it or sell it? A strategic analysis of development and market introduction of product innovations', Working Paper, University of Bielefeld .

Bao, Y., Dawid, H. and G. Tellis (2005), 'Strategic Preannouncements of Innovations', Working Paper, University of Bielefeld .

Dawid, H., Greiner, A. and B. Zou (2006), 'Foreign direct investment under international competition: When is it optimal to invest abroad?', Working Paper, University of Bielefeld.

Colombo, L., Dawid, H. and K. Kabus (2006), 'When do Thick Venture Capital Markets Foster Innovation? An Evolutionary Analysis' Working Paper, University of Bielefeld.

Dawid, H., Kopel, M. and P. Kort (2007), 'Innovation Threats and Strategic Responses in Oligopoly Markets', Working Paper, University of Bielefeld.

Dawid, H., Feichtinger, G., Goldstein, J.R. and V. Veliov (2007), 'Keeping a Learned Society Young', Working Paper, Vienna University of Technology.

Colombo, L., Dawid, H. (2007), 'When do Thick Venture Capital Markets Foster Innovation? A Strategic Analysis' Working Paper, University of Bielefeld.

Dawid, H., Gemkow, S., Harting, P., Kabus, K., Neugart, M. and Wersching, K. (2007), 'Skills, innovation, and growth: An agent-based policy analysis', Working Paper, Bielefeld University

Book Reviews

Dawid, H. (2002), Review of "Learning in Economics - Analysis and Application of Genetic Algorithms" by T. Riechmann, Journal of Economics , 77, 283-287.

Dawid, H. (2006), Review of " Heterogenous Agents, Interactions and Economic Performance " edited by R, Cowan and N. Jonard, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 59, 453-456.

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