ao. Prof. Dr. Klaus Gugler

Professor - aktiv

Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ort / PLZ
1210 Wien
Brünner Straße 72


Working Papers

Georg Götz and Klaus Gugler, 2003, Mergers and product variety under spatial competition: Evidence from retail gasoline, , University of Vienna.

Gugler, K. and Yurtoglu, B.B., 2002, The Effects of Mergers on Company Employment in the USA and Europe, University of Vienna.

Gugler, K. and K. A. Konrad, 2002, Merger Target Selection and Financial Structure, University of Vienna and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB).

Gugler, K. and R. Siebert, 2002, Market Power versus Efficiency Effects of Mergers and Research Joint Ventures: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry, University of Vienna and Harvard University.

Gugler, K., Mueller, D. C. and Yurtoglu, B.B., 2002, The Determinants of Merger Waves, University of Vienna.

K.Gugler, Dennis C. Mueller and B. Burcin Yurtoglu, Corporate Governance, Capital Market Discipline and the Returns on Investment, to be presented at the EFA 2002 meeting in Berlin.

Gerhard CLEMENZ and Klaus GUGLER: Locational choice and price competition: Some empirical results for the Austrian retail gasoline market, University of Vienna WP No. 0206, 2002.

P.A.Geroski and K.Gugler, Corporate Growth Convergence in Europe, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2838, 2001.

Refereed Journals and Books

Gugler, K., Mueller, D. C. and Yurtoglu, B.B., 2003, The Impact of Corporate Governance on Investment Returns in Developed and Developing Countries, The Economic Journal, 113, 511-539.

K.Gugler and B.B.Yurtoglu, Corporate Governance and Dividend Pay-out Policy in Germany European Economic Review, Vol 47/4 pp 731-758.

Gugler, K., Mueller, D. C. and Yurtoglu, B.B., Marginal q, Average q, Cash Flow and Investment, forthcoming Southern Economic Journal.

K.Gugler, D.C.Mueller, B.B.Yurtoglu, and C.Zulehner, The Effects of Mergers: An International Comparison, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 21 (5), 625-653.

K.Gugler and B. B. Yurtoglu,2003,Average Q, Marginal Q, and the Relation Between Ownership and Performance, Economics Letters, vol 78/3, 379 - 384.

K.Gugler, Corporate Governance, Dividend Smoothing, and the Interrelation between Dividends, R&D, and Capital Investment, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol 27/7 pp 1297 - 1321.

Gugler, K. and J. Weigand, Is Ownership Really Endogenous?, Applied Economics Letters, Vol 10, No 8, 483-486.

Gugler, K. and M. Pfaffermayr, Convergence in Structure and Productivity in European Manufacturing? Tables forthcoming German Economic Review.

Gugler, K., Corporate Governance and Investment, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Vol. 10, No. 3, 261-289.

K. Gugler (ed.), Corporate Governance and Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, 2001.

K.Gugler, S.Kalss, A.Stomper, and J.Zechner, The Separation of Ownership and Control in Austria, in: Barca and Becht (eds.), The Control of Corporate Europe, Oxford University Press, 2001.

K.Gugler, A.Stomper, and J.Zechner, Corporate Governance, Ownership, and Board Structure in Austria, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Ergänzungsheft 1/2000, pp.23--43.

G.Clemenz and K.Gugler, Macroeconomic Development and Civil Litigation, European Journal of Law and Economics 9 (2000), pp.215-230.

K.Gugler, Corporate Ownership Structure in Austria, Empirica 25 (1998), pp.285-307.

Other Journals and Books

R.Dell'mour, P.Egger, K.Gugler, M.Pfaffermayr, and Y.Wolfmayr-Schnitzer, Outsourcing of Austrian Manufacturing to Eastern Countries: Effects on Productivity and the Labor Market, in: Arndt, S., H. Handler and D. Salvatore (eds.), Eastern Enlargement: The Sooner The Better?, European Academy of Excellence, Austrian Ministry For Economic Affairs, 2000.

M.Böheim, K.Gugler, and M.Pfaffermayer, Do Growth Rates Differ in European Manufacturing Industries?, Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2/2000, pp.93-104.

K.Aiginger, M.Böheim, K.Gugler, Y.Wolfmayr-Schnitzer, and M.Pfaffermayr, Specialization and (Geographic) Concentration of European Manufacturing, Competitiveness Report, 1999.

K.Gugler, Eigentümerstruktur und Profitabilität: Eine Analyse österreichischer Unternehmen, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 6/1999, pp.583-589.

Clemenz, G. and K. Gugler, Gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Prozeßverhalten, Festschrift "100 Jahre ZPO". Manz-Verlag, 1998.

K.Gugler, Kaufkraftparitätentheorie - Überprüfung der Validität in der kurzen und langen Frist, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 3- 4/1995.

K.Gugler, H.Handler, and M.Schekulin, Central Europe as an Economic Area?, Wifo Working Paper No. 81, 9/1995.

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