Prof. Dr. Rainer Winkelmann

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Sozialökonomisches Institut
Statistics and Empirical Economic Research
family and well-being
applied social policy analysis
Ort / PLZ
8032 Zürich
Zürichbergstr. 14
+41 (0)44 634 2292



Econometric Analysis of Count Data, fifth edition, 2008, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.

Analysis of Microdata (with S. Boes), second edition, 2009, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.


B. Journal Articles

Self-selection models for public and private sector job satisfaction (with S. Luechinger and A. Stutzer), forthcoming in: Research in Labor Economics.

The Effect of Income on General Life Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction (with S. Boes), forthcoming in: Social
Indicators Research.

Happiness Functions with Preference Interdependence and Heterogeneity: The Case of Altruism Within the Family (with A. Bruhin), Journal of Population Economics 22, 1063-1080, 2009.

Unemployment, Social Capital, and Subjective Well-Being, Journal of Happiness Studies.10, 421-430, 2009.

Personality, Work and Satisfaction: Evidence From the German Socio-Economic Panel (with L. Winkelmann),
Journal of Positive Psychology 3, 266-275, 2008.

An empirical analysis of the decision to train apprentices (with S. Mühlemann, J. Schweri and S. C. Wolter) Labour 21 (3), 419–441, 2007.

The Apple Falls Increasingly Far: Parent-Child Correlation in Schooling and the Growth of Post-Secondary Education in Switzerland (with A. Cattaneo and S. Hanslin), Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 143, 133-152, 2007.

Money Illusion Under Test (with S.Boes and M. Lipp), Economics Letters, 94, 332–337, 2007.

Parental Separation and Well-Being of Youth, Journal of Socioeconomics, 35 (2), 197-208, 2006.

Ordered Response Models (with S. Boes), Advances in Statistical Analysis, 90, 165-179, 2006, reprinted in: Hübler, O. and J. Frohn (2006) Modern Econometric Analysis, Springer.

Reforming Health Care: Evidence from Quantile Regressions for Counts, Journal of Health Economics,
25, 131-145, 2006.

Subjective Well-Being and the Family: Results from an Ordered Probit Model with Multiple Random Effects,
Empirical Economics, 30, 749-761, 2005.

Earnings Differentials between German and French speakers in Switzerland (with A. Cattaneo), Swiss Journal
of Economics and Statistics 141, 191-212, 2005.

Co-payments for Prescription Drugs and the Demand for Doctor Visits - Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Health Economics 13, 1081-1089, 2004.

Health Care Reform and the Number of Doctor Visits - An Econometric Analysis, Journal of Applied Econometrics 19, 455-472 , 2004.

Training Intensity and First Labor Market Outcomes of Apprenticeship Graduates (with R. Euwals), International Journal of Manpower 25, 447-462, 2004.

Comparing Migrants to Non-Migrants: The case of Dutch migration to New Zealand (with J. Hartog), Journal of Population Economics 16, 683-705, 2003. reprinted in: K.F. Zimmermann and A. Constant, How Labor Migrants Fare, Springer: Berlin, 97-119, 2004.

Mobility after apprenticeship – Evidence from register data (with R. Euwals), Applied Economics Quarterly (Konjunkturpolitik) 48, 256-278, 2002.

Why do firms recruit internationally? Results from the IZA International Employer Survey 2000, Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), 122, 155-178, 2002.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis of Correlated Count Data (with S. Chib), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 19, 428-435, 2001.

Correctly Interpreting the Results from a Log-Linear Regression under Heteroskedasticty – Methods and an
Application to the Relative Wages of Immigrants, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 221, 418-
431, 2001.

Contracted Workdays and Absence (with T. Barmby and M. Nolan), Manchester School, 69(3), 269-275, 2001.

Seemingly Unrelated Negative Binomial Regression, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 62(4), 553-
560, 2000.

Unemployment and Crime: New Evidence for an Old Question (with K. Papps), New Zealand Economic Papers, 34(1), 53-72, 2000.

The Labor Market Performance of European Immigrants in New Zealand in the 1980s and 1990s, International Migration Review, Vol.34 (1), 33-58, 2000.

Survey Expectations of Monetary Conditions in New Zealand: Determinants and Implications for the
Transmission of Policy (with L. Bonato and R. St.Clair), Ifo-Studien, 45(3), 411-434, 1999.

Wages, Firm Size, and Absenteeism, Applied Economics Letters, 6, 337-341, 1999.

Tariff, Quotas and Terms of Trade - The Case of New Zealand (with L. Winkelmann), Journal of International
Economics, 46, 313-332, 1998.

Posterior Simulation and Bayes Factors in Panel Count Data Models (with S. Chib and E. Greenberg), Journal
of Econometrics, 86, 33-54, 1998.

Why are the unemployed so unhappy? Evidence from panel data (with L. Winkelmann), Economica, 65, 1-16, 1998.

Book Contributions

Secondary School Track Selection of Single-Parent Children - Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel (with P. Mahler), Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, 2006, 313, 39-54.

Qualifikationsspezifische Beschäftigungsperspektiven und berufliche Flexibilität, Chapter 3 in Andres Frick and Aniela Wirz (eds.) Berufsbildungsökonomie: Stand und offene Fragen. h.e.p. Verlag, Bern, 2006, 75-106.

Europeans in the Antipodes: New Zealand’s mixed migration experience, Chapter 16 in: K.F. Zimmermann
(ed.) European Migration – What Do We Know? Oxford University Press, 2005, 601-631.

Bayesian Analysis of Econometric Models for Count Data: A Survey, in: Schwaiger, M. and O.Opitz (eds.) Exploratory Data Analysis in Empirical Research. Springer: Heidelberg, 204-215, 2003.

Die Nachfrage nach internationalen hoch qualifizierten Beschäftigten – Ergebnisse des IZA International
Employer Surveys 2000, Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung 256, 283-310, 2002.

Why do firms recruit internationally? Results from the IZA International Employer Survey 2000. Chapter 7 in: OECD, International Mobility of the Highly Skilled, 133-150, 2002.

Migration Policy and Socio-Economic Outcomes: New Zealand’s Experience with the Point System, in: R. Rotte and P. Stein (ed.) Migration Policy and the Economy: International Experiences, Politische Ökonomie und Internationale Beziehungen, Band 2, Ars et Unitas: Neuried, 69-86, 2002.

Immigration Policies and their Impact: The case of New Zealand and Australia, in: Djajic, S. (ed.) International Migration: Trends, Policy, and Economic Impact, Routledge, 1-20, 2001.

The Economic Progress of Maori Men 1986-1996. in: P.S. Morrison (ed.) Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Labour Employment and Work in New Zealand. Victoria University Wellington, 30-37, 1999.

Poisson Regression with Endogenous Reporting, in: P. Bardsley and V.L. Martin (eds.), Proceedings of the
Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 2nd-4th July 1997 volume 4: Microeconometrics, 385-398, 1997.

The Non-Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas: Evidence from Export Prices (with L. Winkelmann), in: P. Bardsley and V.L. Martin (eds.), Proceedings of the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 2nd-4th July 1997 Volume 4: Microeconometrics, 399-414, 1997.

Ageing, Migration and Labour Mobility (with K.F. Zimmermann), in: Johnson, P. and K.F. Zimmermann
(eds.) Labour Markets in an Ageing Europe, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 255-283, 1993.

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