Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Christian von Hirschhausen

Professor - aktiv

Technische Universität Berlin
Violkswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsrecht
Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik
Angewandte Industrieökonomik / Applied Industrial Economics
Infrastruktur- und Netzwerkökonomie / Infrastructure and Network Economics
Energiewirtschaft / Energy Economics
Verkehrswirtschaft und -politik / Transport Economics and Policy
Public Sector Management
Europäische Integration / European Integration Policy
Ort / PLZ
10623 Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135


I. Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften


Productivity Analysis of Electricity Distribution Utilities in Germany. Applied Economics, forthcoming (with Astrid Cullmann and Andreas Kappeler).

Convergence of European Spot Market Prices for Natural Gas? A Real-Time Analysis of Market Integration using the Kalman Filter. Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming (with Anne Neumann and Boriss Siliverstovs).

Gassektorreform in der EU: Durch Regulierung zum Wettbewerb? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, forthcoming (with Thorsten Beckers).


Public-Private Partnerships in New EU Member Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. EIB Papers (European Investment Bank), Vol. 10, No. 2 (2005), 82-111 (with Andreas Brenck, Thorsten Beckers, and Maria Heinrich).

Offshore Windenergie: Studie zur Rentabilität von Offshore-Windparks in der Deutschen Nord- und Ostsee. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 29, No.1 (2005) (with Till Jeske).

International Market Integration for Natural Gas? A Cointegration Analysis of Gas Prices in Europe, North America and Japan. Energy Economics, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2005), 603-615 (with Boriss Siliverstovs, Anne Neumann, Guillaume l’Hégaret).

Options for Transporting Russian Gas to Western Europe - A Simulation Analysis. The Energy Journal, Vol. 26, No.2 (2005), 49-68 (with Berit Meinhart and Ferdinand Pavel).


Regulation and Long-Term Investment in Infrastructure Provision – Theory and Policy. Utilities Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2004), 203-210 (with Thorsten Beckers and Andreas Brenck).

Less Long Term Gas to Europe? A Quantitative Analysis of European Long Term Gas-Supply Contracts. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 28, No.3 (2004, 175-182 (with Anne Neumann).


Efficient Infrastructure Supply for Economic Development in Transition Countries – The Case of Ukraine. Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2002), 149-167 (with Boris Dodonov, Petra Opitz, and Pavlo Sugolov).

The End of “Transition” – An Institutional Interpretation of Energy Sector Reform in Eastern Europe and the CIS. MOCT-MOST Economic Policy in Transitional Economies, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2001), 93-110 (with Thomas Waelde).

Long-Term Electricity Demand in China – From Quantitative to Qualitative Growth? Energy Policy, Vol. 28, No. 3 (2000), 231-241 (with Michael Andres).

State Aids, Restructuring and Privatization in the New German Länder - Competition Policy Aspects and Case Studies of the East German Shipbuilding and Synthetic Fibres Industries. European Economy, 1999, No.3, 132-160 (Reports and Studies: State Aid and the Single Market), also as WZB-Discussion Paper FS IV-96-13 (with Lars-Hendrik Röller).

Industrial Restructuring in Ukraine Seven Years After Independence: From Socialism to a Planning Economy? Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, Vol. 10, No. 4 (December 1998), 451-465.

Industrial Restructuring in the Baltic Countries - Large-Scale Privatization, New Enterprise Networks, and Growing Diversity of Corporate Governance. Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, Vol. 7, No. 4 (1995), 421-443 (with Wan-Sze Hui).

Aggregate Demand for Energy and Dynamics of Energy Demand Elasticities in non-oil Developing Countries. The Journal of Energy and Development, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring 1991), 237-252 (with Abbas Pourgerami).

Substitution Possibilities among Production Inputs: Some Estimates and Policy Implications from Manufacturing Industries in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Applied Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Fall 1991), 209-118 (with Abbas Pourgerami and Robert F. McNown).

II. Aufsätze in Vorbereitung

Long-Term Contracts for Natural Gas - An Empirical Analysis. Paper presented at the IAEE (Bergen, August 2005) and ISNIE (Barcelona, September 2005) (with Anne Neumann).

Long-term vs. Short-term Contracts: A European Perspective on Natural Gas. University of Cambridge, Electricity Policy Research Group (EPRG) Working Paper 0505 (with Karsten Neuhoff).

A Modified Yardstick Competition Mechanism. Paper presented at the 4th INFRADAY, Berlin, October 2005 (with and presented by Georg Meran).

Infrastructure Policies and Economic Development in East European Transition Countries. under re-submission (with Pavlo Sugolov, Boris Dodonov).

Corporate Self-Regulation vs. Ex-Ante Regulation – The Case of the German Gas Sector. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 436 (with Georg Meran).

Konzessionsmodelle für Fernstraßen in Deutschland: Eine ökonomische Analyse der A- und F-Modelle. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 388 (with Thorsten Beckers).

III. Bücher, Herausgeberschaften

Ökonomische Analyse von Rücknahmepflichten und Anwendungen auf die Verpackungsordnung und die EU-Elektroschrottrichtlinie. Teilprojektleitung im Sonderforschungsbereich 281 (Demontagefabriken), Berlin, (Hauptautor: Matthias Schatz).

Regulation and Long-Term Investment in Infrastructure Provision – Theory and Policy. Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Utilities Policy, Vol. 12. No. 4 (2004) (with Thorsten Beckers and Andreas Brenck).

Trends in Infrastructure Regulation and Financing International Experience and Case Studies from Germany. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA 2004, (with Thorsten Beckers, and Kay Mitusch).

Modernizing Infrastructure in Transformation Economies – Paving the Way to European Enlargement. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA 2002.
Book reviews in: Journal of Economic Literature (Vol. 41, No. 2, 2003, 722), Economics of Transition, Economic Systems (Vol. 27, No. 2, June 2003, 247-249).

The Globalization of Industry and Innovation in Eastern Europe - From Post-socialist Restructuring to International Competitiveness. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA 2000, (co-editor: Jürgen Bitzer).
Book reviews in: Economics of Transition, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2000, 541-542, Economic Systems, Vol. 25, No. 1 (March 2001), 81-83, Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, Vol. 31, No. 3 (September 2001), 240-243, Slavic Review, Vol. 60, No. 3, Fall 2001, 611-612.

New Neighbours in the East - Economic and Industrial Reform in the Baltic Countries. Paris, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines, 1997, (ed.).

Du combinat socialiste à l´entreprise capitaliste - Une analyse de la nature du combinat socialiste et des restructurations industrielles post-socialistes en Europe de l'Est. Paris, l´Harmattan, 1996, (based on Doctoral Dissertation at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, CERNA, 1994).

Energy Demand in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Aggregate Energy Demand and Substitutability between Energy and other Inputs in the Manufacturing Sector. Master’s Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1988.

The Price Elasticity of Electricity Demand in the City of Berlin. Consulting Study for the (West) Berlin Public Utilities (BEWAG). TU Berlin, FB 16, 1989.

IV. Vorträge, Buchkapitel, sonstige Papiere

Current PPP-Models for the German Motorways. Presentation at the 4th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (October 2005, Berlin University of Technology) (presented by Thorsten Beckers, with Jan-Peter Klatt)

Effizienzanalyse der europäischen Elektroaltgeräte-Richtlinie (WEEE) sowie ihrer nationalen Umsetzmöglichkeiten (2005). Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht und Umweltpolitik, Nr. 4, Heft 4 (/2005), 513-542 (with Carl-Friedrich Elmer, Matthias Schatz).

Jürgen Apfelbeck, Christian von Hirschhausen, René Pessier
Im Osten wenig Neues - Die Reform des Elektrizitätssektors in Osteuropa (2005)

Maßstäbe für die Anreizregulierung mittels analytischer Referenzmodelle: Benchmarking Verfahren zur Price-Cap Regulierung. Invited Presentation at Institut für Energierecht, Berlin, March 2005.

Price Dynamics in Europe and the North American Natural Gas Market – Towards Convergence? Invited Presentation at Flame 2005 Conference, Amsterdam, February 2005.

Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Energie, und europäische Interessen im kaspischen Raum. Hintergrundpapier der Tagung der Humboldt Institution on Transatlantic Issues (HITI), Berlin, Dezember 2004.

Economic Development, Energy, and European Interests in the Caucasus and the Caspian. Invited Presentation for the Conference of the Humboldt Institution on Transatlantic Issues (HITI), Berlin, September 2004.

Developing the Europe of Regions Through Infrastructure - Current Achievements and Agenda for the Future. Invited Presentation at the 7th Annual General Meeting of the European Business Congress, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2004.

International Market Integration for Natural Gas? A Cointegration Analysis of Gas Prices in Europe, North America and Japan. Presentation at the IAEE International Conference (International Association of Energy Economists), Zurich, September 2004.

Corporate Self-Regulation vs. Ex-Ante Regulation of Network Access – A Model of the German Gas Sector. DIW Discussion Paper No. 463 (with Georg Meran), 2004.

Changing LNG Markets. Invited Presentation to the „MIT Energy and Environmental Policy Workshop“. MIT, invitation for December 2003.

Competition in European Gas Markets. Invited Presentation at the Cambridge-MIT Workshop on „Current Challenging Facing Electricity“, University of Cambridge, September 2003.

Infrastrukturausbau in Europa - Mehr Investitionen und höhere Effizienz durch bessere Regulierung? DIW Wochenbericht Nr. 49/03, 780-784 (2003) (with Andreas Kappeler and Anne Neumann).

Liberalisierung der europäischen Gaswirtschaft – Neue Regulierungsbehörde soll mehr Wettbewerb schaffen, DIW Wochenbericht Nr. 36/03, 560-567 (2003) (with Anne Neumann).

The Globalization of the Russian Energy Industry – A Way out of the Financial Crisis? International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2002), 292-310, (with Petra Opitz and Hella Engerer).

Energy in the Caspian Sea Region in the Late 1990s: The End of the Boom? OPEC-Review, Vol. 23, No. 4 (December 1999), 273-291 (with Hella Engerer).

Post-Soviet Gas Sector Restructuring in the CIS: A Political Economy Approach. Energy Policy, Vol. 26. No. 15 (1998), 1113-1123 (with Hella Engerer).

The Metal Mining Industry in Eastern Europe - The Difficult Reconversion and Impacts on the World Markets. Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 16, No. 4 (November 1992) (with Olivier Bomsel).

V. Gutachten und Beratertätigkeit

Privatisierung und Regulierung der deutschen Flughäfen. Studie von DB Research und des FG Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik (WIP) der TU Berlin zum Luftverkehr (mit Thorsten Beckers, Achim Czerny und Stefan Müller).

Aktuelle ÖPP-Modelle für die Bundesfernstraßen – Eine ökonomische Analyse. Studie für den ADAC. 2005) (mit Thorsten Beckers und Jan Peter Klatt).

Member of the German Advisory Group with the Government of Ukraine, Project financed by the German Government (Ministry of Economy), carried out by the (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) und des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft. Short-term studies on industrial, structural and infrastructure policy (1995-2002):

Economic Effects of the German Export- and Credit Financing. Study for the KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau. Berlin, 2000 (Project leader: Jürgen Bitzer, with Wolfram Schrettl, Dieter Schumacher, Siegfried Schultz).

Opportunities for Regional Co-operation for the European Steel Industry. Studie on the Restructuring of the Eastern European Steel Industry and Perspectives for East-West Co-operation. For the EU-Commission (DG-III), in cooperation with EBRD, IISI, UN-ECE, World Bank (with O. Bomsel, et al.), 1994-95.

The Eisenhüttenstadt Region as Site for Steel-industry ? - Perspectives for steelmaking and diversification in the Industrial Parc Odra-Bridge. Study commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, SMEs and Technology of the Land of Brandenburg. Paris, September 1993.

Stahlstandort Eisenhüttenstadt - Perspektiven für stahlerzeugende und -verarbeitende Aktivitäten im Industriepark Oderbrücke. Study of the Ministry of Economy of the Land of Brandenburg (with: C. Altmikus, J. Astier, O. Bomsel), 1993.

The Mining and Metal Industries in Eastern Europe. Study for the Commission of the EEC (GD III) and the French Ministry of Industry (OMP) , Paris, CERNA, 1992, (with O. Bomsel).

Restructuration de combinats socialistes et reconversion de bassins industriels locaux. Comparative Analysis of regional Economic Development in Post-socialism : Thuringia: Saalfeld, Polen: Upper Silesia, Ukraine: Krivoj Rog). Financed by the French Ministry of Research and Technology, 1992. (with O. Bomsel).

Nachfragereaktionen bei elektrischer Energie aufgrund veränderte Energiepreise in Berlin (West). Study for the Berlin Utility BEWAG. TU Berlin, FB 16, 1989 (with D. Winje, E. Dittmer).

VI. Konferenzen, Herausgeberschaften, Buchrezensionen

Scientific Council of the Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (TU Berlin, DIW Berlin, TU Dresden):since 2002

Co-Chairman of the “Berlin Summer School on Private Participation in Infrastructure” (2001-2004).

Chairman of the “INFRATRAIN – School of Applied INFRAstructure Research and Policy TRAINing,” (2003-2006).

Co-editor of the “DIW Berlin Quarterly Journal of Economic Research“ („DIW-Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung“) (1997-2001).

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