Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Finanzmarktökonomie & Statistik
Banking & Finance
Banken und Finanzmärkte (Risikomanagement, Bankenregulierung, systemische Risiken, Vertragstheorie)
Industrieökonomik (Reputation, Marktstruktur)
Ort / PLZ
53113 Bonn
Adenauerallee 24-42
+49 (0) 228 73-9225
+49 (0) 228 73-99 5048


Publications in Refereed Journals

"Credit Risk Transfer and Bank Competition," with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), Journal of Financial Intermediation , to appear (Tinbergen A)

"Banks without Parachutes –- Competitive Effects of Government Bail-out Policies," with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), Journal of Financial Stability, to appear

"The Threat of Capital Drain: A Rationale for Regional Banks?" with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, to appear (Tinbergen B)

"Umbrella Branding and External Certification," with Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim), European Economic Review, 53(2), 2009, 186-196 (Tinbergen A)

"Something out of nothing? Neoclassical Growth and the "Trivial" Steady State", with Andreas Irmen (University of Heidelberg), Journal of Macroeconomics, 30(3), 2008, 1097-1103 (Tinbergen B)

"Umbrella Branding and the Provision of Quality," with Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26(2), 2008, 546-556 (Tinbergen B)

"Observable Reputation Trading," with Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim), International Economic Review, 48(2), 2007, 693–730 (Tinbergen A)

"The Long-Run Evolution of Technological Knowledge," with Andreas Irmen (University of Heidelberg), Economic Theory, 30(1), 2007, 171–180 (Tinbergen A)

"Regional Banks in a Globalized World," (in German) with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), Kredit und Kapital, 40(3), 2007, 351-380

"Is there a Need for a 'Strong Private German Bank'? On the Desirability of National Champions in the Banking Sector," (in German) with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), Kredit und Kapital, 39(2), 2006, 163–181

"The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks – A Role Model for Germany?" with Elena Carletti (Center for Financial Studies, Frankfurt) and Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 74(4), December 2005, 32–50

"Banks as Delegated Risk Managers," Journal of Banking and Finance, 28(10), 2004, 2399–2426 (Tinbergen B)

"From Poverty Measurement to the Measurement of Downside Risk," with Carsten Breitmeyer and Andreas Pfingsten (University of Münster), Mathematical Social Sciences, 47(3), 2004, 327–348

"Using Extreme Value Theory to Calculate the Value-at-Risk," with Sascha Wilkens, Finanz-Betrieb, December 2003, 821–829

"The Valuation of Defaultable Securities with Rating Transition Matrices," (in German) with Frank Altrock, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 15(2), 2001, 187–200


Hakenes, H: Banks as Delegated Risk Managers (in German), Dissertation Thesis. Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 2002.

Publications in Edited Volumes

"The Regulation of Credit Derivative Markets," with Isabel Schnabel, in "Macroeconomic Stability and Financial Regulation: Key Issues for the G20," eds. Mathias Dewatripont, Xavier Freixas and Richard Portes, 2009, 113-128. CEPR, London

"Kapitalabwanderung aus strukturschwachen Regionen -- ein Argument für regionale öffentliche Banken?" (in German), with Isabel Schnabel, in "Sparkassenhistorisches Symposium", ed. Thorsten Wehber, 2009, 84-88.

"The Impact of Basel II on the Risk Appetite of Large and Small Banks," (in German) with Isabel Schnabel, in "The Future of the Financial Services Industry in Germany," eds. Klaus-Peter Müller and Udo Steffen, 2008, 139-150. Frankfurt School Verlag, Frankfurt

"Poverty Measures as Downside Risk Measures: An Approach to Risk Measures that Dominate the Value-at-Risk," (in German) with Andreas Pfingsten, Carsten Breitmeyer, Frank Eggers, Christoph Rechtien and Sven Rieso, in Handbuch Risikomanagement, eds. Lutz Johanning and Bernd Rudolph, 2000, 85–110. Uhlenbruch Verlag, Bad Soden

"Measuring Downside Risk and Poverty: A Transfer of Concepts and Axioms," with Carsten Breitmeyer and Christoph Rechtien, in Proceedings of the Third International Stockholm Seminar on Risk Behavior and Risk Management, Volume I, Risk Assessment in Finance, Stockholm, 1999, 116–127

Unrefereed Publications

"The Advantages of Car Banks – Subsidiary Banks as Signals for Product Quality," (in German) Finanzierung Leasing Factoring, März 2004, 87–91

"Poverty and Risk," (in German) with Carsten Breitmeyer and Christoph Rechtien, Forschungsjournal der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 8(2), 1999, 9–11

Unpublished Research Papers

"The Birth and Burst of Asset Price Bubbles," with Zeno Enders (University of Bonn)

"Capital Market Frictions and Economic Geography," with Jan Kranich (University of Hannover)

"Bank Bonuses and Bail-out Guarantees," with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz)

"A Theory of Private Research Funding," with Karola Friedrici (University of Hannover)

"Information Disclosure, Intertemporal Risk Sharing, and Stock Prices," with Tri Vi Dang (University of Mannheim), SSRN 2009

"Regional Banks and Economic Development," with Reinhard H. Schmidt and Xie Ru (both University of Frankfurt), SSRN 2009

"Looting and Risk Shifting in Banking Crises," with John Boyd (University of Minnesota), EEA 2008

"The Politician and his Banker," with Christa Hainz (Ifo Institute), MPI Preprint 2008

"Competition, Risk-Shifting, and Public Bail-out Policies", with Reint Gropp (European Central Bank) and Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), SSRN 2007

"Bank Competition and Capital Regulation," with Isabel Schnabel (University of Mainz), SSRN 2007

"Money Market Derivatives and the Allocation of Liquidity Risk in the Banking Sector," with Falko Fecht (EBS), SSRN 2006

"Complementary Inputs and Ownership Change? An Information-Based Theory," with Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim)

"Risk Management, Financial Contagion, and Banking Regulation"

"Consumer Finance for Experience Goods"

"Creditor Conflicts, Coalitions, and Inverse Risk Shifting" (with Jochen Bigus)

Teile diesen Professor

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