Prof. Dr. TC Melewar

Professor - aktiv

Middlesex University London
Department of International Management and Innovation
Marketing und Strategie
corporate identity
international marketing
Ort / PLZ
+44 (0)20 8411 London
Middlesex University Hendon campus The Burroughs


Melewar, T C, Dinnie, Keith, Musa, Ghazali: National Branding and Integrated Marketing Communications- An ASEAN Perspective . In: International Marketing Review - 2010.
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C , Srivoravilai, Nopporn, Liu, Martin et al.: Value Marketing Through Corporate Reputation: An Empirical Investigation of Thai Hospitals. In: Journal of Marketing Management - 2010.
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Pickton, David, Gupta, Suraksha et al.: MNEs Executive Insights Into International Advertising Programme Standardisation. In: Journal of Marketing Communications - Vol 15 Iss 5 - 2009, S. 345 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0265-0487
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Bartholme, Roland: Adding New Dimensions to Corporate Identity Management and Corporate Communications: Exploring the Sensory Perspective. In: The Marketing Review - Vol. 9 No. 2 - 2009, S. 155 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 1469-347X
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Hayday, David, Cohen, Geraldine et al.: EU Enlargement: A Case Study of Branding Standardisation. In: Euromed Journal of Business - Vol. 3 Iss. 2 - 2008, S. 179 ff.
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C: Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation / T C Melewar (Hrsg.) - : Routledge, 2008.
ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-415-40527-0
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Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C: Contemporary Thoughts on Corporate Branding and Corporate Identity Management / T C Melewar (Hrsg.) - : Palgrave , 2008.
ISBN/ISSN: 9780230543140
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Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Karaosmanoglu, Elif: Seven Dimensions of Corporate Identity: A Categorisation from the Practitioners? Perspectives. In: European Journal of Marketing - Vol. 40, No. 7/8 - 2006, S. 846 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0309-0566
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C: Impact of Brand Websites on Brand Equity: A Review of Literature, Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda. In: International Journal of Market Research - Vol. 48, Iss. 5 - 2006, S. 575 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 1470-7853
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Karaosmanoglu, Elif, Patterson, Douglas: Corporate Identity: Concept, Components and Contribution. In: Journal of General Management - Vol. 31, No. 1 - 2005, S. 59 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0306-3070
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Vemmervik, Claes: International Advertising Strategy: A Review, Reassessment and Recommendation. In: Management Decisions - Vol. 42, No. 7 - 2004, S. 863 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0025-1747
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C: Determinants of the Corporate Identity Construct: A Review of Literature. In: Journal of Marketing Communications - Vol. 9, No. 3 - 2003, S. 195 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 1352-7266
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Walker, Christopher: Global Corporate Brand Building: Guidelines and Case Studies. In: Journal of Brand Management - Vol. 11, No. 2 - 2003, S. 157 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 1350-231X
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Balabanis, George, Mueller, Rene: The Relationship between Consumer Ethnocentrism and Human Values. In: Journal of Global Marketing - Vol. 15, No.3/4 - 2002, S. 7 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0891-1762
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Balabanis, George, Mueller, Rene: The Human Values? Lenses of Country of Origin Images: International Marketing Review. In: International Marketing Review - Vol. 19, No. 6 - 2002, S. 582 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0265-1335
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Saunders, John, Balmer, John: Cause, Effect and Benefits of a Standardised Corporate Visual Identity System of UK Companies Operating in Malaysia. In: European Journal of Marketing - Vol. 35, No 3/4 - 2001, S. 414 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0309-0566
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Balabanis, George, Diamantopoulos, Adamantios: The Impact of Nationalism, Patriotism and Internationalism on Consumer Ethnocentric Tendencies. In: Journal of International Business Studies - Vol. 32, Iss. 1 - 2001, S. 157 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0047-2506
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Saunders, John: Global Corporate Visual Identity Systems: Using an Extended Marketing Mix. In: European Journal of Marketing - Vol. 34, No 5/6 - 2000, S. 538 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0309-0566
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C, Saunders, John: International Corporate Visual Identity: Standardisation or Localisation. In: Journal of International Business Studies - Vol. 30, No. 3 - 1999, S. 583 ff.
(Third Quarter)
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C , Saunders, John: Global Corporate Visual Identity System: Standardisation, Control and Benefits. In: International Marketing Review: Special Issue on International Marketing Communications - Vol. 15, No. 4 - 1998, S. 291 ff.
ISBN/ISSN: 0265-1335
Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

Melewar, T C: Vollständige Publikationsübersicht / all publications - 1997.
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Beteiligte ZHAW-AutorInnen
T C Melewar

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