Prof. Dr. Michal Grajek

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Associate Professor, Director of Research
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Ort / PLZ
10178 Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
+49 (0) 30 212 31-0 (Zentrale)
+49 (0) 30 212 31-9 (Zentrale)

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • ESMT


Journal Publications

Grajek, M. (Forthcoming). Estimating Network Effects and Compatibility: Evidence from the Polish Mobile Market. Information Economics and Policy.

Beck, J., Grajek, M., and Wey, C. (Forthcoming). Estimating Level Effects in Diffusion of a New Technology: Barcode Scanning at the Checkout Counter. Applied Economics.

Grajek, M., and Kretschmer, T. (2009). Usage and Diffusion of Cellular Telephony, 1998-2004. International Journal of Industrial Organization 27(2): 238-249.

Clougherty, J., and Grajek, M. (2008). The Impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI: A New Institutional Analysis. Journal of International Business Studies 39(4): 613–633.

Grajek, M. (2003). Gender Pay Gap in Poland. Economics of Planning 36(1): 23–44.

Grajek, M. (2002). Combined Forecasts (in Polish with English summary). Przeglad Statystyczny 49(2): 69–81.

Other Publications

Friederiszick, H., Grajek, M., and Röller, L.-H. (2008). Analyzing the Relationship between Regulation and Investment in the Telecom Sector. ESMT White Paper WP–108–01.

Grajek, M. (2007). Mehr Handel dank Gütesiegel (ISO 9000 and Trade). WZB-Mitteilungen 115.

Working Papers

Clougherty, J. A., and Grajek, M. (2009). ISO 9000: New Form of Protectionism or Common Language in International Trade? ESMT Working Paper 09–006.

Grajek, M., and Röller, L.-H. (2009). Regulation and Investment in Network Industries: Evidence from European Telecoms. ESMT Working Paper 09–004.

Grajek, M., and Kretschmer, T. (2008). Critical Mass. ESMT Working Paper 08–004.

Teile diesen Professor

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