Prof. Dr. Thomas Royen

Professor - aktiv

Technische Hochschule Bingen
Fachbereich 2 - Technik, Informatik und Wirtschaft
Multiple Testprozeduren
Darstellung und effiziente Berechnung multivariater Wahrscheinlichkeiten
Ort / PLZ
55411 Bingen am Rhein
Berlinstr. 109
06721 409-935


Randomisierungstests zum Vergleich verbundener Stichproben, EDV in Medizin und Biologie 9 (1978), 104 - 106

Simultane Vergleiche sukzessiver Differenzen beobachteter Mittelwerte, EDV in Medizin und Biologie 12 (1981), 111 - 115

Multiple comparisons of polynomial distributions, Biometrical Journal 26 (1984), 319 - 332, Tafeln hieraus auch in "Statistische Methoden" von L. Sachs, Springer-Verlag

Eine verschärfte Holm-Prozedur zum Vergleich aller Mittelwertpaare, EDV in Medizin und Biologie 18 (1987), 45 - 49

An approximation for multivariate normal probabilities of rectangular regions, Statistics 18 (1987), 389 - 400

The maximum range test - an improved step down procedure for all pairwise comparisons, EDV in Medizin und Biologie 19 (1988), 58 - 63

Generalized maximum range tests for pairwise comparisons of several populations, Biometrical Journal 31 (1989), 905 - 929, siehe auch: Proceedings of the XVth International Biometric Conference, Budapest, 1990

Tables for studentized multivariate maximum ranges and their application, Biometrical Journal 32 (1990), 643 - 680

A probability inequality for ranges and its application to maximum range test procedures, Metrika 37 (1990), 145 - 154

Expansions for the multivariate chi-square distribution,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 38 (1991), 213 - 232

Multivariate gamma distributions with one-factorial correlation matrices and applications to the distribution of the multivariate range, Metrika 38 (1991), 299 - 315

On representation and computation of multivariate gamma distributions, in "Data Analysis and Statistical Inference" (1992), 201 - 216, Verlag Josef Eul

On some multivariate gamma distributions connected with spanning trees, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Tokyo) 46 (1994), 361 - 371, siehe auch im Standardwerk "Continuous Multivariate Distributions", Vol. 1, by S. Kotz et al., (2000), Wiley, New York

On some central and non-central multivariate chi-square distributions, Statistica Sinica 5 (1995), 373 - 397

"Multivariate gamma distributions", in "Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences", Update Volume 1 (1997), 419 - 425, Wiley

Integral representations and approximations for multivariate gamma distributions, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 59 (2007), 499 - 513

Integral representations for convolutions of non-central multivariate gamma distributions, arxiv:0704.0539 [math.ST]

Exact distribution of the sample variance from a gamma parent distribution, arxiv:0704.1415 [math.ST]

On the Laplace transform of some quadratic forms and the exact distribution of the sample variance from a gamma or uniform parent distribution, arxiv:0710.5749 [math.ST]

The exact distribution of the sample variance from bounded continuous random variables, arxiv:0810.1572[math.ST]

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