Prof. Alfred Steinherr

Professor - aktiv

Freie Universität Bozen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Ort / PLZ
39100 Bozen
Universitätsplatz 1
+39 0471 013180
+39 0471 013009

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

1968: First Prize of the B.A. Honours
1981: Premio San Vincent (with G. Basevi and G. Pecci)
1991: Third Prize, American Express Bank Review Award (with D. Gros)
1994: First Prize, American Express Bank Review Award (with D. Folkerts-Landau)
1992-1996: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Paolo Baffi Centre, Bocconi
University, Milan
1992-1997: Member of the Council of the European Economic Association
1997-2004: Treasurer of the European Economic Association
1998: Mérite éuropeen
1999: Chevalier de travail, Belgium
2002: Doctorat honoris causa, Université de Nancy, France
2004: Fellow, European Economic Association
2008: Honorary Chief Economist, European Investment Bank


International and Macroeconomics

“Europe’s Unemployment: No Policy Issue?”. Ifo Studien, no 1, 2000.

“Regional Monetary Units for East Asia” (with E. Girardin), ADB Institute, Tokyo, 2008

“A Great Leap Forward the Second Time Around: Thirty Years of Economic Reforms in China”, Wochenberichte, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin, 2008

“Monetary Frameworks and Exchange Rate Regimes” (with P. Alvarez-Plata), in: Asian Development Bank: Dealing with Multiple Currencies in Cambodia, Lao PR and Vietnam: The Scope for Regional Cooperation, Manila 2009

“European Monetary Cooperation: The Role of Small Countries” in: Asian Development Bank: Dealing with Multiple Currencies in Cambodia, Lao PR and Vietnam: The Scope for Regional Cooperation, Manila 2009

Books and monographs

Macroéconomie, (with G. Duchêne et P. Lenain), Pearson Education France, Coll. Synthex, Paris, 2009

Teile diesen Professor

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