Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Nicklisch

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
Volkswirtschaftslehre und Verhaltensökonomie
Experimentelle Ökonomie
Ort / PLZ
20146 Hamburg
von-Melle-Park 5



Experimental studies on strategic research and development, Berlin: Verlag dissertation.
de, 2006

Mikroökonomie (with E. Towfigh), Vertragstheorie (with N. Petersen) in ökonomische
Methoden im Recht, T¨ubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 35-70, 117-132

Journal articles
(in English)

The cooperation norms in multiple-stage punishment (with I. Wolff), forthcoming in
Journal of Public Economic Theory

Does collusive advertising facilitate collusive pricing? Evidence from experimental
duopolies, forthcoming in European Journal of Law and Economics

Leading with(out) sacrifice? A public-goods experiment with a privileged player (with
A. Glöckner, B. Irlenbusch, S. Kube & H.T. Normann), forthcoming in Economic Inquiry

Punishment despite reasonable doubt – A public goods experiment with uncertainty
over contributions (with K. Grechenig & C. Th¨oni), Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
7, 2010, 847-867

Implementation of the multiple-measure maximum likelihood strategy classification in
R (with M. Jekel & A. Gl¨ockner), Judgement and Decision Making 5, 2010, 54-63

Competition in product design: An experiment exploring innovation behavior (with
U. Cantner, W. G¨uth & T. Weiland), Metroeconomica 60, 2009, 724-752

The (de)composition of firms: Interdependent preferences of corporate actors, European
Business Organization Law Review 10, 2009, 291-305

Wage differentials and social comparison: An experimental study of interrelated ultimatum
bargaining (with D. Alewell), International Review of Law and Economics 29, 2009, 210-220

Ex interim voting: An experimental study of referendums for public good provision
(with S. Fischer), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 163, 2007, 56-74

Journal articles
(in German)

Analyse der subjektiven und objektiven Auswirkungen der Regeländerungen im Stabhochsprung (with B. Lobinger & T. Hohmann), Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 17, 2010, 12-20
Kein Gewinner - Betrachtungen zum Konflikt Israel-Palästina, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 29, 2003, 71-80

Recent Research Papers

Inequity aversion, reciprocity, and appropriateness in the ultimatum-revenge game, revise & resubmit in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Perceiving strategic environments: An experimental study of learning under minimal
information, revise & resubmit in Theory and Decision

Reciprocity and status in a virtual field experiment (with T.Salz), under submission


European Journal of Law and Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics,
International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
Journal of Political Economy, Metroeconomica

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