Prof. Dr. habil. Tom Brökel

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Professor in Regional Innovation
University of Stavanger
Business School
Angewandte Regional- und Wirtschaftsgeographie
Industrie- und Innovationsökonomik
Ort / PLZ


Articles in peer-reviewed international journals

  1. Graf, H. & Broekel, T. (2020) A shot in the dark? Policy influence on cluster networks, Research Policy, (pdf)
  2. von Bloh, J., Broekel, T., Özgun, B., & Sternberg, R. (2019). New(s) data for entrepreneurship research? An innovative approach to use Big Data on media coverage.Small Business Economics. (pdf)
  3. Broekel, T. (2019). Using structural diversity to measure the complexity of technologies. PLoS ONE, 14(5), 1–27. (pdf)
  4. Bednarz, M. & Broekel, T. (2019), The relationship of policy induced R&D networks and inter-regional knowledge diffusion Journal of Evolutionary Economics, (pdf).
  5. Broekel, T. & Bednarz, M. (2018), Disentangling link formation and dissolution in spatial networks: An application of a two-mode STERGM to a project-based R&D network in the German biotechnology industry Networks and Spatial Economics, 18(3), 677-704, (pdf)
  6. Gardt, M. & Broekel, T. & Gareis, P. & Litmeyer, M-L (2018), Einfluss von Windenergieanlagen auf die Entwicklung des Tourismus in Hessen, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 62(1), (pdf)
  7. Broekel, T. and Rogge, N. and Brenner, T. (2018), The innovation efficiency of German regions – a shared-input DEA approach, Review of Regional Research, 38:77-109(pdf)
  8. Broekel, T. and Mueller, W. (2018), Critical links in knowledge networks – What about proximities and gatekeeper organisations? Industry & Innovation, 25(10):919-939 (pdf)
  9. Roesler, C. and Broekel, T. (2017), The role of universities in a network of subsidized R&D collaboration: The case of the biotechnology-industry in Germany, Review of Regional Research, 37(2):135-160 (pdf)
  10. Menzel, M-P and Feldman and Broekel, T. (2017), Institutional Change and Network Evolution: Explorative and Exploitative Tie Formations of Co-Inventors During the Dot-com Bubble in the Research Triangle Region, Regional Studies, 51(8):1179-1191 (pdf)
  11. Mewes, L. and Broekel, T. (2017), Unrelated und Related Variety im Kontext öffentlicher F&E: empirische Evidenz aus deutschen Arbeitsmarktregionen, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 61(1):23-37 (pdf)
  12. Broekel, T. and Brachert, M. and Duschl, M. and Brenner, T. (2017), Joint R and D subsidies, related variety, and regional innovation, International Regional Science Review, 40(3): 297-326 (pdf).
  13. Radin, R. and Broekel, T. and Khanh, T. and Proochista, A. (2016), Analyzing Demand-Side Efficiency in Global Health: An Application to Maternal Care in Vietnam, Health Policy and Planning, 31 (9): 1281-1290 (pdf)
  14. Stuck, J., Broekel, T., Revilla Diez, J. (2016), Network structures in Regional Innovation Systems, European Planning Studies, 24(3): 423-442 (pdf)
  15. Breul, M., Broekel, T., Brachert, M. (2015), Die räumliche Evolution der Photovoltaik-Industrie in Deutschland: Emergenz und Clusterung neuer Branchen, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 59(3):133-150 (pdf)
  16. Broekel, T. and Alfken, C. (2015), Gone with the wind? The impact of wind turbines on tourism demand, Energy Policy, 86:506-519 (pdf)
  17. Broekel, T. and Brachert, M. (2015), The Structure and Evolution of Intersectoral Technological Complementarity in R&D in Germany from 1990 to 2011, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25(4):755-785 (pdf).
  18. Broekel, T.; Fornahl, D; Morrison, A. (2015), Another cluster premium : Innovation subsidies and R & D collaboration networks. Research Policy, 44(8):1431–1444 (pdf).
  19. Broekel, T. (2015), The co-evolution of proximities – a network level study. Regional Studies, 49(6):921-935 (pdf).
  20. Broekel, T. (2015), Do cooperative R&D subsidies stimulate regional innovation efficiency? Evidence from Germany. Regional Studies, 49(7):1087-1110 (pdf).
  21. Broekel, T. and Buerger, M. and Brenner, T. (2015), An investigation of the relation between cooperation and the innovative success of German regions. Spatial Economic Analysis, 10(1):52-78 (pdf).
  22. Alfken, C. and Broekel, T. and Sternberg, R. (2014), Factors explaining the spatial agglomeration of the Creative Class – Empirical evidence for German artists. European Planning Studies, 23(12):2438-2463 (pdf).
  23. Broekel, T. and Balland, P.-A. and Burger, M. and van Oort, F. (2014), Modeling knowledge networks in economic geography: A discussion of four empirical strategies. Annals of Regional Science, 53(2): 423-452, DOI:10.1007/s00168-014-0616-2 (pdf).
  24. Broekel, T. and Hartog, M. (2013), Explaining the structure of inter-organizational networks using exponential random graph models Industry and Innovation, 20(3):277-295 (pdf).
  25. Binder, M. and Broekel, T. (2012), The Neglected Dimension of Well-Being: Analyzing the Development of “Conversion Efficiency” in Great Britain. Journal of Socio-Economics, 41(1): 37-47 (pdf).
  26. Broekel, T. (2012), Collaboration intensity and regional innovation efficiency in Germany – A conditional efficiency approach. Industry and Innovation, 19(3): 155-179 (pdf).
  27. Broekel, T. and Graf, H. (2012), Public research intensity and the structure of German R&D networks: A comparison of ten technologies. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21(4): 345-372 (pdf).
  28. Binder, M. and Broekel, T. (2011), Happiness no matter the cost? An examination on how efficiently individuals reach their happiness levels. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13(4):621-645 (pdf).
  29. Fornahl, D. and Broekel, T. and Boschma, R. (2011), What drives patent performance of German biotech firms? The impact of R&D subsidies, knowledge networks and their location. Papers in Regional Science, 90(2): 395-418 (pdf).
  30. Broekel, T. and Boschma, R. (2012), Knowledge Networks in the Dutch Aviation Industry – The Proximity Paradox. Journal of Economic Geography, 12 (2): 409-433 (pdf).
  31. Broekel, T. and Boschma, R. (2011), Aviation, Space or Aerospace? Exploring the knowledge networks of two industries in the Netherlands. European Planning Studies, 19(7): 1205-1227 (pdf).
  32. Binder, M. and Broekel, T. (2011), Applying A Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis to Measure Conversion Efficiency in Great Britain. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 12(2): 257-281 (pdf).
  33. Coad, A. and Broekel, T. (2012), Firm Growth and Productivity Growth: Evidence from a Panel VAR. Applied Economics, 40(12):1251-1269 (pdf).
  34. Brenner, T. and Broekel, T. (2011), Methodological Issues in Measuring Innovation Performance of Spatial Units. Industry and Innovation, 18(11):7:37 (pdf).
  35. Buerger, M., Broekel, T., and Coad, A. (2012), Regional Dynamics of Innovation – Investigating the Co-Evolution of Patents, R&D, and Employment. Regional Studies, 46(5):565-582 (pdf).
  36. Broekel, T. and Brenner, T. (2011), Regional Factors and Innovativeness – An Empirical Analysis of Four German Industries. The Annals of Regional Science, 47(1):169-194 (pdf).
  37. Broekel, T. and M. Binder (2007), The Regional Dimension of Knowledge Transfers: a Behavioral Approach. Industry and Innovation, 14 (2):151-175 (pdf).


  1. Broekel, T. (2016), Wissens- und Innovationsgeographie in der Wirtschaftsförderung – Grundlagen für die Praxis, Springer Gabler, 125 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-658-13934-6 (pdf).

Book chapters

  1. Abassiharofteh, M., & Broekel, T. (2019). Toward a comprehensive measure of socio-cultural diversity : the case of Germany. In F. Abassiharofteh, Milad; Baier, Jessica; Göb, Angelina; Thimm, Insa; Eberth, Andreas; Knaps, Falco; Larjosto, Vilja; Zebner (Ed.), Räumliche Transformation – Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns (pp. 93–104). Hannover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung. (pdf)
  2. Broekel T., Graf H. (2019) Innovationspolitik und Netzwerke. In: Stember J., Fink A., Pongratz P., Vogelgesang M. (eds) Handbuch Innovative Wirtschaftsförderung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, (pdf)
  3. Broekel, T. and Hartog, M. (2013), Determinants of cross-regional R&D collaboration networks: an application of exponential random graph models. in: The geography of networks and R&D collaborations, Advances in Spatial Science, Springer (pdf).
  4. Witt, U., T. Broekel and T. Brenner (2012), Knowledge and its Economic Characteristics: a Conceptual Clarification. In: R. Arena, A. Festré and N. Lazaric (eds.), Handbook of Economics and Knowledge. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Previously as Jena Economic Research Papers, #2007-013 (pdf).

Articles in national journals

  1. Brökel, T. and Sternberg, R. (2012), Wider die geographisch zu enge Erfassung der Netzwerke deutscher Humangeographen – Kommentar zur Netzwerkanalyse von Steinbrink et al., Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde 86(4): 369-375 (pdf).
  2. Bennat, T., Broekel, T., Sternberg, R. (2019), Zur Messung der Nutzung regionaler Potenziale beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien. Eine empirische Analyse deutscher Landkreise, Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning

Introductions to special issues

  1. Brenner, T. and Broekel, T. (2019), Evolutionary economics and policy: Introduction to the special issue, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, (pdf).

Articles in none peer-reviewed international journals

  1. Broekel, T. and Boschma, R. (2016), The cognitive and geographical structure of knowledge links and how they influence firms’ innovation performance, Regional Statistics 6(2):3-26 (pdf). Also available as Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography, # 11.18 (pdf).

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