Prof. Igor Goncharov

Professor - aktiv

Lancaster University Management School
Accounting and Finance
Financial reporting and business decisions
Fair value accounting
Use of accounting information in dividend policy and taxation
International issues in accounting
Ort / PLZ
LA1 4YX Lancaster
Lancaster Univesity Management School
+44 (0)1524 593642


Selected Publications

Fair Value and Audit Fees (2013), Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming (co-authored with Edward J. Riedl and Thorsten Sellhorn).

Do Fair Value Adjustments Influence Dividend Policy? (2011), Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 41 (1), pp. 51-68 (co-authored with Sander van Triest).

Measuring and Reporting Income in Europe (2011), Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 27-59 (co-authored with Allan C. Hodgson).

Does Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code have an Impact on Stock Valuation? An Empirical Analysis (2006), Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol. 14 (5), pp. 430-443 (co-authored with Jörg R. Werner and Jochen Zimmermann).

Current Working Papers

Accrual Accounting and Tax Revenues (co-authored with Martin Jacob).

Fair Value Accounting, Dividends, and Agency Costs: Unintended Consequences of Changing Accounting Standards (co-authored with Sander van Triest).

Stale and Scale Effects in Markets-Based Accounting Research: Evidence from the Valuation of Dividends (co-authored with David Veenman).

Reassessing the Role of Book-Tax Conformity (co-authored with Jörg R. Werner).

Does Reporting Timeliness Affect Book-Tax Differences?

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