Prof. Dr. Judith Eidems

Professor - aktiv

Europäische Fachhochschule Rhein/Erft GmbH
Prozesse innerhalb des internationalen Personalmanagements
Strategisches Personalmanagement
Die Rolle von Personalmanagern im Unternehmen
Vergütung von Führungskräften
Ort / PLZ
50321 Brühl
Kaiserstraße 6


Festing, M., & Eidems, J. 2011. A Process Perspective on Transnational HRM Systems - A Dynamic Capability-based Analysis. Human Resource Management Review 21: 162-173.

Eidems, J. 2010. Globale Standardisierung und lokale Anpassung im internationalen Personalmanagement - Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse auf Basis der Dynamic Capabilities Perspektive, München und Mering: Hampp.

Festing, M., & Eidems, J. 2009. Transnationale Personalmanagementsysteme – Prozessanalyse auf Basis der Dynamic-Capabilities-Perspektive und Fallstudie. In S. Schmid (Ed.), Management der Internationalisierung: 369-394. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Festing, M., Eidems, J., & Royer, S. 2008. Compensation strategies in multinational enterprises - the impact of resource dependencies. In M. Festing, & S. Royer (Eds.), Current issues in international human resource management and strategy research: 119-140. München and Mering: Hampp.

Festing, M., Eidems, J., & Kashubskaya-Kimpelainen, E. 2008. Leadership behavior of Western European expatriates in Moscow: transfer of Western leadership styles or adaptation to the Russian context? A roundtable presentation on the challenges of identifying and using networks in Russia, Hungary, Argentina and India, Academy of International Business. Milano, Italy

Festing, M., Eidems, J. & Royer, S. 2007. Strategic issues and local constraints in transnational compensation strategies: An analysis of cultural, institutional and political influences. European Management Journal, 25(2): 181-131.

Festing, M., & Eidems, J. 2007. Transnational perspectives on HRM systems - A dynamic capability-based analysis of the balance between global standardization and local adaptation. Paper nominated 2nd runner-up for Best Paper Award, 9th Conference on International Human Resource Management. Tallinn, Estonia.

Festing, M., Eidems, J., Royer, S., & Kullak, F. 2006. When in Rome pay as the Romans Pay? Considerations about a transnational compensation strategy for executives. Paper presented at the IFSAM-Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Festing, M., Eidems, J., & Müller, B. 2006. Explaining essentials and limits of variable pay in multinational enterprises. Paper presented at the Workshop on Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Research, Toulouse, France

Festing, M., Eidems, J., Royer, S., & Kullak, F. 2006. When in Rome pay as the Romans Pay? Considerations about a transnational compensation strategy for managers. Working Paper Nr. 22. Berlin: ESCP-EAP Europäische Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin.

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