Prof. Dr. Georg Wamser

Doktor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Ort / PLZ
72074 Tübingen
Melanchthonstr. 30
+49 - (0) 70 71 - 29 - 7 54 23
+49 - (0) 70 71 - 29 - 55 90


Publications in refereed journals

Effects of the Endogenous Scope of Preferentialism on International Goods Trade,
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions), 2013, forthcoming (with Peter Egger)

The Impact of Thin-capitalization Rules on External Debt Usage - A Propensity Score Matching Approach, Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 2013, forthcoming

Bilateral Internal Debt Financing and Tax Planning of Multinational Firms,
Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting, 2013, forthcoming (with Michael Overesch)

Multiple Faces of Preferential Market Access: Their Causes and Consequences,
Economic Policy 28(73), 2013, 145-187 (with Peter Egger)

Internal Debt and Multinationals’ Profit Shifting – Empirical Evidence from
Firm-Level Panel Data, National Tax Journal 66, 2013, 63-95 (with Thiess Büttner)

The Lisbon Agenda and Innovation-oriented Cohesion Policy: A New Challenge for
Economic Integration among the EU Regions, Journal of Economic Integration 28(1), 2013, 37-59 (with Chang Woon Nam and Alina Schoenberg)

The Impact of Thin-Capitalization Rules on the Capital Structure of Multinational Firms,
Journal of Public Economics 96, 2012, 930-938 (with Thiess Büttner, Michael Overesch and Ulrich Schreiber)

Foreign (In)Direct Investment and Corporate Taxation, Canadian Journal of Economics 44(4), 2011, 1497-1524

Tax Status and Tax Response Heterogeneity of Multinationals’ Debt Finance, FinanzArchiv 67(2), 2011, 103-122 (with Thiess Büttner and Michael Overesch)

Corporation Taxes and the Debt Policy of Multinational Firms – Evidence for German Multinationals, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 81(12), 1325-1339, 2011 (with Thiess Büttner, Michael Overesch and Ulrich Schreiber)

The Effects of Company Taxation in EU Accession Countries on German FDI, Economics of Transition 18(3), 2010, 429-457 (with Michael Overesch)

Corporate Tax Planning and Thin-Capitalization Rules: Evidence from a Quasi- Experiment,
Applied Economics 42, 2010, 563-573 (with Michael Overesch)

Going Multinational: What are the Effects on Home Market Performance? German Economic Review 11(2), 2010, 188-207 (with Robert Jäckle)

Taxation and Capital Structure Choice – Evidence from a Panel of German Multinationals, Economics Letters 105(3), 2009, 309-311 (with Thiess Büttner, Michael Overesch and Ulrich Schreiber)

The Impact of Non-Profit Taxes on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from German Multinationals,International Tax and Public Finance 16(3), 2009, 298-320 (with Thiess Büttner)

Who Cares about Corporate Taxation? Asymmetric Tax Effects on Outbound FDI, The World Economy 32(12), 2009, 1657-1684 (with Michael Overesch)

Books & other publications

Neutralitätsverletzungen in der Besteuerung von Kapitaleinkommen – Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse des deutschen Steuersystems, Mohr/Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012 (with Thiess Büttner, Anja Hönig, Chang Woon Nam and Michael Stimmelmayr)

Selektion in und Effekte von endogenen ökonomischen Integrationsabkommen, Strukturberichterstattung Nr. 47/4, Hrsg. vom Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (Seco), Bern, 2011 (with Peter Egger)

Essays on Behavioral Responses of Multinational Enterprises to International Taxation, Inaugural-Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, 2009

Policy contributions

Application of Regionally Varying Additionality Degrees in the Practice of EU
Cohesion Policy, CESifo Forum 2011/4 (with Chang Woon Nam)

Der Nutzen unterschiedlicher Arten von internationalen Wirtschaftsabkommen,
KOF Analysen, Sommer 2011, 75-84 (with Peter Egger)

Nutzen unterschiedlicher Arten von bilateralen Abkommen, Die Volkswirtschaft (Journal for Economic Policy) 4-2011, 84. Jahrgang, 7-10 (with Peter Egger)

Kofinanzierung im Rahmen der EU-Regionalpolitik, Ökonomenstimme (Platform
for German-speaking Economists), June 2010 (with Chang Woon Nam)

Teile diesen Professor

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