Prof. Dr. phil. Monika Schädler

Professor - aktiv

Hochschule Bremen
University of Applied Sciences
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas
Ort / PLZ
28199 Bremen
Werderstraße 73
+49 421 5905 4123
+49 421 5905 4761


(with R. Krieg), "The Grey Wave: Old Age and Old-Age Security in China", in: Nord-Süd aktuell, Jg.XIV, Nr.1, 2000, p.127-137 (in German)

"Facing Unemployment and Depravation: Presence and Future of China’s Social Security", in: G. Schubert (ed.), China – Society in Transition Towards the 21 st Century , Hamburg 2001, p.267-296 (in German)

(with M. Eickhoff, R. Krieg, C. Krüger), "The gender-aspect in business cooperation: Situation and perceptions of female managers in German funded enterprises in China", in: M. Schüller (ed.), Structural Changes in German-Chinese Relations. Analysis und Reports , Hamburg 2003, pp. 154-177 (in German)

(with J. Freimuth), "Problems of developing identity in Sino-German joint ventures", in: Chistian Scholz (ed.), Developing identity: Implications for global companies and regions, München: Hampp Publishers, 2005, pp. 109-130 (in German)

(with J. Freimuth, R. Krieg), "Cultural Conflicts in Sino-German Joint-ventures – the Introduction of Concepts of Human Resource Management", in: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung , 19.Jg., Heft 2, 2005, p.159-180 (in German)

(with J. Freimuth, R. Krieg), "Forms of Conflict Regulation in Sino-German Joint-ventures", in: Personalführung , Heft 7, 2005, pp. 46-54 (in German)

"Human resource management in Sino-German joint ventures – changes, attitudes and expectations", in: Chan Kwok Bun and Leo Douw (eds.), Conflict and Innovation. Joint Ventures in China , Leiden: Brill Publishers 2006, pp.159-185

(with German Chamber of Commerce in China, Beijing, eds.), Beyond Everyday Business. Corporate Social Responsibility, Beijing , 2007, 40 pp.

(with R. Krieg, A. Claussen, T. Erlewein), "The Importance of socially responsible behaviour for human resource management”, in: China Contact , June 2007, p.44-45 (in German) = (mit R. Krieg, A. Claussen, T. Erlewein), "Ein "offenes Ohr” des Chefs zählt viel. Bedeutung sozial verantwortlichen Handelns in der Personalführung” , in: China Contact, June 2007, pp. 44-45 (1015192 Byte)

"The hard way towards the ‚harmonious society’", in: politische ökologie, 110, June 2008, pp.16-19 (in German)

(with C. Müller), "Restriction and development of valuable knowledge in China: Handling of company secrets in China", in: China Contact, November 2009, pp. 46-48 (in German)

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