Prof. Dr. Katrin Talke

Professor - aktiv

Technische Universität Berlin
Innovationsmanagement und -marketing: Markteinführung und Kommerzialisierung von Innovationen
Design neuer Produkte
Corporate Entrepreneurship und Entrepreneurship: Innovationsfelder
Corporate Mindset
Ort / PLZ
10623 Berlin
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Tätigkeit an Business Schools

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Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen (Stand 03/2012)

Veröffentlichungen in referierten Zeitschriften

Schultz, C./Salomo, S./Talke, K.: Portfolio Innovativeness: How Differences in Scale Width and Assessor Perspectives affect its Nature and Relationship with Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management (im Druck).

Talke, K./Snelders, D.: Information in Launch Messages: Stimulating the Adoption of New High-Tech Consumer Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management (im Druck).

Heidenreich, S./Talke, K.: Tarifwahl-Anomalien bei optionalen Mobilfunktarifen – Eine Analyse der Ursachen von Flatrate -Präferenz und Flatrate - Bias, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (im Druck).

Talke, K./O’Connor, G.: Conveying Effective Message Content when Launching New Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (6): 943-956.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Kock, A.: Top Management Team Diversity and Strategic Innovation Orientation: The Relationship and Consequences for Innovativeness and Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (6): 819-832.

Hultink, E.J./Talke, K./Griffin, A./Veldhuizen, E.: The Role of Data Quality in Efficient NPD Information Processing, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 58 (2):199 -211.

Schifferstein, H./Talke, K./Oudshoorn, D.:Can Ambient Scent Enhance the Nightlife Experience? Chemosensory Perception, 4 (1/2): 55-64.

Talke, K./Hultink, E.J.: Managing Diffusion Barriers When Launching New Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management 27(4): 537-553.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Rost, K.: How Top Management Team Diversity affects Innovativeness and Performance via the Strategic Choice to focus on Innovation Fields, Research Policy 39(7): 907-918.

Talke, K./Hultink, E.J.: The Impact of the Corporate Mindset on New Product Launch Strategy and Market Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27 (2):220-237.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J./Lutz, A.: What about Design Newness? Investigating the Relevance of a Neglected Dimension of Product Innovativeness Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26 (6):601-615.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: Launching Technological Innovations: The Relevance of a Stakeholder Perspective, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 4 (2/3):248-274.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Strecker, N.: Innovation Field Orientation and its Effect on Innovativeness and Firm Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management,
25 (6):507-592.

Salomo, S./Brinckmann, J./Talke, K.: Functional Management Competence and Growth of Young Technology-Based Firms, Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, 17(3):186-203.

Talke, K.: How a Corporate Mindset drives Product Innovativeness, B/Prof. Dr. habil. Katrin TalkeZeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 77 (Special Issue 02/07):45-68.

Talke, K.: Corporate Mindset of Innovating Firms - Influences on New Product Performance, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 24 (1/2):76-91

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Trommsdorff, V.: Markteinführung von Innovationen: Überwindung von Diffusionsbarrieren, Die Unternehmung, 61(2):125-155.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Mensel, N.: A Competence-Based Model of Initiatives for Innovations, Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, 15(4):373-384.

Monographien / Beiträge in Sammelwerken / Weitere Veröffentlichungen

Talke, K./Fritzmann, K.: Innovation durch Design, in: Albers, S./Gassmann, O. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Technologie-und Innovationsmanagement. Strategie -Umsetzung -Controlling (eingeladener Beitrag, in Vorbereitung).

Sattler, H./Talke, K.: Präferenzforschung für Innovationen, in: Albers, S./Gassmann, O. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Technologie-und Innovationsmanagement. Strategie - Umsetzung -Controlling (eingeladener Beitrag, in Vorbereitung).

Talke, K./Hultink, E.J.: Launch Strategies, in: Bayus, B. (Hrsg.) Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing; Product Innovation & Management Volume (eingeladener Beitrag, im Druck).

Talke, K.: Was sag’ ich meinen Kunden? Kommunikationsbotschaften, die den Kauf neuer Produkte stimulieren, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Der Innovationsmanager 1 (4): 44-45.

Salomo, S./Brinckmann, J./Talke, K.: Funktionale Managementkompetenzen und Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit junger Technologieunternehmen, in: Raich, M./Pechlander, H./Hinterhuber, H.H. (Hrsg.) Entrepreneurial Leadership, Wiesbaden, 191-213.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: Management von Initiativen für Innovationen in KMUs, in: Schwarz, E.J./Harms, R. (Hrsg.), Integriertes Ideenmanagement: Betriebliche und Überbetriebliche Aspekte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung kleiner und junger Unternehmen, 249-266.

Talke, K.: Einführung von Innovationen – Marktorientierte strategische und operative Aktivitäten als kritische Erfolgsfaktoren, DUV, Wiesbaden.

Präsentationen auf Konferenzen mit Begutachtungsprozess

Heidenreich, S./Talke, K.:Why Innovations Fail-Investigating The Relevance of Resistance to Change and Status Quo Satisfaction for Innovative Consumer Behavior, 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft.

Heidenreich, S./Talke, K.: Resistance to Innovation-No Exception, but the Norm? How Passive Innovation Resistance affects new Product Evaluation,18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: Sales Performance Effects of Product Innovativeness across the Product Lifecycle, 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference,Köln.

Talke, K./Heidenreich, S.: Resistance and Rejection – Integrating Negative Outcomes in Innovation-Decision Models, 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Kopenhagen.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: How Technical Newness Predicts Sales across the Product Lifecycle, 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Kopenhagen.

Reichl, C./Schönrok, J./Talke, K.: International Launch of Innovations: The Relevance of Stakeholders, 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Kopenhagen.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Rost, K.: How Top Management Team Diversity Affects Firm Innovativeness and Performance via the Strategic Choice to Focus on Innovation Fields, 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia, Nominiert für Best Paper Award.

Talke, K./Heidenreich, S.: Resistance to Innovations –Including Negative Decisions in Adoption Theory, 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia.

Reichl, C./Schönrok, J./Talke, K.: The Role of Stakeholder Interaction for Successfully Launching New Products Internationally, 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia.

Hedemann, L. /Gemser, G./Talke, K.: Innovative or Imitative Design for NPD Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Danish Furniture Industry, 17th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia.

Schultz, C./Salomo, S./Talke, K.: Portfolio Innovativeness -How Respondents’ Functional Backgrounds Influence its Assessment and what that Implies for its Performance Impact, 11. Fachtagung der TIM Kommission der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Aachen.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: Product Innovativeness and Sales Performance: How the Influence of Design Newness and Technical Newness differs across the Product Lifecycle, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: “Vorsprung durch Technik” The Relevance of Technical Newness across the Product Lifecycle, 16th International Product Development Management Conference Twente.

Talke, K./Snelders, D.: Addressing Customer Information Needs in Launch Messages: How to Stimulate the Adoption of New Products, 16th International Product Development Management Conference, Twente.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: Innovative Technology or Novel Design? The Impact of two Disparate Dimensions of Product Innovativeness on Sales across the Product Lifecycle, VHB Conference, Nürnberg.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Wieringa, J.: Comparing the Impact of Design Newness and Technical Newness on Sales across the Product Lifecycle, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Lutz, A.: Investigating the Performance Impact of Newness from a Design Perspective, 15th International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg, Best Paper Award.

Talke, K./O’Connor, G.: Which Message Content should be Conveyed when Launching a New Product, 15th International Product Development Management Conference, Hamburg.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Strecker, N.: Managing Multiple Innovation Projects: Innovation Field Orientation, Innovativeness, and Firm Performance, 37th European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton.

Salomo, S./Brinckmann, J./Talke, K.: Functional Management Competence and Growth of Young Technology-Based Firms, 4th Conference of Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship, Klagenfurt, Best Paper Award

Talke, K.: Launching New Products under High Uncertainty with the Support of Multiple Stakeholders, The R&D Management Conference 2007, Bremen.

Talke, K./Hultink, E.J.: Setting the Stage for Effective New Product Launch Strategy –The Impact of the Corporate Mindset, 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Strecker, N.: Innovation Strategy -Investigating the Performance Effects of Innovativeness, Distance to Core Business, Driver of Innovation, and Innovation Field Orientation, 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, Nominiert für Best Paper Award.

Lutz, A./Talke, K./Salomo, S.: Decomposing the Degree of Innovativeness
- A Formative Measurement Approach, 36th European Marketing Academy
Conference, Reykjavik.

Talke, K./Hultink, E.J.: The Impact of the Corporate Mindset on New Product Launch Strategy and Market Performance, 36th European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: Investigating the Effect of the Corporate Mindset on Innovation Output, 8. Fachtagung der TIM Kommission der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Wien.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: The Corporate Mindset as Critical Determinant of Innovation Output, 26th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Wien.

Talke, K.: Managing Diffusion Barriers when Launching New Products, 2006 Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta.

Weise, J./Salomo, S./Talke, K.: Reflective versus Formative Measurement Model Specification: Applying the Tetrad Test, 2006 Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta.

Talke, K./Salomo, S./Kleinschmidt, E.: New product launch: There is more to it than lowering customer adoption barriers, 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athen.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: The Corporate Mindset as Critical Determinant of Innovation Success, 2. Annual Conference on Corporate Strategy, Berlin.

Talke, K./Salomo, S.: Management von Initiativen für Innovationen in KMUs, 3. Tagung „Entrepreneurship in Theorie und Praxis“, Klagenfurt.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Trommsdorff, V.: Performance Effects of Market Launch Activities –the Moderating Effect of Product Innovativeness, 12th International Product Development Management Conference, Kopenhagen.

Salomo, S./Talke, K./Trommsdorff, V.: Erfolgsfaktoren der Einführung von Innovationen -Eine marktorientierte Perspektive, 6. Fachtagung der TIM Kommission der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Bremen.

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