Veranstaltungen Detail

Info Veranstaltung/Information Day CAS Tax Compliance Management for Financial Institutions


Erfahren Sie am 28. März 2017 wissenswerte Details dieses Lehrganges und
lernen Sie die Studienleitung kennen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

You will be informed on 28 March 2017 about all details of this degree
programme. You will meet the head of the studies. We are delighted to
meet you.

This course provides participants with specific skills on tax
compliance management related to banks, insurance companies, family
offices, asset managers, and similar financial services providers.

The course covers tax and current regulatory developments and the impact
on the internal compliance system of financial institutions.

If you have any question to our study programme, come and visit this
information day. After the information an apéro will take place


Time Bar/Lounge
Bahnhofplatz 15
8001 Zürich


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