Prof. Dr. Anke Gerber

Professor - aktiv

Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
Mikroökonomische Theorie und Experimente
Ort / PLZ
20146 Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5


Publikationen in referierten Zeitschriften

"Risk and Preference Reversals in Intertemporal Choice" (joint with Kirsten Rohde), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76, 2010, 654-668.

"Rational Investor Sentiment in a Repeated Stochastic Game with Imperfect Monitoring" (joint with Thorsten Hens and Bodo Vogt), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76, 2010, 669-704.

"Dynamic General Equilibrium and T-Period Fund Separation" (joint with Thorsten Hens and Peter Woehrmann), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 45, 2010, 369-400.

"Iterated Reasoning and Welfare Enhancing Instruments in the Centipede Game" (joint with Philipp Wichardt), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 74, 2010, 123-136.

"Providing Public Goods in the Absence of Strong Institutions" (joint with Philipp Wichardt), Journal of Public Economics, 93, 2009, 429-439.

"Direct versus Intermediated Finance: an Old Question and a New Answer," European Economic Review, 52, 2008, 28-54.

"A Note on the Impossibility of a Satisfactory Concept of Stability for Coalition Formation Games" (joint with Salvador Barberà), Economics Letters 95, 2007, 85-90.

"Evolutionary Choice of Markets" (joint with Marc Oliver Bettzüge), Economic Theory, 30, 2007, 453-472.

"Bargaining Solutions at Work: Qualitative Differences in Policy Implications" (joint with Thorsten Upmann), Mathematical Social Sciences, 52, 2006, 162-175.

"Reference Functions and Solutions to Bargaining Problems with and without Claims," Social Choice and Welfare 24, 2005, 527-541.

"On Coalition Formation: Durable Coalition Structures" (joint with Salvador Barberà), Mathematical Social Sciences 45, 2003, 185-203.

"Coalition Formation in General NTU Games," Review of Economic Design 5, 2000, 149-175.

"The Nash Solution and the Utility of Bargaining: A Corrigendum," Econometrica 67, 1999, 1239-1240.

"Political Compromise and Endogenous Formation of Coalitions" (joint with Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin), Social Choice and Welfare 15, 1998, 445-454.

Working Paper

"On the Private Provision of Intertemporal Public Goods with Stock Effects" (joint with Phlipp C. Wichardt), August 2010, Available at SSRN:

"Eliciting Discount Functions when Baseline Consumption changes over Time" (joint with Kirsten Rohde), February 2010, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 09-103/1. Available at SSRN:

"Learning in and about Games," Working Paper No. 234, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich, September 2006.

"Modelling Alpha-Opportunities within the CAPM" (joint with Thorsten Hens), NCCR-Finrisk Working Paper No. 317, July 2006.

"The Nash Solution and the Utility of Bargaining: A Corrigendum," 1998, mimeo.

"An Extension of the Raiffa-Kalai-Smorodinsky Solution to Bargaining Problems with Claims," IMW Working Paper No. 273, June 1997, Bielefeld University.

"The Nash Solution as a von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Function on Bargaining Games," IMW Working Paper No. 244, August 1995, Bielefeld University. Revised version March 1998, mimeo, Bielefeld University.

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