Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer

Professor - aktiv

Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
Mikroökonomie mit Schwerpunkt Industrieökonomik
Contract Theory
Industrial Organization
Personnel and Organizational Economics
Law & Economics
Behavioral Economics
Economics of Sports and Environmental Economics
Ort / PLZ
20146 Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5


Recent Publications

Sequential location games. RAND Journal of Economics, 42(4), 639–663, 2011. (with S. Loertscher)

Screenig in courts: On the joint use of negligence and causation standards. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 27(2), 350–375, 2011. (with E. Feess and A. Wohlschlegel.

How often should you open the door? Optimal monitoring to screen heterogeneous agents. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 67, 820–831, 2008. (with A. Ichino)

Black sheep and walls of silence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 65, 387–408, 2008. (with A. Roider)

Global and local players in a model of spatial competition. Economics Letters, 98(1),100–106, 2008. (with S. Loertscher)

Transfer fee regulations in European football. European Economic Review, 47(4), 645–668, 2003. (with E. Feess)

Working Papers

Optimal incentive contracts under moral hazard when the agent is free to leave. (with F. Englmaier and A. Roider)

Contracts as rent seeking devices: Evidence from German soccer. (with E. Feess and M.Gerfin)

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