Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heidrun C. Hoppe

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Mikroökonomik
Information Economic
Dynamic Games
Banking and Finance
Ort / PLZ
30167 Hannover
Königsworther Platz 1
+49 (0)511 / 762-4868
+49 (0)511 / 762-4869
+49 (0)511 / 762-2989

Weitere Positionen und Funktionen

Seit 2009 Co-Editor des "Journal of Economics & Management Strategy".


Publications and Working Papers

* Coarse Matching with Incomplete Information
(with Benny Moldovanu and Emre Ozdenoren), Economic Theory, forthcoming

* The Theory of Assortative Matching Based on Costly Signals
(with Benny Moldovanu and Aner Sela), Review of Economic Studies, Vol 76, 2009, 253-281

* Price Competition in Markets with Customer Testing: The Captive Customer Effect
(with Ulrich Lehmann-Grube), Economic Theory, Vol 35, 2008, 497-521

* License Auctions and Market Structure
(with Philippe Jehiel and Benny Moldovanu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol 15, 2006. 371-396

* Intermediation in Innovation
(with Emre Ozdenoren), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 23, 2005, 483-503

* Innovation Timing Games: A General Framework with Applications
(with Ulrich Lehmann-Grube), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 121, 2005, S. 30-50

* The Strategic Equivalence of Rent-Seeking, Innovation, and Patent-Race Games
(with Michael R. Baye), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.44, 2003, S. 217-226

* Entry Deterrence and Innovation in Durable-Goods Monopoly
(with In Ho Lee), European Economic Review, Vol.47, 2003, 1001-1036

* The Timing of New Technology Adoption: Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence
Manchester School, Special Issue on Industrial Organization, Rabah Amir,ed., Vol. 70, 2002, 56-76

* Second-mover Advantages in Dynamic Quality Competition
(with Ulrich Lehmann-Grube), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 10, 2001, 419-433

* Ökonomie der Grundlagenforschung und Wissenschaftspolitik
(with Wilhelm Pfähler), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 2, 2001, 125-144 [English Abstract]

* A Strategic Search Model of Technology Adoption and Policy
Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Volume 9: Industrial Organization, Michael R. Baye, ed., Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 2000, 197-214

* Second-mover advantages in the strategic adoption of new technology under uncertainty
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 18, 2000, 115-138

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