Veranstaltungen Detail

Digital Startup Club Session | STARTUP MANNHEIM – An invitation to join the Mannheim Startup Ecosystem


STARTUP MANNHEIM has been our trusted partner since the foundation of the MBS Startup Club. Join the session to better understand all the ways that they can support and help you and your business.

Meet Dr. Claudia Rabe and Mr. Christian Sommer and find out more about what STARTUP MANNHEIM hast to offer.


This session will give you a deep insight into the Mannheim Startup Ecosystem. You will get an overview over its supporting structures that exist in order to help you setting up and running a startup successfully. Eight startup centers, a strong community integrated into an even stronger (international) business network and different programs are some of the topics we will talk about.

  • Supporting structure for startups in Mannheim
  • Accelerator programs, international networks, events, etc.
  • The “Mannheim Philosophy” of supporting startups

Please register here

Login information: Will be provided in the joining instructions | Session via Zoom
Date and Time: August 03, 2020 | event starts at 5.00 pm

The session will be organized via Zoom. Please note our data privacy regulations here.
Please note our policy concerning visual and audio recordings here.


Teilnehmende WiWi Partner

  • Mannheim Business School
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