Prof. Dr. Michael Kirk

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Geschäftsführender Direktor
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institut für Kooperation in Entwicklungsländern
Agrarökonomie und Genossenschaftslehre
Ort / PLZ
35032 Marburg
Am Plan 2


Land Policy and Administration: Lessons learnt and new challenges for the Bank's development agenda (draft version from Feb. 20, 2001)
World Bank 2001
Paper presented at the Conference “Land Policy Issues and Sustainable Development“ A Joint World Bank and USAID Sponsored Electronic Conference

“The Role of Land Tenure and Property Rights in Sustainable Resource use: The Case of Benin', paper presented at the International Conference on 'Market based instrument of environmental management in developing countries: practical experience and scope for development cooperation' (DSE/GTZ), Berlin 1994,

'On the destruction of autochthonous land tenure systems: cropping and livestock keeping in the Butan/Sudan', paper presented at the Interregional Workshop on 'Land Tenure Policy and Natural Resource Management in Eastern Africa' (Economic Commission of Africa, IGADD), Addis Ababa, March 1996,

'Land Tenure and State Divestiture in Laos P.D.R.', paper presented to the International Workshop on 'Post-Cold War Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Strategies', Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Gödöllö, Hungary, April 1996,

Discussion paper on the 'Sahel-Syndrom', presented at the Workshop des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) on the 'QUESTIONS Projekt', Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), June 1996,

Role of the State in Influencing Property Rights over Grazing Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa, Paper presented at the planning workshop of the research project 'Property Rights, Risk and Sustainability of Livestock Production Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa', Nairobi, June, 4-8, 1996,

‘Land tenure and land management: lessons learnt from the past, challenges to be met in the future?’, paper presented at the 9th International Soil Conservation Conference 'Towards Sustainable Land Use. Furthering Cooperation between People and Institutions, Bonn, August 1996,

'Tools for Analysis and Evaluation of Sustainable Land Use in Rural Areas', paper presented at the Training course for 'agricultural policy and programme officers, forestry or rural development governmental agencies or NGOs, senior project planners, staff of teaching and research institutions from Africa and Asia', 6./7. December 1996 in Zschortau/Leipzig,

'Between Users’ Association and Co-operative: Challenges for Future Co-operation in Developing Countries', paper presented together with Dr. Regina Birner, Göttingen, to the XXIII. Conference of Agricultural Economists 'Food Security, Diversification, and Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture?', Sacramento, August 1997,

‘Wirkungen angelagerter Politikbereiche auf Waldnutzung und Forstpolitik’, paper presented at the conference 'Rahmenbedingungen von Waldschutz und Waldbewirtschaftung in den Tropen: Einflüsse und Rückkoppelungen anderer Politikfelder' (TU Dresden/GTZ), November 1997,

'The Role of the State and Livestock Development', paper presented at the International Conference on 'Property Rights, Risk and Sustainability of Livestock Production Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa' (ILRI, IFPRI), Feldafing, September 1998,

Kirk, M. & H. Grell (1998), The Role of Donors in Influencing Property Rights over Pastoral Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa, Paper for the International Workshop on „Property Rights, Risk and Livestock Development“ (ILRI, IFPRI, Univ. of Göttingen at DSE/ZEL Feldafing, Sept. 1998).

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