a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Janette F. Walde

Professor - karenziert

Universität Innsbruck
Fakultät für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik
Institut für Statistik
Künstliche Neuronale Netze
Räumliche Statistik/Ökonometrie
Quantitative Methoden der empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung
Ort / PLZ
6020 Innsbruck
Universitätsstraße 15
+43 (0)512 507 7362
+43 (0)512 507 2980


Janette F. Walde. Design Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze - Ein Leifaden zur effizienten Handhabung mehrschichtiger Perzeptrone. DUV, Wiesbaden, März 2005.



C. Hauser, G. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2007. Regional Knowledge Spillovers: Fact or Artifact? Forthcoming in Research Policy.

G. Leitinger, P. Höller, E. Tasser, J. Walde, U. Tappeiner, 2007. Development and Validation of a Spatial Snow-Glide Model. Forthcoming in Ecological Modelling.

P. Egger, M. Larch, M. Pfaffermayr, J. Walde, 2007. The EU's Attitude Towards Eastern Enlargement in Space. Forthcoming in the Journal of Comparative Economics.

G. Tappeiner, U. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2007. Integrating disciplinary research into an interdisciplinary framework: A case study in sustainability research. Forthcoming in Environmental Modeling and Assessment.

J. Walde, M. Larch, G. Tappeiner, 2007. Performance Contest between MLE and GMM for Huge Spatial Autoregressive Models. Forthcoming in Journal of Statistical Computaion and Simulation.

E. Tasser, J. Walde, A. Teutsch, W. Noggler, U. Tappeiner, 2007. Land-use Changes and Natural Reforestation in the Eastern Central Alps. Forthcoming in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 118 (1-4), January, 115-129.

C. Hauser, G. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2007. The Learning Region: Impact of Social Capital and Weak Ties on Innovation. Forthcoming in Regional Studies.

J. Walde, 2007. Valid Hypothesis Testing in Face of Spatially Dependent Data Using Multi-layer Perceptrons and Sub-sampling Techniques. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 2701-2719.

R. Schorn, G. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2006. Analyzing ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Concerning Brand Logos. Innovative Marketing, 2 (1), 45-60.

J. Aschenwald, G. Tappeiner, U. Tappeiner, E. Tasser, H. W. Holub, 2004. Statistical Aspects of Multilayer Perceptrons Under Data Limitations. Computaional Statistics & Data Analysis, 46(1), 173-188.
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H. W. Holub, V. V. Eberharter, J. F. Aschenwald, 2003. The Perception of Physiocracy in the History of Economics. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics, II (3), 17-23.

J. Aschenwald, S. Fink, G. Tappeiner, 2002. Brave New Modeling, Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Networks for Mastering Complexity in Economics. Complexity, 7(1), 39-47.

G. Tappeiner, U. Tappeiner, H. Holub and J. Aschenwald, 2002. The Classification of Rural Areas in the European Context: An Exploration of A Typology Using Neural Network Applications: Some Critical Remarks. Regional Studies, 36(2), 157-160.

H. W. Holub, V. V. Eberharter, J. F. Aschenwald, 2001. Rezeption und ihre Konsequenzen - ein zu wenig beachtetes Problem. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 221(4), 432-439.

U. Tappeiner, G. Tappeiner, J. Aschenwald, E. Tasser, B. Ostendorf, 2001. GIS-based modelling of spatial pattern of snow-cover duration in an alpine area. Ecological Modelling, 138, 265-275.

J. Aschenwald, K. Leichter, E. Tasser, U. Tappeiner, 2000. Spatio-temporal landscape analysis in mountainous terrain by means of small format photography: a methodological approach. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(4), 885-893.


M. Larch, J. Walde, 2007. Lag or Error – Detecting the Nature of Spatial Correlation. Forthcoming in the Springer Series “Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization”.

C. Hauser, G. Tappeiner, and J. Walde, 2007. On the Geography and Characteristics of Regional Innovation Regimes in Europe. Forthcoming in in: G. Grözinger, W. Matiaske, and K. Spiess (eds.) “Europe and its Regions - The Usageof European Regionalized Social Science Data” Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

J. Walde, M. Larch, G. Tappeiner, 2006. Subsampling - an alternative to handle huge spatial autoregressive models? 2005 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistics and the Environment, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Modeling, 2499-2505.

J. F. Walde, 2003. The Predictive Power of Dividend Yields Analyzed by Methods Preserving Time-Dependent Structures. IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering, CIFEr 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7654-4, 39-45.

J. F. Walde, 2003. Valid Statistical Inference Based on Feedforward Artificial Neural Network Models. Proceedings of the Seventh Young Statisticians Meeting, Anuška Ferligoj and Andrej Mrvar (Editors), Metodološki zvezki, 19, Ljubljana: FDV, 110-124.

Walde, J. and Tasser E. 2002. Environmental Communication in the Information Society (eds. Pillmann W., Tochtermann K.). Identifying significant determinants for canopy development on an Alpine test site by means of artificial neural networks. International Society for Environmental Protection, Vienna: 472-480.

E. Tasser, J. F. Walde, B. Ostendorf, P. Schmid, U. Tappeiner, 2001. An interdisciplinary approach for evaluation of temporal-spatial heterogeneity of colour disribution and canopy development on an Alpine test site. Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (eds. R. Bottarin, U. Tappeiner, F. Ruffini), Blackwell, Berlin, 58-71.

J. F. Aschenwald, G. Tappeiner, H. W. Holub, 2000. How Useful Are Artificial Neural Networks With Small Sample Sizes? Proceedings of the International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC´2000), Editors: H. Bothe & R. Rojas, ISBN 3-906454-22-3, 295-300.

K. Leichter, E. Tasser, J. F. Aschenwald, D. Pöll und U. Tappeiner, 1999. Methodik zur Aufnahme, Georektifizierung und Auswertung von Gegenhangphotos im Rahmen von landschaftsökologischen Untersuchungen. In: J. Strobl, T. Blaschke (Editors), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung, XI. Beiträge zum AGIT-Symposium Salzburg 1999, 337-344.


2006: Interdisciplinary research in the intersection of economics and ecology. A special issue of the Journal of Environmental Modeling and Assessment. Eds. G. Tappeiner, U. Tappeiner, J. Walde, forthcoming.

2006: Book review of “Computability, Complexity and Constructivityin Economic Analysis”. Edited by K. Vela Velupillai. Journal of Economics, 88 (1), 91-93.


J. Aschenwald, 1998. Künstliche Neuronale Netze - Eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Academia, März 14/1998, 25-27.


M. Bank, U. Von Pföstl, J. Walde, 2006. Credit portfolio risk estimation for commercial banks using structural models and artificial neural networks.

M. Larch, G. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2006. Subsampling for Spatial Autoregressive Models.

M. Larch, J. Walde, 2006. Finite-Sample Properties of Alternative GMM Estimators for Random Effects Models with Spatially Correlated Errors, With an Application to Cigarette Tax Rate. Submitted to The Annals of Regional Science.

P. Egger, M. Larch, M. Pfaffermayr, J. Walde, 2005. Small Sample Properties of Maximum Likelihood Versus Generalized Method of Moments Based Tests for Spatially Autocorrelated Errors. Submitted to Regional Science and Urban Economics.

W. Tiefenthaler, J. Colvin, B. Steger, K. P. Pfeiffer, M. Hager, J. Walde, I. H. Lorenz, C. Kolbitsch, 2005. A-line ARX Index (AAI) but not Entropy Predicts Accidental Movement in Anesthetized Patients. Submitted to ACTA Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

W. Tiefenthaler, J. Colvin, B. Steger, K. P. Pfeiffer, H. Lorenz, P. L. Moser, J. Walde, I. H. Lorenz, C. Kolbitsch, 2005. How Bispectral Index (BISTM) Compares to EntropyTM and A-line AEX Index (AAITM) in the Same Patient. Submitted to Anesthesia and Analgesia.

W. Tiefenthaler, B. Steger, J. Colvin, P. L. Moser, G. Putz, K. P. Pfeiffer, J. Walde, I. H. Lorenz, C.n Kolbitsch, 2005. Bispectral Index Analysis (BIS) Tends to Indicate Deeper Anesthesia than State Entropy (SE) and Response Entropy (RE) Analysis in the Same Patient. Re-submitted to Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.

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