Prof. Dr. Barbara Beham

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Professur für Arbeitspsychologie & Cross-Cultural Management
Ort / PLZ
10825 Berlin
Badensche Straße 50-51
+49 (0)30 30877-1158



Beham, B. (under review). Work-family conflict and organizational citizenship behaviors: Empirical evidence from Spanish employees. Community, Work, and Family.

Poelmans, S., & Beham, B. (forthcoming in 2008). The moment of truth: Conzeptualizing managerial work/life policy allowance decisions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

Poelmans, S., Beham, B., & Odle-Dusseau, H. (forthcoming). Work-life balance. Individual and organizational strategies and practices. Handbook of Work & Family. Oxford University Press.

Poelmans, S., & Beham, B. (forthcoming in 2008). Reviewing policies for harmonizing work, family and personal life. In: S. Poelmans. & P. Caligiuri (Eds.), Harmonizing work, family, and personal life in organizations: From policy to practice. Cambridge University Press.

Poelmans, S., Patel. S., & Beham, B. (forthcoming in 2008). The implementation of work-familypersonal life policies.. In: S. Poelmans. & P. Caligiuri (Eds.), Harmonizing work, family, and
personal life in organizations: From policy to practice. Cambridge University Press.

Spector, P. E., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Lapierre, L. M., Cooper, C. L., O'Driscoll, et al. (2007). Cross-national differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction and turnover
intentions with work-family conflict. Personnel Psychology, 60, 805-835.

Poelmans, S., & Beham, B. (2005). Managing the work-family interface. An organizational perspective. Bonache, J., & Cabrera, A. (eds.), Dirección de Personas. FT-Prentice Hall.

Poelmans, S., O’Driscoll, M. & Beham, B. (2005). An overview of international research on the workfamily interface. In: S. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and Family: An International Research
Perspective. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beham, B., & Poelmans S. (2005). Instructor’s manual for case studies 1 & 2. In: S. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and Family: An International Research Perspective. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Beham, B., Drobnic, S., & Präg, P. (2008). A resource-demands perspective on positive and negative work-to-home interference. Empirical evidence from Germany. Utrecht: Utrecht University.

Beham, B., Präg, P., & Drobnic, S. (2008). Working conditions and quality of life in Europe. Utrecht:Utrecht University.

Beham, B., Drobnic, S., & Verwiebe, R. (2007). Measuring quality of work and life: Objective and subjective indicators. Utrecht: University of Utrecht. ISBN 90-393-45412.

Beham, B., Drobnic, S., & Verwiebe, R. (2006). Literature review, theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to quality of life and work. Utrecht: Utrecht University. ISBN 90-39343-81-0.

Beham, B., Drobnic, S., & Verwiebe, R. (2006). National Report Germany. Socio-economic trends and welfare policies. In: S. Kovacheva, et al., National Reports on Socio-Economic Trends and
Welfare Policies. Utrecht: Utrecht University. ISBN 90-39344-47-7.


Beham, B. (2008). Supportive work environments and work-family enrichment: Evidence from German hospital workers. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2008 in San Francisco.

Drobnic, S., Beham B., & Präg, P. (2008). Job quality and time. Paper presented at the Annual RECWOWEC Conference in Oslo.

Beham, B. (2007). Studying managerial work-family allowance decisions. Paper presented at the II International Conference of Work and Family in Barcelona.

Beham, B. & Poelmans, S. (2007). Family-to-work conflict and organizational citizenship behavior among Spanish employees. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2007 in New York.

Poelmans S., & Beham, B. (2006). A decision making perspective on the work-family interface. Symposium organized at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management 2006 in Atlanta.

Poelmans S., & Beham, B. (2006). A conceptual model of antecedents and consequences of managerial work/life policy allowance decisions. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management 2006 in Atlanta.

Beham, B. (2005). Organizational citizenship behaviours and the work-family interface. A quantitative of antecedents and consequences in Spain. Paper presented at the Inaugural Conference of the International Center of Work and Family in Barcelona.

Beham, B. (2005). New antecedents and consequences of Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Paper presented at the Doctoral Consortium of EURAM 2005 in Munich.

Poelmans, S., Sahibzada, K., & Beham, B. (2005). Influence of organizational support on work-family benefits and organizational performance. Paper presented the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Psychology (SIOP) 2005 in Los Angeles.

Poelmans, S., Beham, B., & Sahibzada, K. (2005). The mediating role of work-family conflict on the
relationship between mothers time distribution and children’s concentration. Paper presented at
Community, Work and Family 2005 in Manchester.
Poelmans, S., Canela, M.A., Bruck, C. & Beham, B. (2004). Selection discrimination in Spanish HR
officers: The role of sex, marital status, family responsibilities, and the family-friendliness of the
firm. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Psychology (SIOP)
2004 in Chicago.
Poelmans, S. & Beham, B. (2004). Encouraging the implementation of family-friendly programs:A
comparison of four countries: Austria, Germany, Spain and the US. Paper presented at the
Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association (APA) 2004 in Hawaii.

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