Prof. Dr. Josef Zweimüller

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Ort / PLZ
8008 Zürich
Mühlebachstrasse 86
+41 (0)44 634 37 24



“Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models,” Princeton University Press 2006, (with G.Bertola and R.Foellmi), 421 pp., Princeton, Oxford.


International Journals

1. How Does Parental Leave Affect Fertility and Return-to-Work? Evidence from Two Natural Experiments, Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2009), forthcoming, (with R.Lalive).

2. The Public Health Costs of Job Loss, Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming (with A.Kuhn and R.Lalive).

3. Does the Color of the Collar Matter? Firm-specific Human Capital and Post-displacement Outcomes, Economics Letters, forthcoming, (with A.Ichino, O.Ruf, G.Schwerdt, and R.Winter-Ebmer).

4. Structural Change, Engel's Consumption Cycles and Kaldor's Facts of Economic Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (2008): 1317-1328, (with R.Foellmi).

5. The Impact of Active Labour Market Policies on the Duration of Unemployment in Switzerland, Economic Journal 118 (2008): 235-257, (with R.Lalive and J.van Ours).

6. How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment, Review of Economic Studies 73 (2006): 1009-1038, (with R.Lalive and J.van Ours).

7. Income Distribution and Demand Induced Innovations, Review of Economic Studies 73 (2006): 941-960, (with R.Foellmi).

8. The Impact of Benefit Sanctions on the Duration of Unemployment, Journal of the European Economic Association 3 (2005): 1386-1417, (with R.Lalive and J.van Ours).

9. The Success of Job Applications: A New Approach to Program Evaluation, Labour Economics 12 (2005): 739-748, (with A.Falk and R.Lalive).

10. Innovation and Growth with Rich and Poor Consumers, Metroeconomica 56 (2005): 233-262, (with J.K.Brunner).

11. Benefit Entitlement and Unemployment Duration: The Role of Policy Endogeneity, Journal of Public Economics 88 (2004): 2587-2616, (with R.Lalive).

12. Patents in a Model of Endogenous Growth, Journal of Economic Growth 9 (2004): 81-123, (with T.O‘Donoghue).

13. Inequality, Market Power, and Product Diversity, Economics Letters 82 (2004): 139-145, (with R.Foellmi).

14. Benefit Entitlement and the Labor Market: Evidence from a Large-Scale Policy Change, forthcoming in Labor Market Institutions and Public Policy 2004, Agell, J., M.Keene, and A.Weichenrieder (eds.), Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp. 63-100, (with R.Lalive).

15. On-the-job Training, Job Search, and Job Mobility, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 139 (2003): 563-576, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

16. Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Regulated Labor Market: The Case of Austria, Empirica 30 (2003): 127-148, (with F.Stahl, F.Stiglbauer, and R.Winter-Ebmer).

17. Learning for Employment, Innovating for Growth, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 156 (2000): 455-472, (with J.Falkinger).

18. Schumpeterian Entrepreneurs Meet Engel’s Law: The Impact of Inequality on Innovation-Driven Growth, Journal of Economic Growth 5 (2000): 185-206.

19. Inequality, Redistribution, and Economic Growth, Empirica 27 (2000): 1-20, Keynote Lecture at the Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 1999.

20. Intra-firm Wage Dispersion and Firm Performance, Kyklos 52 (1999): 539-556, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

21. Firm Size Wage Differentials in Switzerland: Evidence from Job Changers, American Economic Review 89 (1999), Papers and Proceedings: 89-93 (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

22. Do Immigrants Displace Native Workers? Journal of Population Economics 12 (1999): 327-340, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

23. The Distribution of Earnings: Austria 1972-1991, Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 82 (1998): 275-290, (with M.Gusenleitner and R.Winter-Ebmer).

24. Unequal Assignment and Unequal Promotion in Job-Ladders, Journal of Labor Economics 15 (1997): 43-71, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

25. The Impact of Income Inequality on Product Diversity and Economic Growth, Metroeconomica 48 (1997): 211-237, (with J.Falkinger).

26. Immigration and the Earnings of Young Native Workers, Oxford Economic Papers 48 (1996): 473-491, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

27. The Cross-Country Engel-Curve for Product Diversification, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 7 (1996): 79-97, (with J.Falkinger).

28. Eastern European Trade and the Austrian Labor Market, Review of the World Economy/Weltwirtschaftliches
Archiv 132 (1996): 476-500, (with K.Aiginger and R.Winter-Ebmer).

29. Manpower Training Programs and Employment Stability, Economica 63 (1996): 113-130, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

30. Joint Retirement of Spouses and Social Security Reform, European Economic Review 40 (1996): 449-472 (with J.Falkinger and R.Winter-Ebmer).

31. Relative Wages Under Corporatist and Under Decentralized Bargaining Systems, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97 (1995): 369-384, (with E.Barth).

32. Internal Labor Markets and Firm-Specific Determination of Earnings in the Presence of Immigrant Workers, Economics Letters 48 (1995): 185-191, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

33. Bargaining Structure, Wage Determination, and Wage Dispersion in 6 OECD-Countries, Kyklos 47
(1994): 81-93, (with E.Barth).

34. Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs, Journal of Population Economics 7 (1994): 271-285, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

35. Partial Retirement and the Earnings Test, Journal of Economics 57 (1993): 295-303.

36. Survey Non-Response and Biases in Wage Regressions, Economics Letters 39 (1992): 105-109.

37. Labour Market Institutions and the Industry Wage Distribution. Evidence from Austria, Norway, and the US, Empirica 19 (1992): 181-201, (with E.Barth).

38. Occupational Segregation and Career Advancement, Economics Letters 39 (1992): 229-234, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

39. Raising Children: Private Costs and Foregone Earnings, Labour 6 (1992): 181-200, (with R.Buchegger).

40. Farm Income, Market Wages, and Off-Farm Labour Supply, Empirica 18 (1992): 221-235, (with Ch.Weiss and M.Pfaffermayer).

41. Do They Come Back Again? Job Search, Labour Market Segmentation, and State Dependence as Explanations of Repeat Unemployment, Empirical Economics 17 (1992): 273-292, (with R.Winter-Ebmer).

42. Earnings, Social Security Legislation, and Retirement Decisions, Applied Economics 23 (1991): 851-860.

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