ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. B. Burcin Yurtoglu

Online-Professor - aktiv

Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Mergers and Acquisitions
Corporate Governance
Ort / PLZ
1210 Wien
BWZ, Bruennerstr. 72
+43 1 4277 37482
+43 1 4277 37408
+43 1 4277 37498

Weitere Positionen und Funktionen

Research Fellow am Centre for Business Research, Judge Institute of Management Studies an der Cambridge University

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

Vienna Stock Exchange Research Stipend, 1997.
Nestlé-Prize in Economics, 1997, (Prize given to the "best" dissertation in Social Sciences in Austria at the University of Innsbruck.
Finance Paper Honorable Mention, 1998, Sponsored by the Istanbul Stock Exchange at the ERC/METU International Conference on Economics II, Ankara, Turkey.
IVA Award for Investor Protection and Corporate Governance 2002, Interessenverband für Anleger, joint with K. Gugler and Dennis C. Mueller, Vienna.


1. Country Legal Environments and Corporate Investment Performance, joint with D.C. Mueller, German Economic Review (2000), 2, 187-220.
2. Ownership, Control and Performance of Turkish Listed Firms, Empirica (2000), 27 (2), 193-222.
3. Ownership Structure of Turkish Listed Firms, Istanbul Stock Exchange Finance Award Series (2000) Vol. I, 55-84, Istanbul.
4. Effekte von Fusionen in Kontinentaleuropa und Deutschland, joint with K. Gugler, D.C. Mueller and C. Zulehner, Quarterly Journal for Economic Research (2001), 2, 204-213.
5. Turkey, in Corporate Governance and Economic Performance, in (Ed.) K. Gugler (2001), 176-183, Oxford University Press.
6. Average Q, Marginal Q and the Relation Between Ownership and Performance, joint with K. Gugler, Economics Letters, 78 (3), (2003), 379-84.
7. The Effects of Mergers: An International Comparison, joint with K. Gugler, D. Mueller, and C. Zulehner, International Journal of Industrial Organization (2003), 21 (5), 625-653.
8. Corporate Governance and Dividend Pay-out Policy in Germany, joint with K.Gugler, European Economic Review, 47(4), (2003), 731-58.
9. Marginal q, Tobin's q, Cash Flow and Investment, joint with K. Gugler and D. C. Mueller, Southern Economic Journal (2003), November Vol. 70 (3), 512-531.
10. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Investment Returns in Developed and Developing Countries, joint with K. Gugler and D.C. Mueller, The Economic Journal (2003) 113 (491), November, F511-F539.
11. Corporate Governance and Implications for Minority Shareholders in Turkey, Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control (2003), 1 (1) Fall.
12. Persistence of Firm-level Profitability in Turkey, Applied Economics (2004), 36, 615-625.
13. The Effects of Mergers on Company Employment in the USA and Europe, joint with K. Gugler, International Journal of Industrial Organization (2004), 22, 481-502.
14. Corporate Governance around the World, joint with K. Gugler and D.C. Mueller, Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2004), 20 (1), 129-156.
15. Corporate Governance and the Returns on Investment, joint with K. Gugler and D.C. Mueller, The Journal of Law and Economics (2004), 47 (2), October.

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