Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner

Professor - aktiv

Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Ort / PLZ
80333 München
Arcisstrasse 21




Minner, S. (2000), Strategic Safety Stocks in Supply Chains, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer.

Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften

Transchel, S., Minner, S. (2007). Dynamic pricing and replenishment in the warehouse scheduling problem - a common cycle approach. 14th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, August 21-25, 2006. Erscheint in: International Journal of Production Economics.

Minner, S., A comparison of heuristics for multi-product dynamic demand lot-sizing with warehouse capacity, erscheint in International Journal of Production Economics.

Francas, D., Kremer, M., Minner, S., Friese, M., Strategic Process Flexibility under Lifecycle Demand, erscheint in International Journal of Production Economics.

Arnold, J., Minner, S., Eidam, B. (2006), Raw Material Procurement with Fluctuating Prices. erscheint in International Journal of Production Economics.

Minner, S., (2007) A Note on How to Compute Economic Order Quantities Without Derivatives by Cost Comparisons, International Journal of Production Economics 105(1): 293-296.

Minner, S., Silver, E.A. (2007), Replenishment Policies for Multiple Products with Compound-Poisson Demand that Share a Common Warehouse, International Journal of Production Economics, 108(1-2): 388-398.

Minner, S. (2007), Bargaining for Cooperative Economic Ordering, Decision Support Systems 43: 569-583.

Minner, S., Silver, E.A. (2005), Multi-product Batch Replenishment Strategies Under Stochastic Demand and a Joint Capacity Constraint, IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics 37(5): 469-479.

Silver, E.A., Minner, S. (2005), A Replenishment Decision Involving Partial Postponement, OR Spectrum 27: 1-19.

Minner, S., Silver, E.A. (2005), Evaluation of Two Simple Extreme Transshipment Strategies. International Journal of Production Economics 93-94: 1-11.

Minner, S., Silver, E.A., Robb, D.J. (2003), An Improved Heuristic for Deciding on Emergency Transshipments, European Journal of Operational Research 148: 384-400.

Minner, S., Diks, E.B., de Kok, A.G. (2003), A two-echelon inventory system with supply lead time flexibility, IIE Transactions 35: 117-129.

Kiesmüller, G.P., Minner, S. (2003), Simple Expressions for Finding Recovery System Inventory Control Parameters, Journal of the Operational Research Society 54: 83-88.

Minner, S. (2003), Multiple Supplier Inventory Models in Supply Chain Management: A Review, International Journal of Production Economics 81-82: 265-279.

Kleber, R., Minner, S., Kiesmüller, G.P. (2002), A continuous time inventory model for a product recovery system with multiple options, International Journal of Production Economics 79: 121-141.

Tsoulfas, G.T., Pappis, C.P., Minner, S. (2002), An environmental analysis of the reverse supply chain of SLI batteries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 36: 135-154.

Minner, S., Kleber, R. (2001), Optimal Control of Production and Remanufacturing in a Simple Recovery Model with Linear Cost Functions, OR Spektrum 23: 3-24.

Minner, S. (2001), Strategic Safety Stocks in Reverse Logistics Supply Chains, International Journal of Production Economics 71: 417-428.

Kiesmüller, G.P., Minner, S., Kleber, R. (2000), Optimal Control of a One Product Recovery System with Backlogging, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business 11: 189-207.

Inderfurth, K., Minner, S. (1998), Safety Stocks in Multi-stage Inventory Systems Under Different Service Measures, European Journal of Operational Research 106: 57-73.

Minner, S. (1997), Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Multi-Stage Safety Stock Optimization, OR Spektrum 19: 261-271.

Buchbeiträge und Aufsätze in Tagungsbänden

Klosterhalfen, S., Minner, S. (2007). Comparison of Stochastic- and Guaranteed-Service Approaches to Safety Stock Optimization in Supply Chains. In: Waldmann, K.-H., Stocker U.M. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2006, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 485-490.

Grahl, J., Minner, S., Bosman, P.A.N. (2007), Learning structure illuminates back boxes: An introduction to Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, erscheint in: Michalewicz, Z. and Siarry, P. (eds.), Advances in Metaheuristics for Hard Optimization, Springer.

Grahl, J., Radtke, A, Minner, S. (2007), Fitness landscape analysis of dynamic multi-product lot-sizing problems with limited storage, in: Günther, H.-O., Mattfeld, D.C., Suhl, L. (eds.), Management logistischer Netzwerke, Heidelberg, Physica, 257-277.

Grahl, J., Minner, S. (2006), Verteilungsschätzende Verfahren zur Lösung stochastischer Transportprobleme, in: Jacquemin, M., Pibernik, R., Sucky, E., Quantitative Methoden der Logistik und des Supply Chain Management, Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Heinz Isermann, Hamburg 2006, Verlag Dr. Kovac, S. 339-353.

Transchel, S., Minner, S. (2006), Simultaneous Dynamic Pricing and Lot-Sizing Decisions for a Discrete Number of Price Variations, in: Haasis, H.-D., Kopfer, H., Schönberger, J. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2005, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 585-590

Grahl, J., Minner, S., Rothlauf, F. (2005), Behaviour of UMDAC with truncation selection on monotonous functions, in: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 2, Scotland, IEEE Press, 2553-2559.

Teunter, R.H., Inderfurth, K., Minner, S., Kleber, R. (2005), Reverse Logistics in a Pharmaceutical Company: The Schering Case, in: Flapper, S.D.P., van Nunen, J.A.E.E., van Wassenhove, L.N., Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 21-31.

Kiesmüller, G.P., Minner, S., Kleber, R. (2004), Managing Dynamic Product Recovery: An Optimal Control Perspective, in: Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Reverse Logistics - Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 221-247.

Minner, S., Lindner, G. (2004), Lot-sizing Decisions in Product Recovery Management, in: Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Reverse Logistics - Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 157-179.

Fleischmann, M., Minner, S. (2003), Inventory Management in Closed Loop Supply Chains, in: Dyckhoff, H., Lackes, R., Reese, J., Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 115-138.

Minner, S. (2003), Modellgestützte Ermittlung und Verteilung von Kooperationsvorteilen in der Logistik, in: Spengler, T., Voß, S., Kopfer, H., Logistik Management, Berlin Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 111-132.

Inderfurth, K., Minner, S. (2001), Produktion und Logistik, in: Jost, P.-J., Die Spieltheorie in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 307-349.

Silver, E.A., Segal, Y., Minner, S. (2001), Some Initial Ideas Regarding a Replenishment Problem Involving Partial Postponement. Proceedings Twenty Naught One 36th Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society of New Zealand, 268-276.

Minner, S. (2001), Economic Production and Remanufacturing Lot-sizing Under Constant Demands and Returns, in: Fleischmann B., Lasch R., Derigs U., Domschke W., Rieder U. (Hrsg.), Operations Research Proceedings 2000, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 328-332.

Minner, S. (1999), Optimierung strategischer Sicherheitsbestände in logistischen Ketten, in: Kopfer, H., Bierwirth, C., Logistik Management, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 15-29.

Minner, S. (1996), Multi-echelon safety stock optimization under service level constraints, Pre-Prints of the 9th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Vol. 1, 113-131.

Minner, S. (1995), Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Multi-Stage Safety Stock Optimization, in: Bogataj, L. (Ed.), Inventory Modelling - Lecture Notes of the International Postgraduate Summer School, Vol. 2, Budapest, Portoroz, 95-103.


Heisig, G., Minner, S. (1999), OR Software: ILOG OPL Studio 2.0, OR Spektrum 21: 419-427.

Veröffentlichte Arbeitspapiere

Francas, D., Minner, S. (2007). Manufacturing Network Configuration in Supply Chains with Product Recovery. Technical Report 3/2007, University of Mannheim.

Kremer, M., Katok, E., Minner, S., Van Wassenhove, L.N. (2007). Risk Sharing in Supply Chains: Upstream Supply Flexibility vs. Downstream Order Commitments. Working Paper, University of Mannheim.

Grahl, J., Weiblen, T., Minner, S. (2006). Linkage in Warehouse Location Problems: The Numbering Effect and its Influence on Evolutionary Algorithms. Technical Report 12/2006, University of Mannheim

Minner, S. (2006), A comparison of heuristics for multi-product dynamic demand lot-sizing with limited warehouse capacity, Working paper 11/2006, Department of Logistics, University of Mannheim

Transchel, S., Minner, S. (2006), Dynamic Pricing and Replenishment in the Warehous Scheduling Problem - A Common Cycle Approach, Working paper 8/2006, Department of Logistics, University of Mannheim

Minner, S., Dittmar, D., Klosterhalfen, S. (2006), A dynamic programming algorithm for safety stock optimization in general supply networks, Working Paper 7/2006, Department of Logistics, University of Mannheim

Grahl, J., Minner, S., Rothlauf, F. (2006), Decomposition of dynamic single-product and multi-product lotsizing problems and scalability of EDAs, Working paper 6/2006, Department of Logistics, University of Mannheim

Transchel, S., Minner, S. (2006), Simultaneous optimization of procurement lot-size and dynamic selling prices when the supplier offers an all-unit quantity discount, Working paper 5/2006, Department of Logistics, University of Mannheim

Transchel, S., Minner, S. (2005), The Impact of Dynamic Pricing on Economic Order Decisions, Working Paper 2/2005, Department of Logistics, Mannheim Business School

Minner, S., Kiesmüller, G.P. (2002), Dynamic Product Acquisition in Closed Loop Supply Chains. FEMM Working Paper 9/2002, Faculty of Economics and Management, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.

Corbey, M., Inderfurth, K., van der Laan, E., Minner, S. (1999), The Use of Accounting Information in Production and Inventory Control, Preprint No. 24/1999, Faculty of Economics and Management, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.

Unveröffentlichte Arbeitspapiere

Klosterhalfen, S., Minner, S. (2006), Comparison of Stochastic- and Guaranteed-Service Approaches to Safety Stock Optimization in Supply Chains

Kremer, M., Minner, S., van Wassenhove, L.N. (2006), Anchoring and Regret in the Newsvendor Problem - The Impact of Task Complexity and Framing

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