Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gert Bruche

Professor - aktiv

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Fachbereich I - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Facheinheit BWL I (Unternehmensführung/Personal/Organisation)
Internationale Unternehmensführung
Globalisation of research and development with a focus on China/India vs. Europe
Strategies of multi-national companies from emerging countries
Global shifts in the production and acquisition of knowledge
Competition strategy
dynamic approaches from the point of view of resources
Ort / PLZ
10825 Berlin
Badensche Straße 50/51
+49 (0)30 85789-106
+49 (0)30 85789-169


Internationalization of Chinese Automotive Companies in Europe: A Comparison with the Strategies used by Japanese and Korean Automakers (MA thesis)

Innovation-based Market Entry and Sustainable Competitive Advantage – The Case of Scienova GmbH (MBA thesis)

The Role of Supplier Management in Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Ultra Low Cost Car Market – The Case of Tata Nano’s Cost Leadership Strategy (MBA thesis)

Formulation of a Growth-Oriented Competitive Strategy for a Highly Specialised Biotech Company (Bachelor thesis)

Business management evaluation of system component innovations and their broad proprietary exploitation (sponsor: Roche Diagnostics) (MBA thesis)

Market strategies of telecommunications providers in rural areas of India (Bachelor thesis)

Selection and Evaluation of Potential Partners for the Engine Overhaul in Asia (Sponsor: Lufthansa Technik) (Diploma thesis)

Challenges and Success Factors at the Post Merger & Acquisition Phase – The Case of Lenovo's Takeover of IBM's PC Business (MBA thesis)

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