Jun.-Prof. Jan Mutl, PhD

Professor - aktiv

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
Department of Finance, Accounting and Real Estate
Real Estate Economics
Empirical Research in Real Estate Economics
Regional Economics
Quantitative Methods (Panel Data and Spatial Econometrics)
Ort / PLZ
65189 Wiesbaden
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3
+49 611 7102 1553
+49 611 7102 10 1553

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • EBS



Publications in Refereed Journals

Dieppe, A., & Mutl, J. (2013). International R&D Spillovers: Technology Transfer vs. R&D Synergies. ECB Working Papers.

Mutl, J., & Pfaffermayr, M. (2011). The Hausman Test in a Cliff and Ord Panel Model. Econometrics Journal, 14 (1), 48-76.

Mutl, J., & Pfaffermayr, M., (2010). A Note on the Cliff and Ord Test for Spatial Correlation in Panel Models. Economics Letters, 108 (2), 225-228.

Publications in Non-Refereed Journals

Mutl, J., & Sögner, L. (2013). Parameter Estimation and Inference with Spatial Lags and Cointegration. Economic Series, 296.

Bode, E., & Mutl, J. (2010). Testing Nonlinear New Economic Geography Models. Economics Series, 253.

Mutl, J. (2009). Panel VAR Models with Spatial Dependence. Economics Series, 237.

Mutl, J. (2009). Consistent Estimation of Global VAR Models. Economics Series, 234.

Barret, J., Hoerner, A. J., & Mutl, J. (2005). Jobs and the Climate Stewardship Act: How Curbing Global Warming Can Increase Employment. NRDC Issue Paper, February 2005.

African Americans and Climate Change: An Unequal Burden. Contributing author. Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, July 2004.

Working Papers

Does location matter when building green?

Joint with Tobias Dippold and Nico Rottke.

Misspecification of Space: An Illustration Using Regional Growth
Convergence Regressions Spurious Dynamic Conditional Correlation, joint with Thorsten Glück and Roland Füss.

Effects of the Federal Housing Subsidy on the Real Estate Markets, joint with Christopher Oertel and Nico Rottke.

Panel Autoregressive Models with Spatial Dependence, joint with Jarka Hlouskova.

Borders and regional real exchange rate dynamics in EMU,joint with Guenter Beck and Axel Weber.

Regional convergence clubs in Europe: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo A
pproach, joint with Manfred Fischer.

Macroeconomic Risk of Housing Investments accounting for Spatial and Temporal Correlation, joint with Sebastian Steffen Note on the Generalized Moments Procedure.

Computational Issues in the Estimation of Higher-Order Panel Vector Autoregressions, joint with Michael Binder and Hashem Pesaran.

Contributions to Edited Volumes

Mutl, J. (2004). Capturing Technological Change in an IO Model with Application to Calculation of Embodied Carbon Emissions. In L. M. Cloutier & C. Drebresson (Eds.), Changement Climatique, Flux Technologiques, Financiers et Commerciaux (pp. 231-248). Quebec University Press.

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