Prof. Dr. Marc Chesney

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Schweizerisches Bankwesen
Option Pricing
Real Options
Managerial Compensation
Environmental Economics
Insider Trader Activities
Ort / PLZ
8032 Zürich
Plattenstrasse 32
+41 44 634 45 80

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

2001 «Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques» the Ministry of Education, Paris
1991 Award of the Latsis Prize (which annually reward a Dissertation of the University of Geneva)
1989 Award of the Scientific Research Prize from the Swiss Banker’s (75th anniversary of the Association)


Books (5)

Mathematical Methods for Financial Markets Chesney Marc, Jeanblanc M., Yor M. Springer Verlag, 2009.

Blanchiment et financement du terrorisme Chaigneau Pascal, Chesney Marc, Ludovic Francois Ellipses, Paris, 2004.

El Manejo del riesgo de cambio: Las opciones sobre divisas Chesney Marc, Marois B., Trillo F., Wojakowski R.
Edition Limusa, Mexico, 2001.

Les options de change, évaluation et utilisation (Currency Options: Valuation and Hedging of Standard and Exotic Options) Chesney Marc, Marois B., Wojakowski R.
Economica, 1995.

Les options de change (Currency Options) Chesney Marc, Loubergé H. Economica, 1992.


Working paper ISB (8)

Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets
Chesney Marc, Crameri Remo, Mancini Loriano Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2009.

The Endogenous Price Dynamics of the Emission Allowances: An Application to CO2 Option Pricing
Chesney Marc, Taschini Luca Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2007.

The Impact of Terrorism on Financial Markets: an Empirical Study Chesney Marc, Reshetar Anna Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2007.

American Put Call Symmetry Carr P., Chesney Marc
Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2003.

Real Options and Orstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
Chesney Marc Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2003.

Change of Clock Options Chesney Marc, Yor M.
Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 2000.

Market Efficiency and Index Option Pricing: an empirical study based on the Swiss Financial Market Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna, Loubergé H. Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 1997.

LCD’s Creditworthiness and The Secondary Market of the Price of Debt : A Theorical Approach and an Empirical Analysis Chesney Marc, Morisset J. Institut für schweizerisches Bankwesen, Zürich, 1995.

Publications in academic journals (30)

Stock Options and Managers' Incentives to cheat
Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna In: Review of Derivatives Research, Vol.11, 2008.

American Parisian Options Chesney Marc, Gauthier Laurent In: Finance and Stochastics, Volume 10, 2006, pages 475-506.

Pricing American currency options in an exponential Lévy model Chesney Marc, Jeanblanc M. In: Applied Mathematical Finance, Vol. 11, 2004, pages 207 - 225.

Optimal Timing for an Environmental Policy in a Strategic Framework Barrieu Pauline, Chesney Marc In: Environmental Modelling & Assessment, 2003, pages 149 - 163.

Analyzing Firms' Strategic Investment Decisions in a Real Options' Framework Botteron Pascal, Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna In: Journal of Intern. Financial Markets, Instituions & Money, Vol. 13, 2003, pages 1-29.

The impact of possible Climate Catastrophes on Global Warming Policy, an Option-Pricing Approach Baranzini A., Chesney Marc, Morisset J. In: Energy Policy, No 31, 2003, pages 691 - 701.

Illegal Migrants, Tourism and Welfare: A Trade Theoretic Approach Chesney Marc, Hazari B. In: Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 8, 2003, pages 259 - 268.

Long Term Risk Management of Nuclear Waste: A real options approach Chesney Marc, Loubergé H., Villeneuve S. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, No 27, 2002, pages 157-180.

Reducing Asset Substitution with Warrant and Convertible Debt Issues Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna In: The Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2001, pages 39 - 52.

The Investment Policy and the Pricing of Equity in a Levered Firm: A Reexamination of the Contingent Claims Valuation Approach Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna In: The European Journal of Finance, 5, 1999, pages 95-107.

Immigration, Unemployment and Welfare Chesney Marc, Hazari R. Bharat, Sgro Pasquale M. In: International Economic Journal, 1999.

Irrational Entry, Rational Exit Chesney Marc, Hazari B.
In: Journal of Mathematical Economics, No 29, 1998, pages 1-13.

Parisian Options and Excursion Theory Chesney Marc, Jeanblanc M., Yor M. In: Advances in Applied Probabilities, 1997.

Parisian Barrier Options Chesney Marc, Jeanblanc M., Kentwell G., Yor M. In: Risk, 1997.

Options et risques induits Chesney Marc In: Risques, 1997.

Les gestions des risques de change et de taux par les options Chesney Marc, Quittard-Pinon F. In: Risques, 1997.

Predicting Premature Exercise of an American Put on Stocks: Theory and Evidence Chesney Marc, Lefoll J.
In: The European Journal of Finance, 1996.

Options Listing and the Volatility of the Underlying Asset: A Study on the Derivative Market Function Chesney Marc, W. Eid Junior In: Revista de Administraçao de Empresas, Volume 36, No 1, 1996.

State Space Symmetry and Two Factor Option Pricing Models Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna In: Advances in Futures and Options Research, 1995.

Arbitrage Trading and Index Option Pricing at Soffex: An Empirical Study Using Daily and Intradaily Data Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna, Loubergé Henri In: Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management, 1995, pages 35-60.

Estimating the Instantaneous Volatility and Covariance of Risky Assets Chesney Marc, R. J. Elliott In: Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Volume 11, 1995, pages 51-58.

Diffusion Coefficient Estimation and Asset Pricing when Risk Premia and Sensitivities are Time Varying Chesney Marc, Elliott R. J., Madan D. In: Mathematical Finance, 1993, 85-99.

Analytical Solution for the Pricing of American Bond and Yield Options Chesney Marc, Elliott R. J., Gibson Rajna
In: Mathematical Finance, 1993, pages 277-294.

Relations triangulaires entre valeurs d’options sur devises
Chesney Marc In: Finance, 1990.

Pricing European Currency Options: A Comparison of the Modified Black-Scholes Model and a Random Variance Model Chesney Marc, Scott L. In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1989.

European Currency Options: The Effects of Volatility Changes Chesney Marc, Scott L. In: Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management, Volume 3, No 4, 1989.

Les Options sur devises: Une revue des modèles théoriques et des travaux empiriques Chesney Marc, Loubergé H. In: Finance, Vol. 9, 1988.

The Pricing of European Currency Options: Empirical Tests based on Swiss Data Chesney Marc, Loubergé H. In: Aussenwirtschaft, 1987.

Prix d’équilibre et efficience sur le marché suisse des options sur devises: Analyse théorique et tests empiriques
Chesney Marc In: Finance, Vol. 7, 1987.

Risk Aversion and the Composition of Wealth in the Demand for Full Insurance Coverage Chesney Marc, Loubergé H. In: Schweiz Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Vol. 122, 1986.

Chapter or Article in collective books (11)

Le Terrorisme se privatise et défie l'Occident
Chesney Marc In: Blanchiment et financement du terrorisme, Ellipses, Paris, 2004.

Les spéculations financières de septembre 2001: l'ombre de ben Laden? Chesney Marc In: AL-QAEDA Les nouveaux réseaux de la terreur, Ellipses, Paris, 2004, pages 87 - 95.

Les speculations financiers de septembre 2001: L'ombre de Ben Laden? Chesney Marc In: Al-Quaida, les nouveaux de la terreur, Edition Ellipses, Paris, 2004.

Les spéculations financières de septembre 2001 et l’argent du terrorisme Chesney Marc In: Guerre secrète contre Al-Qaeda, Ellipses, Paris, 2002.

Marchés financiers, blanchiment et financement du terrorisme Chesney Marc In: Criminalité financière, Editions d'organisation, Paris, 2002.

Some Combinations of Asian, Parisian, and Barrier Options Chesney Marc, German H., Jeanblanc M., Yor M.
Mathematics of Derivatives Securities, Cambridge University, Cambridge, 1997.

Les options sur devises (Currency Options)
Chesney Marc, Marois B., Wojakowski R. L'Encyclopédie de la Finance, Economica, 1997.

La formation par la recherche Chesney Marc, Laurent G.
Collective book of the group HEC faculty, l’Ecole des managers de demain, Economica, 1994.

Estimating the volatility of an Exchange Rate Chesney Marc, Elliott R.J. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Ed. World Scientific, 1992.

American Path-Dependent Options Barone-Adesi G., Chesney Marc Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Ed. World Scientific, 1992.

L’économie en 400 questions et 1600 réponses Chesney Marc, Georg 1989.

Other publication (15)

De l’inefficacité des modèles économiques en temps de crise Chesney Marc In: Le Temps, 2009.

Haben die Finanzmärkte den Kapitalismus verraten?
Chesney Marc In: Der Schweizer Treuhänder, Nummer 8, 2009.

La finance trahit-elle le capitalisme? Chesney Marc

Il faut réformer les bombes financières que sont les CDS
Chesney Marc In: Les Echos, März, 2009.

Die Option zu betrügen Chesney Marc, Gibson Rajna
In: UZH News, 2004.

The finance of terrorism and money laundering Chesney Marc In: Japanese Journal Asahi Shimbun, 2003.

La privatisation du terrorisme Chesney Marc In: Le Monde, Paris, 2003.

Le marché otage du crime organisé? Chesney Marc

Délits d’initié autour du 11 septembre Chesney Marc
No 24, Intelligence et sécurité, 2002.

Les investissements et la théorie des options Ceddaha F., Chesney Marc Fusions et Acquisitions, 1999.

Les options réelles Chesney Marc, Morellec E. Les Echos, 1998.

Money Laundering and Options Chesney Marc Agefi, 1998.

Real Options and Investissments Chesney Marc, Morellec E. Banque et Marchés, 1997.

Les pompiers pyromanes Chesney Marc, Pène D. Le Monde, 1993.

La délocalisation, substitut de l’immigration Chesney Marc, Pène D. Le Monde, 1993.

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