Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alfred Greiner

Professor - aktiv

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Optimale Kontrolltheorie
Dynamische ökonomische Systeme
Ort / PLZ
33501 Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31




(2007) The Global Environment, Natural Resources and Economic Growth. Book manuscript. Oxford University Press, Oxford (forthcoming). With W. Semmler.

(2005) Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Euro-Area: Macro Modelling, Learning and Empirics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. With W. Semmler, W. Zhang.

(2005) The Forces of Economic Growth: A Time Series Perspective. Princeton University Press, Princeton. With W. Semmler, G. Gong.

(2005) Arbeitsbuch zur Volkswirtschaftslehre 1 (Study Guide to Economics 1). 3rd edition (1st ed. 1995, 2nd ed. 2001), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. With H. Hanusch, T. Kuhn (in German).

(1998) Einfuhrung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (Introductory Economics). 4th edition (1st edition 1991), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. With H. Hanusch, T. Kuhn, F. Kugler (in German).

(1996) Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth. Ashgate Publishing Company, Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney, 2nd printing 1998, translated into Chinese in 2000.

(1993) Die Integration von Prozess- und Produktinnovationen in der Theorie der Unternehmung - Ansätze für ein Schumpeterianisches Unternehmensmodell. Verlag Shaker, Aachen.

(1991) Einführung in die Theorie der optimalen Steuerung. (An Introduction into the Theory of Optimal Control.) Unpublished Manuscript, University of Augsburg, Augsburg (in German).

Refereed Publications in Academic Journals and Books:

(2007) An economic model of work-related stress. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (forthcoming)

(2007) Human Capital Formation, Public Debt and Economic Growth. In: Journal of Macroeconomics, (forthcoming)

(2007) An endogenous growth model with public capital and sustainable government debt. In: Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 58, no. 3: 345 - 361.

(2007) The dynamic behaviour of an endogenous growth model with public capital and pollution. In: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol. 11, no. 2, article 4.

(2007) Debt sustainability in the European Monetary Union: Theory and empirical evidence for selected countries. With U. Köller, W. Semmler. Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 59, no. 2: 194 - 218.

(2007) Sustainability of US public debt: Estimating smoothing spline regressions. With G. Kauermann. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 24, no. 2: 350 - 364.

(2006) Progressive Taxation, Public Capital and Endogenous Growth. In: Finanzarchiv, Vol. 62, no. 3: 353 - 366.

(2006) How much to spend on drug substitution programmes? A dynamic cost-benefit analysis. Mit J. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, C. Gavrila, J. Haunschmied, P. Kort, G. Tragler. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 128, no. 2: 279 - 294.

(2006) Testing the sustainability of German fiscal policy: evidence for the period 1960-2003. Mit U. Köller, W. Semmler. In: Empirica, Vol. 33, no. 2-3: 127 - 140.

(2006) Public spending and public debt in the Euro-area. Mit U. Köller, W. Semmler. In: Berglund, Per Gunnar, Vernengo, Matias (eds.) The Means to Prosperity: Fiscal Policy Reconsidered: 221 - 236. Routledge, London.

(2005) Anthropogenic climate change and abatement in a multi-region world with endogenous growth. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 55, no. 2: 224 - 234.

(2005) Economic Growth and Global Warming: A Model of Multiple Equilibria and Thresholds. With W. Semmler. In: Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Vol. 57, no. 4: 430 - 447.

(2005) Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital and Pollution. In: Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 56, no. 1: 67 - 84.

(2004) The Uzawa-Lucas Model without Scale Effects: Theory and Empirical Evidence. With G. Gong and W. Semmler. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 15, no. 4: 401 - 420.

(2004) Economic Growth, Skill-Biased Technical Change and Wage Inequality: A Model and Estimations for the U.S. and Europe. With J. Rubart and W. Semmler. In: Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 26, no. 4: 597 - 621.

(2004) Anthropogenic climate change in a descriptive growth model. In: Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 9, no. 5: 645 - 662.

(2004) Global Warming in a Basic Endogenous Growth Model. In: Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol. 6, no. 1: 49 - 73.

(2004) Endogenous Growth: Estimating the Romer Model for the U.S. and Germany. With G. Gong and W. Semmler. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 66, no. 2: 147 - 164.

(2004) Estimating an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital and Government Borrowing: US and Germany 1960-1995. With G. Gong and W. Semmler. In: Computational Economics, Vol. 23, no. 1: 21 - 44.

(2003) On the Dynamics of an Endogenous Growth Model with Learning by Doing. In: Economic Theory, Vol. 21, no. 1: 205 - 214.

(2003) Public Capital, Environmental Pollution and Economic Growth. In: Bars, Ruth (ed.) Control Applications of Optimisation 2003: 111 - 116. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford.

(2003) Monetary Policy, Non-Uniqueness of Steady States and Hysteresis Effects. With W. Semmler. In: Neck, Reinhard (ed.) Modelling and Control of Economic Systems 2002: 323 - 328. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford.

(2002) Monetary Policy in the EURO-Area: Was it Too Tight in the 1990s? With W. Semmler and W. Zhang. In: Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 30, no. 3: 283 - 297.

(2002) Externalities of Investment, Education and Economic Growth. With W. Semmler. In: Economic Modelling, Vol. 19, no. 5: 709 - 724.

(2002) Environmental Effects of Tourism Industry: an Inter-temporal Trade-off”. With G. Feichtinger, R.F. Hartl, J.L. Haunschmied, P. Kort, A. Novak. In: Optimal Control Applications & Methods, Vol. 23, no. 1: 1 - 19.

(2001) Indeterminacy and the Distribution of Growth Rates. With J.J. Krüger. In:
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 15, no. 6: 1 - 8.

(2001) Externalities of Investment and Endogenous Growth: Theory and Time Series Evidence. With W. Semmler. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 12, no. 3: 295 - 310.

(2001) The Maastricht Criteria and Sustainability of German Fiscal Policy. With W. Semmler. In: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol. 72, no. 2: 271 - 284.

(2001) Distribution and Endogenous Growth: The Two-Class Pasinetti Model. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Bd. (Vol.) 221/3: 309 - 321.

(2001) Growth Effects of Fiscal Policy and Debt Sustainability in the EU. With G. Gong and W. Semmler. In: Empirica, Vol. 28, no. 1: 3 - 19.

(2001) Optimal Periodic Development of a Pollution Generating Tourism Industry. With G. Feichtinger, R.F. Hartl, J.L. Haunschmied, P. Kort. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 134, no. 3: 582 - 591.

(2000) Fiscal Policy in a Two-Country Endogenous Growth Model. In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Review of Economics), Bd. (Vol.) 51, no. 3: 222 - 236.

(2000) Endogenous Growth, Government Debt and Budgetary Regimes. With W. Semmler. In: Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 22, no. 3: 363 - 384.

(1999) Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Productive Government Spending. In: Metroeconomica, Vol. 50, no. 2: 174 - 193.

(1999) An Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital and Government Borrowing. With W. Semmler. In: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 88: 65 - 79.

(1999) Endogenous Growth through Externalities of Investment: A Different Approach. In: Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 27, no. 1: 86 - 90.

(1999) An Inquiry into the Sustainability of German Fiscal Policy: Some Time Series Tests. With W. Semmler. In: Public Finance Review, Vol. 27, no. 2: 221 - 237.

(1998) Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous-growth Model with Public Investment: a Note. In: Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 68, no. 2: 193 - 198.

(1998) Growth and Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Investment. With H. Hanusch. In: International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 5, no. 3: 249 - 261.

(1996) Endogenous Growth Cycles - Arrow's Learning by Doing Reconsidered. In: Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 18, no. 4: 587 - 604.

(1996) Fiscal Policy in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Learning by Doing. In: Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 24, no. 3: 371 - 390.

(1996) Inventive Investment and the Diffusion of Technology. With W. Semmler. In: Revue Internationale de Systémique, Vol. 10, no. 3: 241 - 260.

(1996) Saddle Path Stability, Fluctuations, and Indeterminacy in Economic Growth. With W. Semmler. In: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol. 1, no. 2: 105 - 118.

(1996) Cyclically Oscillating Product Quality: A Simple Model of the Product Life Cycle. In: Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 24, no. 2: 97 - 109.

(1996) Multiple Steady States, Indeterminacy, and Cycles in a Basic Model of Endogenous Growth. With W. Semmler. In: Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für National Ökonomie, Vol. 63, no. 1: 79 - 99.

(1994) Schumpeter's Circular Flow, Learning by Doing and Cyclical Growth. With H. Hanusch. In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 4, no. 3: 261 - 271.

(1994) A Note on Competition among Techniques in the Presence of Increasing Returns to Scale. With F. Kugler. In: Leydesdorff, Loet, van den Besselaar, Peter (eds.) Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory, New Directions in Technology Studies: 44 - 52. Pinter Ltd., London.

(1994) Cyclical Innovations and Production: A Formal Model of the Firm Reflecting Schumpeterian Ideas. With H. Hanusch. In: Shionoya, Yuichi, Perlman, Mark (eds.) Innovation in Technology, Industries, and Institutions: Studies in Schumpeterian Perspectives: 157 - 169. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

(1993) A Dynamic Model of the Firm Including Keynesian and Schumpeterian Elements. With H. Hanusch. In: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Vol. 149/3: 516 - 530.

(1993) Capital Accumulation under the Presence of Technical Change: The Neoclassical Model of the Firm Reconsidered. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Bd. (Vol.) 211/5-6: 447 - 458.

(1992) A Dynamic Model of the Firm with Cyclical Innovations and Production: Towards a Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm. In: Feichtinger, Gustav (ed.) Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control: 151 - 162. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.

Papers submitted for publication:

(2008) Economic growth and the employer of last resort: A simple model of Exicurity capitalism . With P. Flaschel.

(2007) Budget rules and macroeconomic stability with endogenous growth.

(2007) Environmental pollution, the public sector and economic growth.

(2007) Does it pay to have a balanced government budget?

(2007) Fiscal policy in an endogenous growth model with human capital and heterogenous agents.

(2006) When do firms gain from foreign direct investment? The role of wage differentials, technology gaps and spill-overs. With H. Dawid, B. Zou.

(2006) Debt policy in Euro-area countries: Empirical evidence for Germany and Italy using penalized spline smoothing. With G. Kauermann.

(2005) Estimating penalized spline regressions: Theory and application to economics.

Contributions to Encyclopedias:

(2007) Models of Economic Growth. Forthcoming in: UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.

(2007) Inada Conditions. In: Darity, Willliam A. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of
the Social Sciences, 2nd edition: MacMillan Reference USA (forthcoming).

Further scientific publications:

(2007) Varieties of capitalism: The exicurity model. Mit P. Flaschel, S. Luchtenberg, E. Nell. In: Peter Flaschel and Michael Landesmann (Eds.) Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism: Routledge, London. (forthcoming)

(2001) Economic Growth in the U.S. and Europe: the Role of Knowledge, Human Capital and Inventions. With G. Gong, W. Semmler, J. Rubart. In: Jürgen Gabriel and Michael Neugart (eds.) Ökonomie als Grundlage politischer Entscheidungen, Essays on Growth, Labor Markets, and European Integration in Honor of Michael Bolle: 27 - 59. Leske und Budrich, Opladen.

(2000) Einkommensumverteilung und endogenes Wachstum. With H. Hanusch. In: Reinar Lüdeke, Wolfgang Scherf and Werner Steden (eds.) Wirtschaftswissenschaft im Dienste der Verteilungs-, Geld- und Finanzpolitik. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Alois Oberhauser: 39 - 58. Duncker und Humblot, Berlin.

(1999) Staatsverschuldung, Wirtschaftswachstum und Nachhaltigkeit der Fiskalpolitik in Deutschland. With W. Semmler. In: Neck, Reinhard, Holzmann, Robert (eds.) Was wird aus Euroland? 161 - 178. Manz Verlag, Wien. English Title: Public Debt, Economic Growth and Sustainability of German Fiscal Policy. With W. Semmler. Ludwig Boltzmann Institut zur Analyse wirtschaftspolitischer Aktivitäten, Forschungsbericht Nr. 9813, Wien, 1998.

(1998) Steuerpolitik und endogenes Wachstum. With H. Hanusch. In: Oberhauser, Alois (ed.) Probleme der Besteuerung I. Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Vol. 259/I:57 - 98. Duncker und Humblot, Berlin.

Working papers:

(2004) Debt sustainability in the Euro-area: Evidence for Germany and Italy using smoothing spline regressions. CEM Working Paper, No. 80, Bielefeld University, cem/

(2003) Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital: How Important are Transition Dynamics? CEM Working Paper, No. 59, Bielefeld University,

(2003) Anthropogenic Climate Change, Abatement and Economic Growth in a multiregion World. CEM Working Paper, No. 50, Bielefeld University,

(2001) Growth Effects of Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Productive Public Spending and Pollution. With T. Kuhn. CEM Working Paper, No. 20, Bielefeld University,

(2001) Endogenous Growth, Skill-Biased Technical Change and Wage Inequality. With W. Semmler. CEM Working Paper, No. 8, Bielefeld University,

(1994) Endogenous Technical Change Through Investment and Learning. With W. Semmler. Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, Working Paper no. 54, New York.

(1993) A Note on the Boundedness of the Variables in Two-Sector Models of Optimal Economic Growth with Learning by Doing. Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe der Universität Augsburg, Beitrag Nr. 94, Augsburg.

(1990) A Dynamic Theory of the Firm with Endogenous Technical Change. Volkswirtschaftliche
Diskussionsreihe der Universität Augsburg, Beitrag Nr. 47, Augsburg.

Book Reviews:

(2000) Elhanan Helpman (ed.), (1998) General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts), London, in: Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 71, no. 1: 89 - 91.

(1999) Gilbert Abraham-Frois (ed.), (1998) Non-Linear Dynamics and Endogenous Cycles, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 9, no. 2: 279 - 283.

(1994) Onno van Hilten, Peter M. Kort, Paul J.J.M. van Loon, (1993) Dynamic Policies of the Firm - An Optimal Control Approach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 5, no. 2: 174 - 176.

(1993) Arvid Aulin, (1992) Foundations of Economic Development, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, in: Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 58, no. 3: 335 - 337.

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