Studiengang Details

Master in Consumer Science at the Munich Campus

Fact sheet

Master, Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Taught language


Program Emphasis
Economics, Management

Course options
Full-time study



Contact person
Silvana Rueda Urrea
Admission Coordinator
Manage consumers’ needs in a global and digitized world

This master’s program will help you achieve your goal of becoming an expert in consumer research with a unique international and interdisciplinary profile. The program offers an inspiring combination of management studies and social and consumer sciences, combined with strong links to technological discipline.

To follow this program you should have an academic background in management, economics or another social science such as sociology, psychology or communication sciences. You must have a bachelor’s degree in one of these areas with at least 15 ECTS credits in research methods, including statistics.


In today’s interconnected world, consumer science is becoming more and more important. Companies, governments, NGOs and research institutions all over the globe are looking for graduates who understand how consumers operate in their economic, social and environmental contexts, against the backdrop of ongoing digitization. As a specialist in consumer research with interdisciplinary and international experience, you will be in an excellent position to meet the requirements of future employers.


The Master in Consumer Science (MCS) at TUM School of Management is one of a kind in Germany. It guarantees you a unique academic experience with fellow students from many different countries and academic backgrounds. This diversity, combined with the broad curriculum of the program, nurtures the exchange of different perspectives, fosters intercultural skills and prepares you for a successful career in an international setting.

The MCS program combines perspectives from a variety of disciplines, which makes it particularly challenging. You will need a sound theoretical and methodological foundation. This is provided mainly by courses during the first two semesters, preparing you for more specialized courses in your last two semesters.

The program includes a mandatory Project Studies module that provides you with hands-on experience in a practical, interdisciplinary environment.

All students spend at least a short period abroad as part of their degree. This gives you an intercultural sensitivity that will greatly benefit you as a manager.

Requirements / Application

The minimum requirements for an application to the Master in Consumer Science are:

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in Business Administration/Economics/Social Sciences or a comparable program
  • 15 ECTS in Empirical Research Methods/Statistics/Mathematics
  • Proficiency in English
  • All Applicants for a Master’s degree who did not obtain their qualification for postgraduate studies (usually a Bachelor’s degree) at a German university must apply for a VPD (preliminary review documentation) through uni-assist.
  • All applicants, who wish to apply for a degree program at a German university with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree need a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center (Akademische Prüfstelle, APS).
  • Additionally, a GMAT (classic/focus) with at least 65% percentile ranking if you obtained your bachelor's degree in the following countries: China, India, Pakistan, Egypt, and Bangladesh.
  • For international applicants: There may be a tuition fee per semester for certain countries. Please note the Q&A section at the bottom of the page, as there's specific information for students from TUM and other German universities.If you have a Bachelor's degree from a German university, you are generally not required to pay tuition fees for a Master's degree. However, the Bachelor's degree must be completed before the start of the Master's program. In order not to have to pay tuition fees, you have to prove the successful completion of the Bachelor's degree before the enrollment deadline

Important Dates

Application period: April 1 until May 31 (no late submission permitted!)

Start of program: winter semester

Tuition / Fees

Duration of study

4 semesters

Career Perspective

Upon completion of this program our graduates will
  • be experts in linking engineering, natural science or social science and management.
  • have expert business knowledge in the field of consumer research.
  • be problem-solvers for complex business issues.
  • be responsible leaders.
  • be leaders in a global world.

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