Studiengang Details

Mannheim Master in Sustainability and Impact Management

Fact sheet

Master, Master of Arts (M.A.)

Taught language


Program Emphasis
Management, Sustainability, Sustainable Management

Course options
Part-time study



Contact person
Katja Gold
Admissions Manager
Mannheim Business School gGmbh
68131 Mannheim
Society at large is increasingly facing existential challenges such as the global climate crisis, a general scarcity of resources and severe biodiversity loss. Consequently, successfully managing sustainability, i.e., the company’s impact on people and planet, is not only becoming a core responsibility of firms but also a key success factor, enabling companies to gain competitive advantages.

Various stakeholders including employees, customers, investors, governments and non-governmental organizations are calling for companies to take a proactive role in sustainable development and be a part of the solution rather than merely contributing to the problem.

Become part of the next cohort and learn the knowledge and methods needed to make an impact in your company in our part-time program.

Program Emphasis

The core courses lay the foundation for the three key areas:
  • Sustainability and Impact Management Knowledge and Methods
  • Basic Management Knowledge with a Focus on Sustainability Challenges
  • Change Management, Personal Skills Development and Collaboration
Elective courses, personal skills courses and workshops round off the program.

Requirements / Application

  • A first degree
  • First work experience
  • Fluency in English
  • Current employment

Important Dates

Programm start: May

Tuition / Fees

Current fee € 27,000 (regular fee € 32,000)
Early Bird offers available

Duration of study

24-month modular part-time format

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