Studiengang Details

Applied Financial Mathematics, Zertifikat

Fact sheet


Taught language


Program Emphasis
Finance, Mathematik

Course options
Part-time distance learning


Contact person
Programme Management Applied Financial Mathematics
In-depth knowledge of concepts and methods from financial mathematics and actuarial science, and the ability to apply these statistically and numerically, are becoming increasingly important in the financial and insurance sectors. The distance learning programme provides the participants with the fundamentals of modern Financial Mathematics. In addition they can choose from several specializations in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Financial Economics and Computational Methods which also allow to understand current research in the corresponding areas.


The distance learning programme “Applied Financial Mathematics” has undergone an internal quality assurance process within the RPTU in Kaiserslautern`s subsystem accreditation.

Tuition / Fees

At the moment, the tuition fees are EUR 1,990 per semester, plus a social contribution. For more information on the costs, please visit our website.

Duration of study

The distance learning programme has a standard period of study of two semesters (part-time).

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