Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heinrich W. Ursprung

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Konstanz
insb. Außenwirtschaftstheorie und ökonomische Theorie der Politik
Ort / PLZ
78457 Konstanz
Fach 138



Seiichi Katayama and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Commercial Culture, Political Culture and the Political Economy of Trade Policy: The Case of Japan", CESifo, 2000, Working Paper No. 312. Forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Working Papers

Martin Bodenstein and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Political Yardstick Competition, Economic Integration, and Constitutional Choice in a Federation", CESifo, 2001, Working Paper No. 501.


Philipp Harms and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Do civil and political repression really boost foreign direct investments?", CESifo, 2001, Working Paper No. 421. Economic Inquiry 40, 651-663, 2002.

Heinrich Ursprung:
"Where do we go from here?", in S.L. Winer and H. Shibata (eds.): Political Economy and Public Finance - The role of political economy in the theory and practice of public economics, in association with the International Institute of Public Finance, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, 224-231.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues", Paperback Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Albert Breton and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Globalisation, Competitive Governments, and Constitutional Choice in Europe", in Henryk Kierzkowski (ed.): Europe and Globalization, Palgrave, 2002


Leif Danziger and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Risk-Aversion and Social Mobility: The Impossibility of Order-Preserving Income Redistributions", CESifo, 2000, Working Paper No. 321. Economic Letters 74/1, 9-13, 2001

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues", Oxford, Oxford University Press.

New in Paperback: now available

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"International trade, investment, and the environment: Theoretical issues", in Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung (eds.): International environmental economics: A survey of the issues, Oxford University Press, 2001, 15-44.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"The empirical evidence on trade, investment, and the environment", in Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung (eds.): International environmental economics: A survey of the issues, Oxford University Press, 2001, 45-61.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"The political economy of international trade and the environment", in Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung (eds.): International environmental economics: A survey of the issues, Oxford University Press, 2001, 62-83.

Philipp Harms and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Freiheit und ausländische Direktinvestitionen", in S. Bewrninghaus and M. Braulke (eds.): Beiträge zur Mikro- und Makroökonomik, Springer, Berlin, 2001, 193-205.


Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Economic Integration and Environmental Policy: A Survey of the Political-Economic Literature", in: Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau (ed.) Institutional Arrangements for Global Economic Integration, Houndsmills, Basingstocke and London, MacMillan, 2000, ch. 9, pp. 161-186.

Arye Hillman and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Political culture and economic decline", European Journal of Political Economy 16, 189-213, 2000.

Heinrich Ursprung:
"Die Modellierung endogener Handelspolitik: ' The Rakes´s Progress ' ", Aussenwirtschaft, 2000, Vol. 1, 85-119.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"La donna e mobile - or is She? Voter Preferences and Public Support for the Performing Arts", Public Choice, 102: 131-149.


Gil Epstein, Arye L. Hillmann and Heinrich W. Ursprung:
"The King Never Emigrates", Review of Development Economics, 1999, Vol. 3, 107-121.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Globalisierung versus Nationalstaat: Ein Überblick über die empirische Evidenz (Globalization and the nation state: A survey of the empirical literature)", in: Andreas Busch und Thomas Plümper (eds.): Nationaler Staat und internationale Wirtschaft (National state and international economy), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 1999, 41-89.

Günther Schulze and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Globalization of the Economy and the Nation State", The World Economy, 1999, Vol.22, 295-352.
To be reprinted in: Globalization, Technology and Trade, Vol. 19, New World Order Series, ed. by H. Singer, N. Hatti, R. Tandon, New Delhi: BRPC, 2000, forthcoming.

Arye Hillman and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Foreign investment and endogenous protection with protectionist quid pro quo", Economics and Politics, 1999, Vol.11, 1-12.

Arye Hillman and Heinrich Ursprung:
"The trials and tribulations of banking in transition: A political-economic perspective", in M. Blejer and M. Skreb (eds.): Financial sector transformation: Lessons from economies in transition, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 132-149.


Rolf Bommer and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand. Eine publikationsanalytische Erfassung der Forschungsleistungen volkswirtschaftlicher Fachbereiche in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz" , Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 1998, Vol. 118 / 1, 1-28.

Friedrich Breyer and Heinrich Ursprung:
"Are the Rich too Rich to be Expropriated?: Economic Power and the Feasibility of Constitutional Limits to Redistribution", Public Choice, 1998, Vol. 94, 135-156

Alan Gelb, Arye L. Hillman and Heinrich W. Ursprung:
"Why the Exit from Transition is Prolonged", Economic Interdependence and Cooperation in Europe, edited by Nicolas C. Baltas, George Demopoulos and Joseph Hassid, Springer-Verlag, 1998, 21-38.

Jörg Stephan and Heinrich Ursprung:
"The Social Cost of Rent Seeking When Victories are Potentially Transient and Losses Final", K. Jäger and K.J. Koch (eds.): Trade , Growth, and Economic Policy in Open Economies, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998, 369-379.

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