Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Weber
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Mannheim
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Institute of Banking and Finance
Institute of Banking and Finance
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
insb. Bankbetriebslehre
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
insb. Bankbetriebslehre
169. Jacobs, H., S. Müller and M. Weber (2009), How should Private Investors diversify? - An empirical evaluation of alternative asset allocation policies to construct a 'world market portfolio, Working Paper.
167. Nosic, A. and M. Weber (2009), Changes of Expectations and Risk Attitudes and Their Impact on Risk Taking Behavior
166. Nosic, A. and M. Weber (2009), Overreaction in Stock Forecasts and Prices
165. Nosic, A. and M. Weber (2009), Overreaction and Asset Allocation: An Experimental Analysis
161. Jacobs, H., S. Müller and M. Weber (2008), Wie diversifiziere ich richtig? - Eine Diskussion alternativer Asset Allocation Ansätze zur Konstruktion eines "Weltportfolios", Working Paper. Datenaktualisierung für das Jahr 2008
154. Glaser, M., T. Langer, J. Reynders and M. Weber (2007), Scale Dependence of Overconfidence in Stock Market Volatility Forecasts, Working Paper.
153. Glaser, M., P. Schäfers, and M. Weber (2007), Managerial Optimism and Corporate Investment: Is the CEO Alone Responsible for the Relation?, Working Paper.
152. Sautner, Z. and M. Weber (2007), What Determines How Top Managers Value their Stock Options?, Working Paper.
150. Weber, M. and F. Welfens (2007), The Follow-On Purchase and Repurchase Behavior of Individual Investors: An Experimental Investigation, Working Paper.
149. Baucells, M., Weber, M. and F. Welfens (2008), Reference Point Formation Over Time: A Weighting Function Approach, Working Paper.
147. Weber, M. and F. Welfens (2007), How Do Markets React to Fundamental Shocks? An Experimental Analysis on Underreaction and Momentum, Working Paper.
146. Koch, C., Weber, M. and J. Wüstemann (2008), Can Auditors be Independent? Experimental Evidence, Working Paper.
144. Borgsen, S. and M. Weber (2007), False Consensus and the Role of Ambiguity in Predictions of Others’ Risky Choices, Working Paper.
143. Schmitz, P. and M. Weber (2007), Buying and Selling Behavior of Individual Investors in Option-like Securities, Working Paper.
142. Foos, D., Norden, L. and M. Weber (2009), Loan Growth and Riskiness of Banks, Working Paper.
136. Schmitz, P., Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2007), Individual Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns - What Do We Learn from Warrant Traders?, Working Paper.
135. Weber, M. and F. Welfens (2008), Splitting the Disposition Effect: Asymmetric Reactions Towards "Selling Winners" and "Holding Losers", Working Paper.
134. Sautner, Z. and M. Weber (2008), Corporate Governance and the Design of Stock Option Programs, Working Paper.
129. Savov, S. and M. Weber (2006), Fundamentals or Market Movements: What drives the Dividend Decision? Working Paper.
128. Kleff, V. and M. Weber (2005), Payout Policy and Owners’ Interests – Evidence from German Savings Banks, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-59, Mannheim.
122. Glaser, M., Langer, T. and M. Weber (2005), Overconfidence of Professionals and Laymen: Individual Differences Within and Between Tasks?, Working Paper.
121. Norden, L. and M. Weber (2008), Funding Modes of German Banks: Structural Changes and its Implications, updated version of CEPR Discussion Paper 5027, CEPR , London, to appear in: Journal of Financial Services Research.
151. Nosic, A. and M. Weber (2008), How Risky Do I Invest: The Role of Risk Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Overconfidence, to appear in: Decision Analysis.
137. Norden, L. and M. Weber (2008), Credit Line Usage, Checking Account Activitiy, and Default Risk of Bank Borrowers, to appear in: Review of Financial Studies.
125. Sautner, Z. and M. Weber (2008), How Do Managers Behave in Stock Option Plans? Clinical Evidence from Exercise and Survey Data, to appear in: Journal of Financial Research.
160. Müller, S. and M. Weber (2008), Financial Literacy and Mutual Fund Investments: Who Buys Actively Managed Funds?, Schmalenbach Business Review, 62, 126-153.
170. Jacobs, H. and M. Weber (2009), Diversifiziert, passiv, effizient. Strategische Asset Allocation für eine Genossenschaftsbank, Bankinformation, 11, 32-35.
168. Grimm, V., Schmidt, U. and M. Weber (2009), Optimales Bietverhalten in Auktionen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 8, 413-418.
159. Biais, B. and M. Weber (2009), Hindsight Bias, Risk Perception and Investment Performance, Management Science, 55, 1018-1029.
116. Norden, L. and M. Weber (2009), The Co-Movement of Credit Default Swap, Bond and Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis, European Financial Management, 15, 529-562.
162. Glaser, M., und M. Weber (2009), Financial Literacy und Anlegerverhalten, Schäfer, K., Burghof, H.-P., Johanning, L., Wagner, H. F., und S. Rodt (Hrsg.), Risikomanagement und kapitalmarktorientierte Finanzierung: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Bernd Rudolph, Fritz Knapp Verlag, 947-967.
124. Grunert, J. and M. Weber (2009), Recovery Rates of Commercial Lending: Empirical Evidence for German Companies, Journal of Banking and Finance, 33, 505-513.
126. Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2009), Which Past Returns Affect Trading Volume?, Journal of Financial Markets, 12, 1-31.
163. Nosic, A. and M. Weber (2008), Die Anleger richtig einschätzen, Die Bank, 11, 32-36.
110. Kleff, V. and M. Weber (2008), How Do Banks Determine Capital? - Empirical Evidence for Germany, German Economic Review, 9, 354-372.
106. Langer, T. and M. Weber (2008), Does Commitment or Feedback Influence Myopic Loss Aversion? An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 67, 810-819.
158. Müller, S. and M. Weber (2008), Wie viel Liquidität ist betriebsnotwendig? Der Ansatz liquider Mittel bei der Ermittlung des kalkulatorischen Eigenkapitals unter Berücksichtigung von "Cash Pooling"-Systemen, Netzwirtschaften & Recht, 5, 2, 61-65.
155. Schäfer, C., Weber, M. and P. Wolf. (2008), Berechnung und Pauschalierung des Kursdifferenzschadens bei fehlerhafter Kapitalmarktinformation, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 29, 197-204.
164. Müller, S. and M. Weber (2007), Behavioral Finance - was Anleger wirklich bewegt., Robeco Chefsache, Nr. 3/07.
157. Kotz, H.-H. and M. Weber (2007), Increasing Financial Literacy: A Public Policy Challenge, Kredit und Kapital, 40, 175-187.
156. Grunert, J. and M. Weber (2007), Recovery-Rate-Prognose: Was bleibt für die Bank?, Die Bank, Issue 10, 64-66 (in German).
104. Glaser, M., Langer, T. and M. Weber (2007), On the Trend Recognition and Forecasting Ability of Professional Traders, Decision Analysis, 4, 176-193.
148. Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2007), Why Inexperienced Investors Do Not Learn: They Don't Know Their Past Portfolio Performance, Finance Research Letters, 4, 203-216.
141. Nöth, M. and M. Weber (2007), Behavioral Finance, in: Köhler, R., Küpper, H.-U. und A. Pfingsten (Hrsg.), Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 6. Aufl., 86-94.
105. Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2007), Overconfidence and Trading Volume, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 32, 1, 1-36.
123. Grunert, J. and M. Weber (2007), Die Bedeutung potentieller Einflussfaktoren auf die Höhe der Recovery Rate von Bankkrediten an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen: Eine Umfrage in der Bankpraxis, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 77, 711-734.
140. Puszkajler, K.P. and M. Weber (2007), Wann haftet ein Bankberater für seine Empfehlungen an einen Depotkunden?: Anmerkungen zu BGH, Urteil vom 21.03.2006, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 28, 401-404.
139. Weber, M. (2007), Genial einfach investieren, Campus Verlag. (Zur Website des Buches gelangen Sie hier.)
130. Glaser, M., Langer, T., Reynders, J. and M. Weber (2007), Framing Effects in Stock Market Forecasts: The Difference between Asking for Prices and Asking for Returns, Review of Finance, 11, 325-357.
109. Klos, A. and M. Weber (2006), Portfolio Choice in the Presence of Nontradeable Income: An Experimental Analysis, German Economic Review, 7, 427-448.
137. Kortüm, B., Norden, L. and M. Weber (2006), Rechtzeitig analysieren - Die Messung von Konzentrationsrisiken im Kreditgeschäft ist wichtig, Bankinformation und Genossenschaftsforum, 33, 8, 42-46.
133. Puszkajler, K.P., Weber, M. and S. Elsland (2006), Der Wert von börsennotierten, potenziell abfindungsberechtigten Aktien: ökonomische Überlegungen zu OLG Jena ZIP 2005, 525 - DEWB/Jenoptik, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 27, 692-699.
91. Kraemer, C., Nöth, M. and M. Weber (2006), Information Aggregation with Costly Information and Random Ordering: Experimental Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 59, 423-432.
138. Grunert, J. and M. Weber (2005): Einflussfaktoren ermittelt - Recovery Rates von Unternehmenskrediten: Umfrage in der Bankpraxis, Bankinformation und Genossenschaftsforum, 32, 12, 37-40.
132. Sautner, Z. and M. Weber (2005), Ausübungsverhalten von Mitarbeitern in Aktienoptionsprogrammen: Relevanz personen- und firmenspezifischer Determinanten, Betriebs-Berater, 60, 2735-2737.
94. Weber, E.U, Siebenmorgen, N. and M. Weber (2005), Communicating Asset Risk, Risk Analysis, 25, 597-609.
127. Güth, W., van Damme, E, and M. Weber (2005), Risk Aversion on Probabilities: Experimental Evidence of Deciding Between Lotteries, Homo Oeconomicus, 22, 2, 191-209.
119. Klos, A., Weber, E.U., and M. Weber (2005), Investment Decisions and Time Horizon: Risk Perception and Risk Behavior in Repeated Gambles, Management Science, 51, 1777-1790.
98. Weber, M. and H. Zuchel (2005), How Do Prior Outcomes Affect Risk Attitude? Comparing Escalation of Commitment and the House Money Effect, Decision Analysis, 2, 30-43.
97. Kirchler, E., Maciejovsky, B. and M. Weber (2005), Framing Effects, Selective Information, and Market Behavior - An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 6, 90-100.
103. Abdellaoui, M., Vossmann, F., and M. Weber (2005), Choice-based Elicitation and Decomposition of Decision Weights for Gains and Losses under Uncertainty, Management Science, 51, 1384-1399.
92. Langer, T., Sarin, R.K. and M. Weber (2005), The Retrospective Evaluation of Payment Sequences: Duration Neglect and Peak-and-End-Effects, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58, 157-175.
93. Langer, T. and M. Weber (2005), Myopic Prospect Theory vs Myopic Loss Aversion: How General is the Phenomenon?, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 56, 25-38.
118. Norden, L. and M. Weber (2005), Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bewertung von Ratingsystemen durch Markt und Staat, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Special issue 52/05, 31-54.
107. Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2005), September 11 and Stock Return Expectations of Individual Investors, Review of Finance, 9, 243-279
100. Grunert, J., Norden, L. and M. Weber (2005), The Role of Non-Financial Factors in Internal Credit Ratings, Journal of Banking and Finance, 29, 509-531.
117. Hüffer, U., Schmidt-Assmann, E. and M. Weber (2004), Anteilseigentum, Unternehmenswert und Börsenkurs, C.H. Beck Publisher.
115. Weber, M. (2004), Basel II und Kredit-Rating: Überblick und "offene" Fragen, Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung (eds.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Diskussion 2003, 115-132.
114. Weber, M. (2004), Börsenkursbestimmung aus ökonomischer Perspektive, Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 33, 280-300.
108. Norden, L. and M. Weber (2004), Informational Efficiency of Credit Default Swap and Stock Markets: The Impact of Credit Rating Announcements, Journal of Banking and Finance, 28, 2813-2843.
113. Kraemer, C. and M. Weber (2004), How Do People Take into Account Weight, Strength and Quality of Segregated vs. Aggregated Data? Experimental Evidence, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 29, 113-142.
111. Grunert, J. and M. Weber (2004), Ansätze zur Messung der Äquivalenz von Ratingsystemen, Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 1, 28-37.
102. Glaser, M., Nöth, M. and M. Weber (2004), Behavioral Finance, in: Derek J. Koehler and Nigel Harvey (eds.), Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making, 527-546.
96. Siebenmorgen, N. and M. Weber (2004), The Influence of Different Investment Horizons on Risk Behavior, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2, 75-90.
101. Klos, A., Langer, T. and M. Weber (2003), Über kurz oder lang - Welche Rolle spielt der Anlagehorizont bei Investments?, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 73, 733-765.
95. Siebenmorgen, N. and M. Weber (2003), A Behavioral Model for Asset Allocation, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 17, 15-42.
89. Glaser, M. and M. Weber (2003), Momentum and Turnover: Evidence from the German Stock Market, Schmalenbach Business Review, 55, 108-135.
87. Nöth, M. and M. Weber (2003), Information Aggregation with Random Ordering: Cascades and Overconfidence, Economic Journal, 113, 166-189.
88. Grunert, J., Kleff, V., Norden, L. and M. Weber (2002), Mittelstand und Basel II: Der Einfluss der neuen Eigenkapitalvereinbarung für Banken auf die Kalkulation von Kreditzinsen, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 72, 1045-1064.
86. Fox, C.R. and M. Weber (2002), Ambiguity Aversion, Comparative Ignorance, and Decision Context, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88, 476-498.
85. Eisenführ, F., Langer, T. and M. Weber (2001, eds.), Case-Studies in Rational Decision Making, Springer Publisher (in German).
84. Krahnen, J. and M. Weber (2001), Market Making in the Laboratory: Does Competition Matter?, Experimental Economics, 4, 55-85.
83. Kilka, M. and M. Weber (2001), What Determines the Shape of the Probability Weighting Function under Uncertainty, Management Science, 47, 1712-1726.
82. Langer, T. and M. Weber (2001), Prospect Theory, Mental Accounting and Differences in Aggregated and Segregated Evaluation of Lottery Portfolios, Management Science. 47, 716-733.
81. Sadrieh, A., Güth, W., Hammerstein, P., Harnard, S., Hoffrage, U., Kuon, B., Munier, B.R., Todd, P. M., Warglien, M. and M. Weber (2001), Is there Evidence for an Adaptive Toolbox?, Gigerenzer, G. and R. Selten (eds.), Bounded rationality - The Adpative Toolbox, MIT Press, Cambridge, 83-102.
80. Weber, M. (2001), Decision and Choice: Risk, Theories, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 13364-13368.
79. Krahnen, J. and M. Weber (2001), Generally Accepted Rating Principles: A Primer, Journal of Banking and Finance, 25, 3-23.
78. Kilka, M. and M. Weber (2000), Home-Bias in International Stock Return Expectations, Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets, 1, 176-193.
77. August, R., Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (2000), Momentum Strategies in the German Stock Market, Kredit und Kapital, 2/2000, 198-234 (in German).
76. Weber, M. and Members of the Behavioral Finance Group (2000), Behavioral Finance - Conceptual Ideas, Finanz Betrieb, May 2000, 311-318 (in German).
75. Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (2000), Pricing Financial Assets: Theory and Empirical Results, von Hagen, J. and J.H. von Stein (eds.): Obst/Hintner, Money, Banking and Finance, Handbook of the Financial System, 40.ed., Schäffer-Poeschel publisher, Stuttgart, 270-298 (in German).
74. Langer, T. and M. Weber (2000), Banks as Financial Intermediaries, von Hagen, J. and J.H. von Stein (eds.): Obst/Hintner, Money, Banking and Finance, Handbook of the Financial System, 40.ed., Schäffer-Poeschel publisher, Stuttgart, 201-231 (in German).
73. Weber, M., Keppe, H.-J. and G. Meyer-Delius (2000), The impact of endowment framing on market prices - an experimental analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 41, 159-176.
72. Baz, J., Briys, E., Bronnenberg, B.J., Cohen, M., Kast, R., Wathieu, L., Wertenbroch, K. and M. Weber (1999), Risk Perception in the Short Run and in the Long Run, Marketing Letters, 267-283.
71. Schiereck, D., DeBondt, W. and M. Weber (1999), Contrarian and Momentum Strategies in Germany, Financial Analyst Journal, 55, 6, 104-116.
70. Krahnen, J. and M. Weber (1999), Does Information Aggregation depend on Market Structure?, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 119, 1-22.
69. Langer, T. and M. Weber (1999), Decision Analysis, Kieser, A. and W. Oechsler (eds.), Management, Schäffer-Poeschl Publisher, Stuttgart, 31-89.
68. Elsas, R., Ewert, R. , Krahnen, J. , Rudolph, B. and M. Weber (1999), Credit Management of German Banks, Die Bank, Issue 3, 190-199 (in German).
67. Weber, M., Krahnen, J. and F. Voßmann (1999), Risk Measurement in Credit Management: An Empirical Analysis of Internal Credit Ratings, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Special Issue 41, Gebhardt, G. and B. Pellens (eds.), 117-142 (in German).
66. Weber, M. and L. Mangelsdorff (1998), Hindsight-Bias and Principal-Agent Relations: Can a Note Serve as an Answer?, Glaser, H., E.F. Schröder and A von Werder (eds.), Organisations in Changing Markets, Gabler Publisher, Wiesbaden, 461-478 (in German).
65. Machauer, A. and M. Weber (1998), Bank Behavior Based on Internal Credit Rating of Borrowers, Journal of Banking and Finance, 22, 1355-1383, translated to Italian: Il Comportamento delle Banche e il Rating Interno dei Prenditori, Szegö, S. and F. Varetto (eds., 1999), Il Rischio Creditizio, UTET , Turin, 407-435.
64. Weber, M. (1998), Remarks on the Paper "On the Measurement of Preferences in the Analytical Hierarchy Process" by A.A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen, Journal of Multi-Criteria Analysis, 6, 320-321.
63. Weber, M. (1998), Remarks on the Paper "Financial Systems and Corporate Governance: A Review of the International Evidence" by C. Mayer, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 154, 166-169.
62. Hartmann-Wendels, Th., Pfingsten, A.and M. Weber (1998, 1999, 2004, 2007), Banking, Springer Publisher, Berlin et al., 1., 2, 3 and 4. ed. (in German).
61. Weber, M. and C. Camerer (1998), The Disposition Effect in Securities Trading: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 33, 167-184.
60. Ahlbrecht, M. and M. Weber (1997), Preference for Gradual Resolution of Uncertainty, Theory and Decision, 43, 167-184.
59. Brachinger, H.W. and M. Weber (1997), Risk as a Primitive: A Survey of Measures of Perceived Risk, OR-Spektrum, 19, 235-260.
58. Löffler, G. and M. Weber (1997), Which Factors influence expected Stock Market Returns?, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 117, 209-246 (in German).
57. Ahlbrecht, M. and M. Weber (1997), An Empirical Study on Intertemporal Decision Making under Risk, Management Science, 43, 813-826.
56. Bromann, M., Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (1997), Getting Rich by (anti-)Cyclic Trading Strategies, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 49, 603-616 (in German)
55. Ahlbrecht, M. and M. Weber (1996), The Resolution of Uncertainty: An Experimental Study, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economcis,152, 593-607.
54. Nöth, M. and M. Weber (1996), Insider Detection in Experimental Markets, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 48, 959-982 (in German).
53. Loomes, G. and M. Weber (1996), Endowment Effects for Risky Assets, Albers, W. et al. (Eds.), Understanding Strategic Interaction - Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten Springer Publisher, Berlin et al., 494-512.
52. Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (1995), Floor-Trading, IBIS or London - Where to go when Trading German Stocks, Die Bank, issue 11, 654-658 (in German).
51. Ahlbrecht, M. and M. Weber (1995), Hyperbolic Discounting Models in Prescriptive Theory of Intertemporal Choice, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissen-schaften, 115, 535-568.
50. Salo, A. A. and M. Weber (1995), Ambiguity Aversion in First-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 11, 123-137.
49. Keppe, H.-J. and M. Weber (1995), Judged Knowledge and Ambiguity Aversion, Theory and Decision, 39, 51-77.
48. Weber, M. (1995), Questions to Psychology - put forward by an Economist, Pawlik (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39. Meeting of the Society for Psychology in Berlin 1994, Hogrefe Publisher, Göttingen, 233-242 (in German).
47. Weber, M., Krahnen, J. and A. Weber (1995), Avoiding Pitfalls in Using Scoring Rules, Der Betrieb, 49, 1621-1626 (in German).
46. Weber, M. (1995), Stock Exchange in the Laboratory, Book of the German Stock Exchange, 73-98 (in German).
45. Eisenberger, R. and M. Weber (1995), Willingness-to-Pay and Willingness-to-Accept for Risky and Ambiguous Lotteries, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 10, 223-233.
44. Borcherding, K., Schmeer, S. and M. Weber (1995), Biases in Multiattribute Weight Elicitation, Caverni, J.-P., M. Bar-Hillel, H. Barron and H. Jungermann (Eds.), Contributions to Decision Research, North-Holland Publisher, Amsterdam, 3-28.
43. Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (1995), Procyclic and Anticyclic Trading Strategies in the German Stock Market, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 47, 3-24 (in German).
42. Mangelsdorff, L. and M. Weber (1994), Testing Choquet Expected Utility, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 25, 437-457.
41. Kimbrough, St. and M. Weber (1994), An Empirical Comparison of Utility Assessment Programs, European Journal of Operational Research, 75, 617-633.
40. Eisenführ, F. and M. Weber (1993, 1994, 1999, 2003), Rational Decision Making, Springer Publisher, Berlin et al., 1., 2. 3. and 4. ed. (in German).
39. Sarin, R. K. and M. Weber (1993), Risk-Value Models, European Journal of Operational Research, 70, 135-149.
38. von Nitzsch, R. and M. Weber (1993), The Effect of Attribute Ranges on Weights in Multiattribute Utility Measurements, Management Science, 39, 937-943.
37. Weber, M. (1993), Endowment Effects: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 53, 479-490 (in German).
36. Sarin, R. K. and M. Weber (1993), The Effect of Ambiguity in Market Setting, Management Science, 39, 135-149.
35. Pieper, U., Schiereck, D. and M. Weber (1993), The Recommendations of the "Effecten-Spiegel" - An Empirical Investigation in the Light of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 45, 487-509 (in German).
34. Weber, M. and K. Borcherding (1993), Behavioral Influences on Weight Judgments in Multiattribute Decision Making, European Journal of Operational Research, 67, 1-12.
33. Keppe, H. J. and M. Weber (1993), Competence Effects in Experimental Markets, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Special Issue 31, Bühler, W., H. Hax and R. Schmidt (Eds.), 195-225 (in German).
32. Weber, M. (1993), Ambiguity Effects in Experimental Markets, Talks of the Rheinisch-Westfälischen Academy of Science, N 397, Westdeutscher Publisher, Opladen (in German).
31. Weber, M. and D. Schiereck (1993), Using Capital Market Data for Estimating Capital Costs, Gebhardt, G., W. Gerke and M. Steiner (Eds.), Handbook of Financial Management, Beck Publisher, München, 131-150 (in German).
30. Kruse, H., Berg, E. and M. Weber (1993), Do Company Specifica Explain the Relative Performance of Common and Preferred Stocks?, Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 5, 23-31 (in German).
29. Keppe, H.-J. and M. Weber (1993), Risk Analysis and Risk Profiles Based on Incomplete Information on Probabilities, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 52, 49-56 (in German).
28. Burgemeister, J. and M. Weber (1993), Risk und Acceptance of Industry Locations, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 63, 147-169 (in German).
27. Camerer, C. and M. Weber (1992), Recent Developments in Modelling Preferences: Uncertainty and Ambiguity, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5, 325-370.
26. Klein, D. A.,Weber, and E. H. Shortliffe (1992), A Framework for Computer-Based Explanation of Multiattribute Decisions in Expert Systems, Goicoechea, A., L. Duckstein and S. Zionts (Eds.), IX-th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer Publisher, Berlin, 159-171.
25. Weber, M., Berg, E. and H. Kruse (1992), Price and Return Comparison for Preferred and Common Stocks, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 44, 548-565 (in German).
24. Weber, M. and C. Camerer (1992), An Experiment on Investment Decision Making, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 44, 131-148 (in German).
23. Weber, M. (1992), Scoring-Rules, in: Frese, E. (Ed.), Handbook of Organization, 3. ed., Publisher, Stuttgart, 1435-1448 (in German).
22. von Nitzsch, R. and M. Weber (1991), Range-Effects and Attribute Weights, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 43, 971-986 (in German).
21. Weber, M. (1991), Multiple Attribute in Investment Decision Making, Busse von Colbe, W. (Ed.), Accounting Handbook, 2. ed.., Oldenbourg Publisher, München, 397-399 (in German).
20. Weber, M. (1991), New Behavioral Assumptions as a Basis for the Theory of Investment and Finance, Ordelheide, D., B. Rudolph and E. Büsselmann (Eds.), Management and Economic Theory, Poeschel Publisher, Stuttgart, 311-327 (in German).
19. Weber, M. (1990), Theories of Decision Making under Risk and the Theory of Finance, Poeschel Publisher, Stuttgart (in German).
18. Keppe, H.-J. and M. Weber (1989), Stochastic Dominance and Incomplete Information on Probabilities, European Journal of Operational Research, 43, 350-355.
17. Camerer, C., Loewenstein, G. and M. Weber (1989), The Curse of Insight in Economic Settings: an Experimental Analysis, Journal of Political Economy, 97, 1232-1254.
16. Weber, M. (1989), Ambiguity in Capital and Financial Markets, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 41, 447-471 (in German).
15. von Nitzsch, R. and M. Weber (1988), Utility Function Assessment on a Micro-Computer: A Reliable, Interactive Procedure, Annals of Operations Research, 16, 149-160.
14. Weber, M., Eisenführ, F. and D. von Winterfeldt (1988), The Effect of Splitting Attributes in Multiattribute Utility Measurement, Management Science, 34, 431-445.
13. Brauers, J. and M. Weber (1988), A New Method for Scenario Analysis in Strategic Planning, Journal of Forecasting, 7, 31-47, revised translation of Brauers, Weber (1986).
12. Weber, M., Eisenführ, F. and D. von Winterfeldt (1987), Bias in Assessment of Attribute Weights, Sawaragi, Y., K. Inoue und H. Nakayama (Eds..), Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Springer Publisher, Berlin, 309-318.
11. Weber, M. and C. Camerer (1987), Recent Developments in Modelling Preferences under Risk, OR-Spektrum, 9, 129-151.
10. Weber, M. (1987), Decision Making with Incomplete Information, European Journal of Operational Research, 28, 44-57.
9. Eisenführ, F. and M. Weber (1986), Structering Attributes as a Critical Step in Decision Analysis, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 38, 907-929 (in German).
8. von Nitzsch, R. and M. Weber (1986), The Reliable Assessment of Utility Functions, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 38, 844-862 (in German).
7. Keller, L. R., Sarin, R. K. and M. Weber (1986), Empirical Investigation of Some Properties of the Perceived Riskiness of Gambles, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 38, 114-130.
6. Brauers, J. and M. Weber (1986), Szenario analysis as a Tool for Strategic Management: A New Method, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 56, 631-652 (in German).
5. Weber, M. (1986), Subjektive Evaluation of Strategic Business Units, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 46, 160-173 (in German).
4. Weber, M. (1985), A Method for Multiattribute Decision Making with Incomplete Information, Management Science, 31, 1365-1371.
3. Weber, M. (1985), Multiattribute Decision Making under Incomplete Information - an Empirical Study, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 37, 311-331 (in German).
2. Weber, M. (1983), An Empirical Investigation on Multiattribute Decision Making, in: Hansen, P. (Ed.), Essays and Surveys on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer Publisher, Berlin, 379-388.
1. Weber, M. (1983), Multiattribute Decision Making - Methods for Individual and Group Decision Support, Gabler Publisher, Wiesbaden (in German).
Alte Working Papers
90. Nöth, M., Camerer, C., Plott, Ch. and M. Weber, Information Traps and Misaligned Beliefs.
99. Kraemer, C., Nöth, M. and M. Weber, To Buy or Not to Buy, Why Do People Buy too Much Information?
112. Franke, G. and M. Weber (2003), Heterogeneity of Investors and Asset Pricing in a Risk-Value World. CEPR DP 3832.
120. Vossmann, F. and M. Weber (2005), Measuring Covariation between Preference Parameters: A Simulation Study. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.