Prof. Dr. Ulrich Woitek

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
nstitut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ort / PLZ
8032 Zürich
Zürichbergstr. 14
+41 (0)44 634 36 50
+41 (0)44 634 35 99


Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics

“Technology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations in an Estimated Hybrid RBC Model,” (with Jim Malley), Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, forthcoming.

"To React or Not? Fiscal Policy, Volatility and Welfare in the EU-3," (with Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos), European Economic Review, 53, 2009.

" A Pioneer of a New Monetary Policy? Sweden's Price Level Targeting of the 1930s Revisited," (with Tobias Straumann), European Review of Economic History, 13, 2009.

"Real Earnings and Business Cycles: New Evidence," (with Jim Malley and Bob Hart), Empirical Economics, 37, 2009.

"Economics and the Summer Olympics: An Efficiency Analysis," (with Alexander Rathke), Journal of Sports Economics, 9, 2008.

"Regional Business Cycles in Italy," (with Camilla Mastromarco), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 52, 2007.

"Electoral Uncertainty, Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Fluctuations," (with Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31, 2007.

"Public Infrastructure Investment and Efficiency in Italian Regions," (with Camilla Mastromarco), Journal of Productivity Analysis, 25, 2006.

"Some New Results on Industrial Sector Mode-Locking and Business Cycle Formation," (with Bernd Süssmuth), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 9, 2005.

"Does Conservatism Matter? A Time-Series Approach to Central Bank Behaviour," (with Helge Berger), Economic Journal, 115, 2005.

"Real Business Cycles or Sticky Prices? The Impact of Technology Shocks on US Manufacturing," (with Jim Malley and Anton Muscatelli), European Economic Review, 49, 2005.

"Business Cycles and Comovement in Mediterranean Economies: A National and Areawide Perspective," (with Bernd Süssmuth), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 40, 2004.

"R&D Expenditure in the G7 Countries: Implications for Endogenous Fluctuations and Growth," (with Klaus Wälde), Economics Letters, 82, 2004.

"International Synchronization of National Business Cycles?," (with Gebhard Flaig and Jan-Egbert Sturm), Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement, 54, 2003.

"Some New International Comparisons of Productivity Performance at the Sectoral Level," (with Jim Malley and Anton Muscatelli), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 166, 2003.

"Rational Investment Behavior and Seasonality in Early Modern Grain Prices," (with Walter Bauernfeind and Michael Reutter), European Review of Economic History, 5, 2001.

"The German Political Business Cycle: Money Demand rather than Monetary Policy," (with Helge Berger), European Journal of Political Economy, 17, 2001.

"More International Evidence on the Historical Properties of Business Cycles," (with Brian A'Hearn), Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 47, 2001.

"The Influence of Climatic Change on Price Fluctuations in Germany during the 16th Century Price Revolution," (with Walter Bauernfeind), Climatic Change, Vol 43, 1999.

"How Opportunistic are Partisan Central Bankers? A Note on the Vaubel-Hypothesis," (with Helge Berger), European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 13, 1997.

"Searching for Political Business Cycles in Germany," (with Helge Berger), Public Choice, Vol. 91, 1997.

"Cyclical Characteristics of Tithe Series in Mid Franconia and Switzerland 1339-1708: An Application of Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis," (with Walter Bauernfeind), Historical Social Research (Zeitschrift für historische Sozialforschung),Vol. 21, 1996.

"Agrarian Cycles in Germany 1339-1670: A Spectral Anaylsis of Grain Prices and Output in Nuremberg," (with Walter Bauernfeind), Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 33, 1996.


“BMI-Distribution / -Social Stratification in Swiss Conscripts from 1875 to Present,“ (with Christian Pfister, Frank Rühli, and Kaspar Staub), European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, forthcoming.

"Variability of Height, Weight and Body Mass Index in an Unbiased Swiss Armed Forces 2005 Census," (with Frank Rühli and Maciej Henneberg), American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 137, 2008.

"Determinants of Inter-Individual Cholesterol Levels Variations in an Unbiased Young Male Sample," (with Frank Rühli, Maciej Henneberg, Dominik Schär, Alexander Imhof, and Boris Schleiffenbaum), Swiss Medical Weekly, 128, 2008.

"Paleopathologies of the Vertebral Column in Medieval German Skeletons," (with Maria Ines Hofmann, Thomas Böni, Kurt Alt, and Frank Rühli), Anthropologischer Anzeiger , 66, 2008.

"Boom, Bust, and the Human Body: Further Evidence on the Relationship between Height and Business Cycles," (with Marco Sunder), Economics and Human Biology, 3, 2005.

"Height Cycles in the 18th and 19th Centuries," Economics and Human Biology, 1, 2003.

"Optimal Food Allocation in a Slave Economy," (with John Komlos, Ray Rees, and Ngo Van Long), Journal of Population Economics, 16, 2003.

Book Chapters

"Synchonization of National Business Cycles in Europe?," (with Jan-Egbert Sturm and Gebhard Flaig), in: Gian Luigi Mazzi and Giovanni Savio (eds.), Growth and Cycle in the Eurozone, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

"Real Wages and Business Cycle Asymmetries," in: Jan-Egbert Sturm und Timo Wollmershäuser (eds.): Ifo Survey Data in Business Cycle and Monetary Policy Analysis, Heidelberg: Physica, 2005.

"The Interaction Between Business Cycles and Productivity Growth: Evidence from US Industrial Data," (with Jim Malley and Anton Muscatelli), in Bart van Ark, Simon Kuipers and Gerard Kuper, eds., Productivity, Technology and Economic Growth, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

"The G7-Countries: A Multivariate Description of Business Cycle Stylized Facts," in William Barnett, Giancarlo Gandolfo, and Claude Hillinger, eds., Dynamic Disequilibrium Modelling: Theory and Applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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