Prof. Dr. phil. Michael Dowling
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Regensburg
Universität Regensburg
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
Strategisches Management
Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
insb. in der Telekommunikationsbranche
Kooperative Gechäftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management
Strategisches Management
Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
insb. in der Telekommunikationsbranche
Kooperative Gechäftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management
Ort / PLZ
93053 Regensburg
93053 Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31
Universitätsstraße 31
Strategic Investments in Innovation: The Telecommunications Equipment Industry, 1975-1986, New York: Garland Press, 1992
William A. Andrews and Michael J. Dowling, ”Explaining Performance Changes in Newly Privatized Firms”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 35, No. 5 pp 601-617.
Michael Dowling und Ralf Beuker, "Strategien für Electronic Commerce," Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dossier 1/98, s.80-84
Michael Dowling, Christian Lechner and Bodo Thielmann, " Convergence - Innovation and Change of Market Structures between Television and Online Services", International Journal of Electronic Markets, Vol.8, No.4, 1998.
Michael Dowling und Christian Lechner, ”Kooperative Wettbewerbsbeziehungen: Theoretische Ansätze und Managementstrategien”, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 1/98, s. 86-102.
Joette M. Wisnieski and Michael J. Dowling, Strategic Alliances in New Ventures: Does Governance Structure Affect New Venture Performance? In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 1997 proceedings of the 1997 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson College, Wellesley, MA.
Michael Dowling, William Roering, Barbara Carlin, and Joette Wisnieski, "Multifaceted Relationships under Coopetition: Description and Theory," Journal of Management Inquiry,
Vol. 5, No. 2, June 1996, pp. 155-167.
Michael Dowling, "Multifaceted Buyer and Seller Relationships in the Tele- communications Services Industry," Journal of Industrial and Corporate Change Vol.4, 1995, pp. 777-785.
Jeffrey McGee, Michael Dowling and William Megginson, "Cooperative Strategy and New Venture Performance: The Role of Business Strategy and Management Experience,"
Strategic Management Journal., Vol 16. No. 7. 1995, pp.565-580.
Michael Dowling and Jeffrey McGee, "Technology Strategy and New Venture Development in the Telecommunications Industry," Management Science, Vol. 40, 1994, pp. 1663-1677.
Michael Dowling, William Boulton, Sidney Elliot, "Strategic Implications of the Forces of Change in Service Industries: A Study of Global Telecommunications Services,"
California Management Review, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1994, pp. 57-88.
Barbara Carlin, Michael Dowling, William Roering, John Wyman, John Kalinoglou, and Greg Clyburn, "Sleeping With the Enemy: Doing Business with a Competitor,"
Business Horizons September-October, 1994, pp. 9-15.
Michael Dowling and Sanjay Singh, "The Developing Electronic Messaging Market in the United States", Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 1. pp. 61-76.
Jeffrey McGee and Michael Dowling, "Using Cooperative R&D Arrangements to Leverage Managerial Experience: A Study of Technology Intensive New Ventures,"
Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 9. No. 1, 1994, pp. 33-48.
Michael Dowling and Timothy Ruefli, "Buyer-Seller Relationships and Technology Strategy," Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 3, 1992, pp. 289-302.
William Boulton, Michael Dowling, and Jürgen Lohmeyer, "Technology Development Strategies in Japan, Europe, and the United States." Technovation, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1992), p. 99-118.
Michael Dowling and Timothy Ruefli, "Technological Innovation as a Gateway to Entry: The Case of the Telecommunications Equipment Industry," Research Policy, Vol. 21, No. 1, (1992), pp. 63-78.
Michael Dowling, "Mehrwertdienste in Deutschland und den USA," Funkschau, No. 26, December 13, 1991, pp. 42-48.
Michael Dowling and Eberhard Witte, " Value Added Services: Regulation and Reality in the United States," Telecommunications Policy Vol. 15, No. 6, December 1991, pp. 509-518.
Eberhard Witte and Michael Dowling, " Value Added Services: Regulation and Reality in the Federal Republic of Germany," Telecommunications Policy Vol. 15, No. 5, October, 1991, pp. 437-452,
Michael Dowling and Karl O. Albrecht, "Technical Workers and Competitive Advantage: A Comparison of the Vocational Education Systems of the United States and Germany," Business Horizons, Vol 34., No.6 (1991), pp. 68-75.
Michael Dowling and Alfred Leidner, "Technical Standards and 1992: Opportunity or Entry Barrier," Columbia Journal of World Business, Fall 1990, 50-56.
Michael Dowling, "The Development of a State Telecommunications Infrastructure: A Survey of Telephone Companies and Large Users," Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 14, No. 2, April 1990.
Michael Dowling, "Defining and Classifying Hazardous Wastes," Environment, 1985, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 18-20. 36-40.
Marc Roberts, Stephen Thomas, and Michael Dowling, "Mapping Scientific Disputes that Affect Public Policy Making," Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol. 9, Winter 1984, pp. 112-122.
Horst Steinmann, Andreas Georg Scherer and Michael Dowling, " Reconciling the TheoryPluralism of Strategic Management Incommensurability and the Constructivist Approach of the Erlangen School," Advances in Strategic Management, Shrivastava, et. al. Eds. Vol. 12. 1995, pp.195-248.
Michael Dowling and Timothy Ruefli, "Extended Buyer-Seller Relationships and Technology Strategy for Corporate Growth and Renewal," in Advances in Global High Technology Management, Vol. 2, L. Gomez-Mejia and M.W. Lawless, (Eds). (Greenwich, CN: JAI Press, 1992), pp. 133-150. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.