Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter
Professor - aktiv
Universität zu Köln
Experimental Economics
Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
Entscheidungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen
53113 Bonn
Kurt Schumacher Straße 10
Selected publications:
[1] Heinz, M., Jeworrek, S., Mertins, V., Schumacher, H., Sutter, M. (2020), Measuring indirect effects of unfair employer behavior on worker productivity – A field experiment. Economic Journal. Forthcoming.
[2] Kirchler, M., Huber, J., Stefan, M., Sutter, M. (2016), Market design and moral behavior. Management Science 62(9): 2615-2625.
[3] Charness, G., Feri, F., Melendez-Jimenez, M., Sutter, M. (2014), Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection. Econometrica 82(5): 1615-1670.
[4] Balafoutas, L., Beck, A., Kerschbamer, R., Sutter, M. (2013), What drives taxi drivers? A field experiment on fraud in a market for credence goods. Review of Economic Studies 80(3): 876-891.
[5] Sutter, M., Kocher, M., Glätzle-Rützler, D., Trautmann, S. (2013), Impatience and uncertainty: Experimental decisions predict adolescents’ field behavior. American Economic Review 103(1): 510-531.
[6] Balafoutas, L., Sutter, M. (2012), Affirmative action policies promote women and do not harm efficiency in the lab. Science 335(6068): 579-582.
[7] Dulleck, U., Kerschbamer, R., Sutter, M. (2011), The economics of credence goods: On the role of liability, verifiability, reputation and competition. American Economic Review 101(2): 526-555.
[8] Sutter, M., Haigner, S., Kocher, M. (2010), Choosing the stick or the carrot? – Endogenous institutional choice in social dilemma situations. Review of Economic Studies 77(4): 1540-1566.
[9] Feri, F., Irlenbusch, B., Sutter, M. (2010), Efficiency gains from team-based coordination – Large-scale experimental evidence. American Economic Review 100(4): 1892-1912.
[10] Sutter, M. (2009), Individual behavior and group membership: Comment. American Economic Review 99(5): 2247-2257.
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