a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Sametinger

Professor - aktiv

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik-Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Component-based Software Engineering
Object-oriented Programming
Design Patterns
Software Documentation
Software Maintenance
Ort / PLZ
4040 Linz
Altenberger Straße 69



Software Engineering with Reusable Components, 1997.

DOgMA: A Tool for the Documentation & Maintenance of Software Systems, 1992.

Book Chapters

Von der Prozedur zum Web-Service: Retrospektive und Perspektive, 2003.

Component Models and Component Services -- Concepts and Principles, 2001.

The Role of Documentation in Programmer Training, 1996.

DOgMA: Ein Werkzeug zur Wartung objektorientierter Software in C++, 1994.

Journal Papers

Peer-to-Peer Information Workspaces in Infotop, 2004.

Design Composition, 2003.

Project-Based Customer Relationship Management in Virtual Enterprises, 2002.

Architektur eines Simulationsbaukastens basierend auf dem Komponentenmodell JavaBeans, 2000.

Concepts and Architecture of a Simulation Framework Based on the JavaBeans Component Model, 2000.

Java - Ein Schnappschuß, 1998.

Analysis of Literate Programs from the Viewpoint of Reuse, 1997.

Reverse Engineering by Visualizing and Querying, 1995.

Design and Implementation Aspects of an Experimental C++ Programming Environment, 1995.

Object-Oriented Documentation, 1994.

A Documentation Scheme for Object-Oriented Software Systems, 1993.

A Hypertext System for Literate C++ Programming, 1992.

User-Adaptable Prettyprinting, 1989.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Infotop - A Shared-context Information Workspace, 2003.

Compositional Design Reuse, 2002.

Infotop - An Information and Communication Infrastructure for Knowledge Work, 2002.

Project-Based Training PBT, an Addition to CBT and WBT, 2002.

Evolution Support by Homogeneously Documenting Patterns, Aspects and Traces, 2002.

Worm: Web-based Communication and Project Management, 2001.

Building Reusable Simulation Components, 2000.

Comparison of JavaBeans and ActiveX: A Case Study, 1999.

Component Frameworks: A Case Study, 1999.

Discrete Event Simulation Using the JavaBeans Component Model, 1999.

Using JavaBeans to teach Simulation and using Simulation to teach JavaBeans, 1998.

Java in der praktischen Anwendung, 1997.

Reuse Measurement with Line and Word Runs, 1996.

Documentation Inheritance in Literate Programs, 1996.

Literate Programming and Documentation Reuse,1996.

Reuse Documentation and Documentation Reuse, 1996.

Exploratory Software Development with Class Libraries, 1992.

Documenting and Maintaining Modula-2 Programs with DOgMA, 1992.

Ein Hypertext-Editor zur Software-Wartung, 1991.

A Tool for the Maintenance of C++ Programs, 1990.

Other Publications

A Shared-Context Information Workspace to Support Knowledge Processes, 2003.

Web-based Project Management, 2001.

Component Interoperation, 1997.

On a Taxonomy for Software Components, 1996.

Classification of Composition and Interoperation, 1996.

Improving Program Comprehension of Object-Oriented Software Systems with Object-Oriented Documentation, 1992.

Rechnerinterne Speicherung von Modula-2-Quelltextprogrammen, 1986.

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