ao. Prof. Dr. Andreas Novak
Professor - aktiv
Universität Wien
Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Energie und Umwelt
Energie und Umwelt
Qualitative analysis of deterministic dynamic systems
Optimal control theory and its applications
Computational Economics
Endogenous growth theory
Qualitative analysis of deterministic dynamic systems
Optimal control theory and its applications
Computational Economics
Endogenous growth theory
Ort / PLZ
1210 Wien
1210 Wien
Brünner Straße 72
Brünner Straße 72
2. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J., (1991), A Note on the Optimal Use of Environmental Resources by an Indebted Country, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 147, pp.547-555
3. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J. (1992),A Note on the Optimal Exploitation of Migratory Fish Stocks, Dynamics and Control 2, 3, pp.255-263.
4. Feichtinger G., Kaitala V. and Novak A.J. (1992), Stable Resource-Employment Limit Cycles in an Optimally Regulated Fishery, in Feichtinger (ed.): Proceedings of the Fourth Viennese Workshop on Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, pp.163-184.
5. Novak A.J. and Feichtinger G. (1992), Optimal Consumption, Training, Working Time and Leisure over the Life Cycle, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 75,2, pp.369-388.
6. Hartl R.F., Mehlmann A. and Novak A.J., (1992), Cycles of Fear: Periodic Bloodsucking Rates for Vampires, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 75, 3, pp.559-568.
7. Novak A.J. and Feichtinger G., (1993), Optimal Treatment of Cancer Diseases, International Journal of Systems Science 24, 7, pp.1253-1263
8. Feichtinger G., Novak A.J. and Wirl F. (1994), Limit Cycles in Intertemporal Adjustment Models - Theory and Applications, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 18, pp.353-380.
9. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J. (1994), Optimal Pulsing in an Advertising Diffusion Model, Optimal Control Applications and Methods (OCAM)15, pp.267-276.
10. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J., (1994), Differential Game Model of the Dynastic Cycle - 3D Canonical System with a Stable Limit Cycle, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 80,3, pp.407-423
11. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J., (1994), How Stock Dependent Flow Rates May Imply Chaos in Educational Planning, Mathematical Population Studies 5, pp.75-85.
12. Novak A.J., Kaitala V. and Feichtinger G., (1995), Resource Leasing and Optimal Periodic Capital Investments, ZOR - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 42, 1, pp.47-67. (Abstract)
13. Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J., (1996), Persistent Oscillations in a Threshold-adjustment Model, Mathematical Modelling of Systems 2, pp.197-211.
14. Chand S., Moskowitz H., Novak A.J., Rekhi I., Sorger G., (1996), Capacity Allocation for Dynamic Process Improvement with Quality and Demand Considerations, Operations Research Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 964-975.
15. Wirl F., Novak A.J., Feichtinger G. and Dawid H., (1997), Indeterminacy of Open-Loop Nash Equilibria: The Ruling Class versus the Tabloid Press, In: Uncertainty: Models and Measures, Natke, H.Günther, Ben Haim, Yakov (eds.), Proceedings of the int. Workshop held in Lambrecht, Germany, July 22-24, 1996. Akademie- Verlag, 1997, pp. 124-136
16. Pötscher B.M. and A.J. Novak, (1998), The Distribution of Estimators after Model Selection: Large and Small Sample Results, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 60, pp.19-56
17. Asada T., Semmler W. and Novak A.J., (1998), Endogenous Growth and the Balanced Growth Equilibrium, Research in Economics (Ricerche Economiche) 52, pp.189-212.
18. Feichtinger G., Jorgensen S. and Novak A.J., (1999), Petrarch's Canzoniere: Rational Addiction and Amorous Cycles, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 23, pp.225-240.
19. Hartl R.F., Kort P.M. and Novak A.J., (1999), Optimal investment facing possible accidents, Annals of Operations Research 88, pp.99-117.
20. Novak A.J., (2000), A Note on Investment, Credit and Endogenous Cycles, In: Optimization, Dynamics, and Economic Analysis, Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger. E.J. Dockner, R.F.Hartl, M. Luptacik, G. Sorger (eds.), Physica Verlag Heidelberg, New York, 2000, pp. 163 - 169.
21. Feichtinger G., Hartl R.F., Kort P.M. and Novak A.J., (2001), Terrorism Control in the Tourism Industry, Journal Optimization Theory and Applications 108, 2, pp.283-296.
22. Novak A.J., (2001), Regulated Quality Diffusion Revisited, International Transactions in Operational Research 8, no. 4, pp. 349-365.
23. Liski M., Kort P.M. and Novak A.J., (2001), Increasing Returns and Cycles in Fishing, Resource and Energy Economics 23, No.3, pp241-258.
24. Dawid H., Feichtinger G. and Novak A.J., (2002), Extortion as an Obstacle to Economic Growth: A Dynamic Game Analysis, European Journal of Political Economy. 18, No. 3, pp.499-516
25. Kort P.M., Greiner A., Feichtinger G., Haunschmied J.L., Novak A.J. and Hartl R.F., (2002), Environmental effects of tourism industry investments: an intertemporal trade-off, Optimal Control Applications and Methods (OCAM) 23, No.1, pp.1-19
26. Hartl R. F., Kort Peter M. and Novak A.J., (2002), A Capital Accumulation Model with Debt Financing: The Steigum Model Revisited , In: Optimal Control and Differential Games, Essays in Honor of Steffen Jorgensen. Georges Zaccour (ed.), Advances in Computational Management Science Vol. 5, pp. 23-38. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London.
27. Hartl R.F., Novak A.J., Rao A.G. and Sethi S.P., (2003), Optimal Pricing of a Product which Diffuses in Rich and Poor Populations, Journal Optimization Theory and Applications 117, 2, (May 2003).
28. Faria Joao R and Novak A.J., (2001), A Dynamic Model of Cannibalism, Working paper. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.