o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Vetschera
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Wien
Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Organisation und Planung
Organisation und Planung
Ort / PLZ
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1
Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1
1) Ökonometrische Modellstrukturen und Programmiersprachen. (Econometric Models and
Programming Languages) Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna
2) Entscheidungsunterstützung in Gruppen - Ein rückkopplungsorientierter Ansatz. (A Feedback-
Oriented Approach to Group Decision Support Systems) Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg 1991.
3) Informationssysteme der Unternehmensführung. (Information Systems in Management)
Springer, Berlin 1995.
B Papers in Refereed Journals:
4) Eine Programmiersprache für ökonometrische Modellsimulationen. (A Programming Language
for Econometric Modeling) Angewandte Informatik 1/1983, pp.10-17.
5) Datenbanktechnologie und Prüfungswesen. (Database Technology and Auditing) Journal für
Betriebswirtschaft 33 (1983), pp. 233-241.
6) Welche Risikopräferenzen berücksichtigt das Bernoulli-Prinzip? (A Note on Risk Preference in
Expected Utility Theory) Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 54 (1984) pp. 401-407.
7) Zur Systemkonformität der umsatzsteuerlichen Behandlung von Beförderungsleistungen an
Arbeitnehmer. (The Consistency of Taxation of Free Transportation for Employees with the
Austrian Value Added Tax System) Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 35 (1985) pp.34-41. (with
Robert Blaich)
8) A Behavioral Model of Protective Activities. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 6
(1985) pp.1-15. (with Howard Kunreuther and Warren Sanderson)
9) Das interaktive Multikriteria-Verfahren von Fandel: Implementierungstechniken und
Testergebnisse. (Fandel's Interactive Multicriteria Optimization Method: Implementation
Techniques and Experimental Results) OR Spektrum 8 (1986) pp.109-116.
10) Sensitivity Analysis for the ELECTRE Multicriteria Method. Zeitschrift für Operations Research
Series B (1986) pp. B99-B117.
11) An Interactive Outranking System for Multi-Attribute Decision Making. Computers and
Operations Research 15 (1988) pp. 311-322.
12) Group Decision and Negotiation Support - A Methodological Survey. OR Spektrum 12 (1990)
pp. 67-77.
13) Shareware-Kalkulationsprogramme für die betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung. (Using
Shareware Spreadsheet Programs in Business Education) Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 40
(1990) pp. 32-50. (with Christian Keber).
14) Integrating Databases and Preference Evaluations in Group Decision Support - A Feedbackoriented
Approach. Decision Support Systems 7 (1991) pp. 67-77.
15) A Note on Scalarizing Functions Under Changing Sets of Criteria. European Journal of
Operational Research 52 (1991) pp. 113-118.
16) A Preference-Preserving Projection Technique for MCDM. European Journal of Operational
Research 61 (1992) pp. 195-203.
17) Entscheidungstheorie in Lehre und Forschung - Sammelrezension. (Decision Theory in
Teaching and Research - Comparative Review of 7 Textbooks). Die Betriebswirtschaft 52
(1992) pp. 397-410.
18) Feedback-Oriented Group Decision Support. Control and Cybernetics 22 (1993) pp. 87-102.
19) MCView: An Integrated Graphical System to Support Multi-Attribute Decisions. Decision
Support Systems 11 (1994) pp. 363-371.
20) Estimating Aspiration Levels From Discrete Choices - Computational Techniques and
Experiences. European Journal of Operational Research 76 (1994) pp. 455-465.
21) Composite Alternatives in Group Decision Support. Annals of Operations Research 51 (1994)
pp. 197-215.
22) Visualisierungstechniken in Entscheidungsproblemen bei mehrfacher Zielsetzung.
(Visualization techniques for multi-criteria decision problems) OR Spektrum 16 (1994) pp. 227-
23) A Process-Oriented Framework for the Evaluation of Managerial Support Systems. Information
and Management 28 (1995) pp. 197-213 (with H. Walterscheid).
24) Die betriebliche Praxis der Entwicklung und Bewertung von managementunterstützenden
Informationssystemen. (The evaluation of management support systems in practice)
Wirtschaftsinformatik 37 (1995) pp. 40-49 (with H. Walterscheid and G. Hoffmann).
25) The Evaluation of Managerial Support Systems in German Companies. European Journal of
Information Systems 5 (1996) pp.182-195 (with H. Walterscheid).
26) A Recursive Algorithm for Volume-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Decision Models.
Computers and Operations Research 24 (1997) pp. 477-491.
27) Logical Representation of Integer Programming Models - Comment. Decision Support
Systems 22 (1998) pp. 391-392
28) Multicriteria Agency Theory. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7 (1998) pp. 133-143.
29) The Value of Preference Information in Agency Relationships. Computational and
Mathematical Organization Theory 5 (1999) pp. 343-360.
Publications R. Vetschera 3
30) A Multi-criteria Agency Model with Incomplete Preference Information. European Journal of
Operational Research 126 (2000) pp. 152-165.
31) Economic Analysis of Network Organizations: Possibilities, Limitations and Open Questions.
Central European Journal of Operations Research 7 (2000) pp. 225-247.
32) Entropy and the Value of Information. Central European Journal of Operations Research 8
(2000) pp. 195-208.
33) Algorithmical Approaches to Business Process Design. Computers and Operations Research
28 (2001) pp. 1253-1275. (with I. Hofacker)
34) Decentralized Planning for Resource Allocation and Project Selection. Central European
Journal of Operations Research 11 (2003) pp. 253-279 (with Ch. Stummer).
35) The Effects of Culture in Computer-mediated Negotiations. Journal of Information Technology
Theory and Applications 5 (2003) pp. 1-28 (with G. Kersten and S. Köszegi)
36) Behavioral Uncertainty and Investments in Cooperative Relationships. Managerial and
Decision Economics 25 (2004) pp. 17-27.
37) Experimentation and Learning in Repeated Cooperation. Computational and Mathematical
Organization Theory 9 (2004) pp. 37-60.
38) Strict Preference and Sensitivity Analysis in Additive Utility Functions with Interval Data.
Central European Journal of Operations Research 2004 (accepted for publication)
39) National Cultural Differences in the Use and Perception of Internet-based NSS – Does high or
low context matter? International Negotiation Journal, 9 (2004) (accepted for publication) (with
S. Köszegi and G. Kersten)
C Papers in Collective Volumes and Proceedings (Refereed):
40) Gruppenentscheidungen und multikriterielle Entscheidungsverfahren. (Group Decision Making
and Multicriteria Decision Techniques) In: Steckhan, H. et al. (Eds.): Operations Research
Proceedings 1983, Springer, Berlin et al. 1984, pp. 540-547.
41) Time Preferences in Capital Budgeting - An Application of Multiobjective Optimization. In: R.
Pauly et al (Eds.): Proceedings, 9. Symposium über Operations Research, A. Hain,
Meisenheim/Glan 1985. pp. 649-660.
42) Unterstützung von Gruppenentscheidungen durch minimale Präferenzmodifikationen. (Group
Decision Support through Minimal Modification of Preferences) In: Schellhaas, H. et al. (Eds.):
Operations Research Proceedings 1987, Springer, Berlin 1988, pp. 217-224.
43) Konsistenz von Entscheidungsverfahren für mehrfache Zielsetzung bei variablen
Attributmengen. (A Consistency Condition for Multi-Criteria Decision Methods) In: Kistner, K.-
P. et al. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 1989. Springer, Berlin 1990, pp. 350-356.
44) Feedback-Oriented Group Decision Support in a Reference Point Framework. In:
Lewandowski A., Volkovich, V. (Eds.): Multiobjective Problems of Mathematical Programming.
Springer, Berlin 1991, pp. 309-314.
45) GDSS-X: An Experimental Group Decision Support System for Program Planning. In:
Korhonen, P. et al. (Eds.): Multiple Criteria Decision Support. Springer, Berlin 1991, pp. 369-
46) Investitionsplanung als Mehrziel-Mehrpersonen-Entscheidungsproblem. (Multi-Person Multi-
Criteria Investment Models) In: Rückle, D. (Ed.) : Aktuelle Fragen der Finanzwirtschaft und der
Unternehmensbesteuerung. Linde, Vienna 1991, pp. 711-730.
47) Graphische Entscheidungsunterstützung bei Mehrzielproblemen. (Graphical Decision Support
in Multicriteria Problems) In: Bühler, W. et al. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 1990.
Springer, Berlin et al. 1991, pp. 227-234.
48) Graphical Interaction in Multi-Criteria Decision Support - Some Implementation Issues. In:
Wessels, J., Wierzbicki, A. (Eds.): User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision
Analysis and Support. Springer, Berlin 1993, pp.79-87 (with H. Walterscheid).
49) Group Decision Support Systems. In: Zilahi-Szabó, M. (Hrsg.): Kleines Wörterbuch der
Informatik. Oldenbourg, München 1995, pp. 215-218.
50) Die Entwicklung und Bewertung von managementunterstützenden Informationssystemen -
Eine empirische Anwenderstudie. (Development and evaluation of management support
systems - an empirical study) In: Schweiggert, F., Stickel, E. (Eds.): Informationstechnik und
Organisation. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart 1995, pp. 55-69 (with H. Walterscheid).
51) Volume-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Multi-Criteria Decision Models. In: Göpfert, A.,
Seeländer, J., Tammer, Chr. (Eds.): Methods of Multicriteria Decision Theory. Hänsel-
Hohenhausen, Egelsbach 1997 pp. 275-289.
52) Entropy and the Value of Information. In: Despotis, D., Zopounidis, C.: Proceedings, Decision
Sciences Institute, 5th International Conference. New technologies Publications, Athens,
Greece 1999 pp. 1437-1439.
53) Wachstum durch Kooperation oder Kooperation statt Wachstum? - Aspekte einer
betriebswirtschaftlichen Wachstumstheorie unter veränderten Wettbewerbsbedingungen
(Growth through cooperation or cooperation as a substitute for growth - Aspects of a theory of
growth of firms in a changing strategic environment). In: Wagner, U. (Ed.): Zum
Erkenntnisstand der Betriebswirtschaftslehre am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, Duncker &
Humblot, Berlin 2001 pp. 403-429.
54) The Effects of Culture in Anonymous Negotiations. Experiments in Four Countries. In:
Nunamaker, J.F. , Sprague, R.H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2002,
Compact Disc (with G.E. Kersten and S. Köszegi)
55) Mehrfachziele (Multiple Criteria). In: Küpper, H.U., Wagenhofer, A. (Eds.): Handwörterbuch
Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart 2002, pp. 1278-1286.
56) Corporate Strategy in an Artificial Economy. In: C. Urban (Ed.): Proceedings, 3rd Workshop on
Agent-Based Simulation. SCS European Publishing House, Ghent 2002, pp.120-125 (with R.
Bauer and A. Schwingenschlögl).
57) Eine Prävalenzrelation basierend auf additiven Bewertungen unter unvollständiger Information.
(An outranking relation based on additive scoring under incomplete information) In: W.
Habenicht, B. Scheubrein, R. Scheubrein (Eds.): Multicriteria und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie
und Praxis. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2003, pp. 153-171.
D Working Papers and Papers in Proceedings (Not Refereed):
58) Untersuchungen zur österreichischen Einkommensverteilung I: Die unselbständigen
Arbeitseinkommen - Messung und Entwicklung. (Studies in Austrian Income Distribution I:
Earned Incomes, Measurement and Trends) Report Nr. 4, Department of Statistics, University
of Vienna 1978, 75 pages. (with Robert Holzmann and Georg Pflug)
59) Implementation of a Model of Service Location. IIASA Working Paper WP-81-30. IIASA,
Laxenburg 1981, 43 pages.
60) Prospect Theory and Insurance Behavior. IIASA Collaborative Paper CP-82-13. IIASA,
Laxenburg 1982, 8 pages. (with Howard Kunreuther and Warren Sanderson)
61) The Impacts of Education: An Empirical Dynamic Analysis. IIASA Working Paper WP-83-98.
IIASA, Laxenburg 1983, 67 pages.
62) Eine Implementierung des Verfahrens von Fandel zur Entscheidung bei mehrfacher
Zielsetzung. (An Implementation of Fandel's Multicriteria Decision Method) Research Report
84-1, Department of Management, University of Vienna 1984, 25 pages.
63) Risk-Cost Analysis Model for the Transportation of Hazardous Substances. Research Report
8505, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1985, 77 pages. (with Paul
64) Information and Interaction Structures for Group Decision Support Systems. Research Report
85-2, Department of Management, University of Vienna 1985, 17 pages.
65) Group Decision and Negotiation Support in Long Range Planning. Proceedings of the 31st
Annual Meeting of ISGSR, Budapest, 1987. pp. 1178-1184.
66) An Interactive Outranking System for Multi-Attribute Decision Making. Research Report 87-1,
Department of Management, University of Vienna 1987, 20 pages.
67) Group Decision and Negotiation Support - A Methodological Survey. Research Report 8803,
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1988, 29 pages.
68) SEF/APP - Ein Animation Pre-Processor zu SEF/PC. (An Animation Preprocessor for
Computer Assisted Instruction) Project Report CUU-1, Department of Management, University
of Vienna 1988, 29 pages.
69) Shareware-Kalkulationsprogramme in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung. (Using
Shareware Spreadsheet Programs in Business Education) Research Report 88-1, Department
of Management, University of Vienna 1988, 59 pages (with Christian Keber).
70) Integrating Databases and Preference Evaluations in Group Decision Support - A Feedback-
Oriented Approach. Research Report 8806, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic
Analysis, Vienna 1988, 24 pages.
71) Feedback-Oriented Group Decision Support in a Reference Point Framework. Research
Report 8809, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1988, 26 pages.
72) Studentische PC-Nutzung in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung. (Utilization of Personal
Computers by Students in Business Administration) Research Report 89-1, Department of
Management, University of Vienna, 1989, 19 pages. (with Christian Keber).
Publications R. Vetschera 6
73) GDSS-X: An Experimental Group Decision Support System for Program Planning. Research
Report 8901, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1989, 44 pages.
74) Eine Konsistenzbedingung für Entscheidungsverfahren bei mehrfacher Zielsetzung. (A
Consistency Condition for Multicriteria Decision Methods) Research Report 8907, Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1989, 14 pages.
75) The IDEAS Interactive Outranking System - A User-Oriented Description. Research Report
8912, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Analysis, Vienna 1989, 28 pages.
76) Feedback-Oriented Group Decision Support. Research Report 90-1, Department of
Management, University of Vienna, 1990, 17 pages.
77) A Preference-Preserving Projection Technique for MCDM. Discussion Paper I-256, Faculty of
Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, August 1991, 22 pages.
78) A Preference-Preserving Projection Technique for MCDM. In: Makowski, M., Sawaragi, Y.
(Hrsg.): Advances in Methodology and Applications of Decision Support Systems. IIASA
Collaborative Paper CP-91-17, Laxenburg 1991, pp. 140-151.
79) Estimating Preference Cones from Discrete Choices - Computational Techniques and
Experiences. Discussion Paper I-259, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of
Konstanz, March 1992, 26 pages.
80) Generation of Alternatives in Group Decision Support. In: Kulikowski, R. et al. (Hrsg.):
Preprints, Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes. Systems Research
Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1992, pp. 597-601.
81) Composite Alternatives in Group Decision Support. Discussion Paper I-262, Faculty of
Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, December1992, 16 pages.
82) A Process-Oriented Framework for the Evaluation of Managerial Support Systems. Discussion
Paper I-264, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, January 1993, 27
pages (with H.Walterscheid).
83) Visualisierungstechniken in Entscheidungsproblemen bei mehrfacher Zielsetzung.
(Visualization Techniques for Multi-Criteria Decision Problems). Discussion Paper I-267,
Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, September 1993, 21 pages.
84) Zur Konsistenz von Abweichungsanalysen in hierarchischen Kennzahlensystemen.
(Consistency of Deviations in Hierarchical Indicator Systems). Discussion Paper I-269, Faculty
of Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, December 1993, 25 pages.
85) Die Entwicklung und Bewertung von managementunterstützenden Informationssystemen -
Eine empirische Anwenderstudie. (Development and evaluation of management support
systems - an empirical study) Discussion paper I-275, Faculty of Economics and Statistics,
University of Konstanz, September 1994, 24 pages (with H. Walterscheid and G. Hoffmann).
86) A Recursive Algorithm for Volume-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Decision Models.
Discussion paper I-279, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, January
1996, 20 pages.
87) Multi-Criteria Agency Theory. Discussion paper I-280, Faculty of Economics and Statistics,
University of Konstanz, February 1996, 27 Pages.
88) Volume-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Single- and Multiobjective Linear Programming
Problems. Working paper OP 9701, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna,
March 1997, 23 Pages.
89) Decision Support Systems in Networked Organizations. Working paper OP 9702, Chair of
Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, September 1997, 18 Pages.
90) Analytical Models for Business Process Design. Working paper OP 9703, Chair of
Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, October 1997, 30 Pages (with Ingo
91) A Multi-Criteria Agency Model with Incomplete Preference Information. Working paper OP
9801, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, February 1998, 23 Pages.
92) The Value of Preference Information in Agency Relationships. Working paper OP 9804, Chair
of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, June 1998, 20 Pages
93) Economic Analysis of Networked Organizations: Possibilities, Limitations and Open Questions.
Working paper OP 9805, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, December
1998, 22 Pages.
94) The Effects of Culture in Anonymous Negotiations - A Four Countries Experiment . Working
paper OP 9901, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, June 1999, 51
Pages (with G. Kersten and S. Köszegi).
95) Investing in Cooperative Relationships: A Simple Analytical Model. Working paper OP 2000-02
Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, August 2000, 21 Pages.
96) Determinants of User Attitudes Towards Web-based Negotiation Support Systems - An
Exploratory Analysis. Working paper OP 2001-01, Chair of Organization and Planning,
University of Vienna, January 2001, 30 Pages (with G. Kersten and S. Köszegi)
97) Cultural Influences on the Use and Perception of Internet-based NSS - An Exploratory
Analysis. Working paper OP 2001-03, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of
Vienna, September 2001, 25 Pages, (with S. Köszegi and G.Kersten)
98) Experimentation and Learning in Repeated Cooperation. Working paper OP 2002-01, Chair of
Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, July 2002, 30 Pages.
99) An Outranking Relation Based on Incomplete Additive Preferences. Working paper OP 2002-
02, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, May 2002, 16 Pages
100) Decentralized Planning for Multiobjective Resource Allocation and Project Selection.
Working paper OP 2002-04 , Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna,
December 2002, 29 Pages, (with Ch. Stummer)
101) Rahmenbedingungen für ein erfolgreiches Wissensmanagement in Unternehmensnetzwerken.(
Success factors for knowledge management in network organizations) Working
paper 2002-06, Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, October 2002, 15
102) The Effects of Culture in Computer-mediated Negotiations. Working paper OP 2002-08,
Chair of Organization and Planning, University of Vienna, November 2002, 36 Pages (with
G.Kersten and S. Köszegi)
103) Strategic Manipulation of Preference Information in Multi-Criteria Group Decision
Methods. Working Paper 94, 2003, Spezialforschungsbereich 010, Vienna.
E Book Reviews:
Foulds, L.R.: Optimization Techniques, Springer 1981. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 43 (1983)
Sollacher, H.: Stoppregeln. Verlag Peter Lang 1982. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft
139 (1983) pp. 360-361.
Hansen, P. (Ed.): Essays and Surveys on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer 1983.
Zeitschrift f. betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 36 (1984) pp. 552-553.
Fandel, G./ Spronk, J. (Eds.): Multiple Criteria Decision Methods and Applications, Springer 1985.
Zeitschrift f. betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 38 (1986) pp. 662-663.
Laux, H./ Liermann F.: Grundlagen der Organisation, Springer 1987. Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 38 (1988) pp. 247-249.
Mertens, P., Bodendorf, F., König, W., Picot, A., Schumann, M.: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Springer 1995. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 49 (1997) pp. 176-177.
Pomerol, J.-C., Barba-Romero, S.: Multicriterion Decision in Management: Principles and Practice, Kluwer 2000. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 53 (2001) pp. 167-169. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.