Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner G. Müller
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Angewandte Statistik
Institut für Angewandte Statistik
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematical Statistics
Ort / PLZ
4040 Linz
4040 Linz
Freistädter Straße 315
Freistädter Straße 315
+43 732 2468 5880
+43 732 2468 5880
+43 650 2468 880
+43 650 2468 880
Müller, W.G., "Collecting Spatial Data. Optimum Design of Experiments for Random Fields", 2nd revised edition, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000 (besprochen von H. Iyer in Technometrics, 44 (3), 2002).
Müller, W.G., "Collecting Spatial Data. Optimum Design of Experiments for Random Fields", Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998 (besprochen von K. Ickstadt in Computational Statistics, 15:313-314, 2000).
Atkinson, A.C., Hackl, P., and Müller, W.G. (Eds.), "mODa 6: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-Oriented Design and Analysis", Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.
Kitsos, C.P., and Müller, W.G. (Eds.), "MODA 4: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis", Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995.
Müller, W.G., Wynn, H.P., and Zhigljavsky, A.A. (Eds.), "Model-Oriented Data Analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis" (MODA3), Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993.
Fedorov V.V., Müller, W.G., and Vuchkov, I.N. (Eds.), "Model-Oriented Data Analysis: A Survey of Recent Methods. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis" (MODA2), Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992.
Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften:
Müller, W.G. and Pázman, A., "Measures for Designs in Experiments with Correlated Errors", erscheint in Biometrika, 90(2), 423-434, 2003.
Pázman, A. and Müller, W.G., "Optimal Design of Experiments Subject to Correlated Errors", Statistics & Probability Letters, 52, 29-34, 2001.
Müller, W.G., "Least Squares Fitting from the Variogram Cloud", Statistics & Probability Letters, 43, 93-98, 1999.
Müller, W.G. and Nettekoven, M., "A Panel Data Analysis: Research & Development Spillover", Economics Letters, 64(1), 37-41, 1999.
Müller, W.G. and Pázman, A., "An Algorithm for the Computation of Optimum Designs Under a Given Covariance Structure", Computational Statistics, 14(2), 197-211, 1999.
Müller, W.G. and Zimmerman, D.L., "Optimal Design for Variogram Estimation", Environmetrics, 10, 23-37, 1999.
Müller, W.G. and Pázman, A., "Design Measures and Extended Information Matrices for Experiments without Replications", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 71, 349-362, 1998.
Fedorov, V.V. and Müller, W.G., "Another View on Optimal Design for Estimating the Point of Extremum in Quadratic Regression." Metrika, 46, 147-157, 1997.
Müller, W.G., "Optimal Design for Local Fitting", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 55, 389-397, 1996.
Müller, W.G. and Ponce de Leon, A.C.M., "Optimal Design of an Experiment in Economics'', The Economic Journal, 106, 122-127, 1996.
Müller, W.G. and Ponce de Leon, A.C.M., ``Discrimination between Two Binary Data Models: Sequentially Designed Experiments'', Journal for Statistical Computation and Simulation, 55, 87-100, 1996.
Fedorov, V.V., Hackl, P. and Müller, W.G., "Optimal and Practicable Designs for Measuring Plaque pH-Profiles'', Statistics in Medicine, 14(23), 2609-2617, 1995.
Müller, W.G., "Ein Beispiel zur Versuchsplanung bei korrelierten Beobachtungen'' (in German), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik, 24(1), 9-16, 1995.
Fedorov, V.V., Hackl, P., and Müller, W.G., "Moving Local Regression: The Weight Function." Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 3, 355-368, 1993.
Fedorov, V.V., Hackl, P., and Müller, W.G., "Estimation and Experimental Design for Second Kind Regression Models." Zeitschrift für Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie, 24(3), 134-151, 1993.
Müller, W.G., " Zur Versuchsplanung in der Ökonomie". Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik und Informatik, 22(2), 171-190, 1992.
Fedorov, V.V. and Müller, W.G., "Comparison of Two Approaches in the Optimal Design of an Observation Network''. Statistics, 20(3), 339-351, 1989.
Fedorov, V.V. and Müller, W.G., "Design of an Air-Pollution Monitoring Network. An Application of Experimental Design Theory''. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik und Informatik, 19(1), 5-17, 1989.
Artikel in Tagungs- und Sammelbänden:
Müller, W.G., "Spatial Design", in “Environmetrics”, herausgegeben von Abdel El-Shaarawi und Jana Jureckova, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), entwickelt unter den Auspizien der UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2003.
Müller, W.G., "Coffee-house Designs", in "Optimum Design 2000", Atkinson, A.C., Bogacka, B., and Zhigljavsky, A., Kluwer, Dordrecht, 241-248, 2001.
Glatzer E. and Müller, W.G., "A Comparison of Optimum Design Algorithms for Regressions with Correlated Observations", in "Probastat ´98", Pázman, A., and Wimmer, G. (Eds.), Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 17, 149-156, 1999.
Pázman, A. and Müller, W.G., "A New Interpretation of Design Measures", in "MODA5. Advances in Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Experimental Design", Atkinson, A.C., Pronzato, L., and Wynn, H.P. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 239-246, 1998.
Maderbacher M. and Müller, W.G., "Comparing Local Fitting to Other Automatic Smoothers'', in "Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop", Seeber, G.U.H. et al. (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics, 161-168, 1995.
Müller, W.G. and Zimmerman, D.L., "An Algorithm for Sampling Optimization for Semivariogram Estimation", in "MODA4: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis", Kitsos, C.P. and Müller, W.G. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 173-178, 1995.
Fedorov, V.V., Hackl, P., and Müller, W.G., "Optimized Local Regression: Computational Methods for the Moving Average Case", in "Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics", Dutter, R. and Grossmann W. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 476-481, 1994.
Fedorov, V.V., Hackl, P., and Müller, W.G., "Optimized Moving Local Regression: Another Approach to Forecasting", in "Model-Oriented Data Analysis 3", Müller, W.G. et al. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 137-144, 1993.
Müller, W.G., "The Evaluation of Bank Accounts using Optimized Moving Local Regressions", in "Advances in GLIM and Statistical Modelling", Fahrmeir, L. et al. (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics, Berlin, 145-150, 1992.
Müller, W.G., "Optimization of a Monitoring Network: the Moving Local Regression Technique'', in "Probastat `91", Pàzman, A. and Volaufova, J. (Eds.), Liptovsky Mikulas, 116-122, 1992.
Müller, W.G. and Pötscher, B.M., "Batch Sequential Design for a Nonlinear Estimation Problem", in "Model-Oriented Data Analysis: A Survey of Recent Methods", Fedorov, V.V. et al. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 77-87, 1992.
Fedorov, V.V. and Müller, W.G., "Two Approaches in Optimization of Observing Networks'', in "Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments", Dodge, Y. et al. (Eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 239-256, 1988.
Unpublizierte Artikel:
Müller, W.G., “Spatial Design Measures: an Example”, erscheint in Investigación Operacional, 2003.
Müller, W.G., "Explorative Pläne zur Gewinnung räumlicher Daten” (in German), erscheint in Central European Contributions to Applied Statistics in Business, Environment, Finance and Technology.
Glatzer, E. and Müller, W.G., "Residual Diagnostics for Variogram Fitting", eingereicht.
Fedorov, V.V. and Müller, W.G., “Optimum design for correlated fields via eigenvector expansions”, in Überarbeitung.
Gumprecht, D., Gumprecht, N. and Müller W.G., “Research & Development Spillovers Revisited”, in Überarbeitung.
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen:
Glatzer, E. and Müller, W.G., "An Interactive Tool for Residual Diagnostics for Fitting Spatial Dependencies (with Implementation in R)", in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC2003), K. Hornik und F. Leisch (Hrsg.), 2003.
Müller, W.G., „Spatial Design Methods in Case of Correlated Observations: a Comparison”, Proceedings of the ISI International Conference on Environmental Statistics and Health, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela publicacións, J.Mateu, D.Holland und W. González-Manteiga (Hrsg.), 21-32, 2003.
Müller, W.G., „Übungen zur Ökonometrie mit EVIEWS (mit kommentierten Lösungen)“ (Skriptum, in German), Facultas Skriptenverlag der WU, 2002.
Badinger, H., Müller, W.G. and Tondl, G., „Regional convergence in Europe (the European Union) (1985-1999): a spatial dynamic panel analysis”, HWWA discussion paper 210, 2002.
Müller, W.G., "Additional Comments On A Panel Data Analysis: Research & Development Spillover'', in "Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling", H. Friedl et al. (Eds.), Publikation der Technischen Universität Graz, 289-191, 1999.
Müller, W.G., Discussion of Atkinson "The Usefulness of Optimum Experimental Designs" and Bates, Buck, Riccomagno and Wynn "Experimental Design and Observation for Large Systems'', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series B, 57, 1996.
Hackl, P. and Müller, W.G., “Ökonometrie” (Skriptum, in German), Servicebetriebe ÖH-WU, 1st edition 1993, 2nd improved edition 1996.
Müller, W.G., Discussion of Cook and Fedorov, "Constrained optimization of experimental design", Statistics, 26, 166-167, 1995.
Müller, W.G., "Optimal Design for Generalized Additive Models" (Abstract). The IMS Bulletin, 23 (1994), 260-261.
Müller, W.G., "Optimal Design for Moving Averages", in "Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling", Hinde, J. (Ed.), University of Exeter, 1994.
Buzeczki, G., Müller, W.G. and Zolles, K., "Unterlagen zu SPSS/PC+ und MS-CHART'' (in German). Research report No. 296 of the IAS Vienna, 1991.
Müller, W.G., "MODOPT, a Modular Computer Program for Design Optimization''. Research report of the Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, 1989.
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