Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heinrich Bortis

Professor - aktiv

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Ökonomische Theorie
Geischichte der ökonomischen Theorien
Ort / PLZ
1700 Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90



Bortis, Heinrich
Institutions, Behaviour and Economic Theory - A Contribution to Classical-Keynesian Political Economy
Cambridge, New York and Melbourne (Cambridge University Press) 1997, electronic edition through netLibrary service (eBook) 2002, digital reprinting 2003.

Weitere Bücher/Artikel:

Bortis, H. 2004. Review Article, Money and Inflation - A New Macroeconomic Analysis by Sergio Rossi, Journal of Economic Studies 29, vol. 31, no. 2, June 2004, pp. 158-164.

Bortis, H. 2003. Classical-Keynesian Political Economy as an Alternative to Neoclassical Economics, in: Proceedings of the IV International Colloquium ‚Globalisation, New Technologies and Economic Relations', ed. Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira, Department of Economics, University of Brasilia (UnB). Brasilia, DF - Brazil: December 2003: 83-102.

Bortis, H. 2003. Thomas Mun and David Ricardo - The Origin of Two Approaches in the Theory of International Trade, in: L'espace économique mondial et régional en mutation - Hommage au Professeur Gaston Gaudard, sous la direction der Philippe Gugler et Remigio Ratti: Zürich, Genève, Bâle: Schulthess Médias Juridiques SA: 61-80.

Bortis, H. 2003. Keynes and the Classics - Notes on the Monetary Theory of Production, in: Modern Theories of Money: The Nature and Role of Money in Capitalist Economies, ed. L.-P. Rochon, Sergio Rossi. Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (USA): Edward Elgar: 411-475.

Bortis, H. 2003. Marshall, the Keynesian Revolution and Sraffa's significance, in: Journal of Economic Studies 30, No.1: 77-97.

Bortis, H. 2002. Piero Sraffa and the revival of classical political economy, in: Journal of Economic Studies 29, No.1: 74-89.

Bortis, H. 2001. Notes on Institutions, Political Economy and Economics, in: Knowledge, Social Institutions and the Division of Labour, eds. P. L. Porta, R. Scazzieri, A. Skinner. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 249-264.

Bortis, H. 2001. Als letzter Geisshirt von Ernen, in: Erner Schriften, Band 4: Geissbuben, Professoren und Kardinäle. Brig: Gemeinde Ernen und Rotten Verlag: 56-111.

Bortis, H. 2000. Some considerations on structure and change, in: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. Vol. 11 (2000), pp. 185-195.

Bortis, H.1999. Political Economy, Economics and Social Science, in: The Current State of Economic Science, ed. S. B. Dahiya. Rohtak (India): Spellbound Publications, five volumes, volume I, 17-42.

Bortis, H. 1999. A Note on Keynesian Long-Period Theory, in: History of Economic Ideas 5: 7-33.

Bortis, H. 1997. Notes on the Surplus Approach in Political Economy, in: Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic Thought: Essays in Honour of G. C. Harcourt, vol. 1, eds. Ph. Arestis, G. Palma and M. Sawyer. London: Routledge, 11-23.

Bortis, H. 1997. Institutions, Behaviour and Economic Theory - A Contribution to Classical-Keynesian Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bortis, H. 1996: Structural Economic Dynamics and Technical Progress in a Pure Labour Economy, in: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 7: 135-46.

Bortis, H. 1993a. Notes on the Cambridge Equation, in: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 16: 105-26.

Bortis, H. 1993b. Reflections on the Significance of the Labour Theory of Value in Pasinetti's Natural System, in: The Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations: Growth, Distribution and Structural Change (Essays in Honour of Luigi Pasinetti), eds. M. Baranzini and G. C. Harcourt. London: Macmillan, 351-383.

Bortis, H. 1992. EWR und EG: Irrwege in der Gestaltung Europas - Ein theoretischer und historischer Essay zu den europäischen Integrationsbestrebungen. Freiburg/Schweiz (Universitätsverlag Freiburg/Schweiz).

Bortis, H. 1990. Structure and change within the circular theory of production. In: M. Baranzini and R. Scazzieri (eds): The Economic Theory of Structure and Change. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), pp. 64-92

Bortis H. 1990. Die Verbindung von Theorie und Geschichte als methodisches Problem in der Volkswirtschaftslehre. In: Les sciences économiques et sociales - Evolution et perspectives - Mélanges de la Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales à l'occasion du centenaire de l'Université de Fribourg et de la fondation de la Faculté. Fribourg/Suisse (Editions Universitaires), pp. 107-16.

Bortis, H. 1984. Employment in a Capitalist Economy, in: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 6: 590-604.

Bortis, H. 1979. Foreign Resources and Economic Development from the Early Fifties to the Oil Crisis. Fribourg: University Press.

Bortis, H. 1978. Die 'Renaissance' klassischer Ideen in der theoretischen Volkswirtschaftslehre. In: Caroni, P., B. Dafflon and G. Enderle (eds): Nur Oekonomie ist keine Oekonomie (Festschrift für B.M. Biucchi). Bern (Haupt), pp. 49-78

Bortis, H. 1976. On the Determination of the Level of Employment in a Growing Capitalist Economy, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 112: 67-93.

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