Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Diethard Klatte

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Operations Research
Ort / PLZ
8044 Zürich
Moussonstrasse 15
+41 44 634 3772



1. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Nonsmooth Equations in Optimization: Regularity, Calculus, Methods and
Applications. Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 2002.

2. D. Ward, D. Klatte, and J. RÄuckmann, editors. Optimization with Data Perturbations II. Annals of
Operations Research, (Complete) Volume 101. Kluwer, 2001.

3. D. Klatte (co-editor). Advances in Mathematical Optimization (J. Guddat et al., editors). Akademie-
Verlag, Berlin, 1988.

4. B. Bank, J. Guddat, D. Klatte, B. Kummer, and K. Tammer. Non-Linear Parametric Optimization.
Mathematische LehrbÄucher und Monographien, II. Abteilung: Mathematische Monographien, Band
58. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1982. published also by BirkhÄauser, Basel-Boston, 1983


Original papers (refereed)

5. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Optimization methods and stability of inclusions in Banach spaces. Mathematical Programming, 117:305{330, 2009.

6. M.J. Canovas, D. Klatte, M.A. Lopez, and J. Parra. Metric regularity in convex semi-innite optimization under canonical perturbations. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 18:717{732, 2008.

7. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Newton methods for stationary points: an elementary view of regularity conditions and solution schemes. Optimization, 56:441{462, 2007.

8. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Stability of inclusions: Characterization via suitable Lipschitz functions and algorithms. Optimization, 55:627{660, 2006.

9. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Strong Lipschitz stability of stationary solutions for nonlinear programs and variational inequalities. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 16:96{119, 2005.

10. C. Grossmann, D. Klatte, and B. Kummer. Convergence of primal-dual solutions for the nonconvex
log-barrier method without LICQ. Kybernetika, 40:571{584, 2004.

11. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Second-order characterizations of Lipschitz stability in nonlinear program-
ming. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 116:3231{3252, 2003.

12. P. Fusek, D. Klatte, and B. Kummer. Examples and counterexamples in Lipschitz analysis. Control and Cybernetics, 31:471{492, 2002.

13. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Constrained minima and Lipschitzian penalties in metric spaces. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13:619{633, 2002.

14. E.G. Belousov and D. Klatte. A Frank{Wolfe type theorem for convex polynomial programs. Computational Optimization and Applications, 22:37{48, 2002.

15. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Contingent derivatives of implicit (multi-) functions and stationary points. Annals of Operations Research, 101:313{331, 2001.

16. D. Klatte. Upper Lipschitz behavior of solutions to perturbed C1,1 programs. Mathematical Programming, 88:285{311, 2000.

17. D. Klatte and W. Li. Asymptotic constraint qualications and global error bounds for convex inequalities. Mathematical Programming, 84:137{160, 1999.

18. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Strong stability in nonlinear programming revisited. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B, 40:336{352, 1999.

19. D. Klatte and B. Kummer. Generalized Kojima {functions and Lipschitz stability of critical points.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 13:61{85, 1999.

20. D. Klatte and R. Henrion. Regularity and stability in nonlinear semi{innite optimization. In R. Reemtsen and J. RÄuckmann, editors, Semi{Innite Programming, pages 69{102. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998.

21. D. Klatte. Ho®man's error bound for systems of convex inequalities. In A.V. Fiacco, editor, Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations, pages 185{199. Marcel Dekker Publisher, New York, 1998.

22. D. Klatte. Lower semicontinuity of the minimum in parametric convex programs. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 94 (1997) 511{517.

23. D. Klatte. Lipschitz stability and Ho®man's error bounds for convex inequality systems. In J. Guddat,
H. Th. Jongen, F. Nozicka, G. Still, and F. Twilt, editors, Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV, pages 214{230. Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main, 1996.

24. D. Klatte and G. Thiere. A note on Lipschitz constants for solutions of linear inequalities and equations. Linear Algebra and its Applications 244 (1996) 365{374.

25. D. Klatte and G. Thiere. Error bounds for solutions of linear equations and inequalities. ZOR {Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 41 (1995) 191{214.

26. D. Klatte. Stable local minimizers in semi-innite optimization: Regularity and second-order conditions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 56 (1995) 137{154.

27. D. Klatte. On regularity and stability in semi-innite optimization. Set-Valued Analysis, 3 (1995) 101{111.

28. D. Klatte. On quantitative stability for non-isolated minima. Control and Cybernetics, 23 No. 1/2 (1994) 183{200.

29. R. Henrion and D. Klatte. Metric regularity of the feasible set mapping in semi-innite optimization.
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 30 (1994) 103{109.

30. D. Klatte. Perturbation of stationary solutions in semi-innite optimization. In J. Henry and J.-P. Yvon, editors, System Modelling and Optimization, pages 167{176. Springer, Berlin, 1994.

31. D. Klatte. Nonlinear optimization under data perturbations. In W. Krabs and J. Zowe, editors, Modern Methods of Optimization, pages 204{235. Springer, Berlin, 1992.

32. D. Klatte. Stability of stationary solutions in semi-in¯nite optimization via the reduction approach. In W. Oettli and D. Pallaschke, editors, Advances in Optimization, pages 155{170. Springer, Berlin, 1992.

33. D. Klatte. Strong stability of stationary solutions and iterated local minimization. In J. Guddat, H. Th. Jongen, B. Kummer, and F. Nozicka, editors, Parametric Optimization and Related Topics II, pages 119{136. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1991.

34. D. Klatte. Sensitivity analysis in nonlinear optimization. Methods of Operations Research 64 (1991) 81{90.

35. H.Th. Jongen, D. Klatte, and K. Tammer. Implicit functions and sensitivity of stationary points. Mathematical Programming 49 (1990) 123{138.

36. D. Klatte and K. Tammer. Strong stability of stationary solutions and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points in nonlinear optimization. Annals of Operations Research 27 (1990) 285{308.

37. D. Klatte and K. Tammer. On second-order sucient optimality conditions for C1,1-optimization problems. optimization 19 (1988) 169{179.

38. D. Klatte. On strongly stable local minimizers in nonlinear programs. In J. Guddat et al., editors, Advances in Mathematical Optimization, pages 102{111. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.

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