Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Immanuel Bomze

Professor - aktiv

Universität Wien
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Statistik und Decision Support Systems
Asymptotic Statistics
Dynamical Systems
Game Theory
Ort / PLZ
1010 Wien
Universitätsstraße 5


I. Books

1. Game theoretic foundations of evolutionary stability (with B. M. PÖTSCHER). Springer, Berlin. 1989

2. A functional analytic approach to statistical experiments. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Vol.237. Longman, London. 1990

3. Optimierung - Theorie und Algorithmen. Eine Einführung in Operations Research für Wirtschaftsinformatiker (with W. GROSSMANN). BI-Verlag, Mannheim. 1993

4. Developments in Global Optimization (editor, with: T. CSENDES, R. HORST, P. PARDALOS) Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1997

II. Refereed articles in journals and conference proceedings
published: 1983-1989


1. The role of Mendelian genetics in strategic models on animal behaviour (with P. SCHUSTER, K. SIGMUND). J. theor. Biol. 101, 19-38. 1983

2. Lotka-Volterra equation and replicator dynamics: a two-dimensional classification. Biol. Cybern. 48, 201-211. 1983

3. Jensen-Ungleichung in Banach-Räumen: ein kurzer Beweis. Anz. österr. Akad. Wiss., math.-naturw. Kl. 121, 67-68. 1984

4. Spieltheoretische Modelle in der Biologie. Österr. Zeitschr. Statistik & Informatik 2/3, 167-178. 1985

5. Measurable supports, reducible spaces and the structure of the optimal sigma-field in unbiased estimation. Monatsh. Math. 101, 27-38. 1986

6. Suffizienz, Invarianz und Optimalität in undominierten statistischen Experimenten I. Sitzungsber. österr. Akad. Wiss., Abt. II, 195, 349-403. 1986

7. Suffizienz, Invarianz und Optimalität in undominierten statistischen Experimenten II. Sitzungsber. österr. Akad. Wiss., Abt. II, 195, 517-568. 1986

8. Non-cooperative two-person games in biology: a classification. Int. J. Game Theory 15, 31-57. 1986

9. Remarks on the recursive structure of copositivity. J. Inf. & Optimiz. Sciences 8, 243-260. 1987

10. A note on aspirations in non-transferable utility games. Int. J. Game Theory 17, 193-200. 1988

11. Copositivity and optimization. In: P. Kleinschmidt/F.J. Radermacher (eds.), Proc. 12th SOR (Methods in OR 58), pp. 27-36. Athenäum, Frankfurt/Main. 1988

12. VISFUNC - ein interaktives System zur Erstellung und Verwaltung der 3D-Darstellung von Funktionen zweier Veränderlicher (revised version, with K.A. FRÖSCHL). In : H. Kautschitsch/W. Metzler (eds.), Anschauliches Beweisen, pp. 279-302. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien. 1989


13. Dynamical aspects of evolutionary stability. Monatsh. Math. 110, 189-206. 1990

14. Cross entropy minimization in uninvadable states of complex populations. J. math. Biol. 30, 73-87. 1991

15. Length tests for goodness-of-fit (with E. RESCHENHOFER). Biometrika 78, 207-216. 1991

15a. - , Amendments and Corrections (with E. RESCHENHOFER). Biometrika 79, 859 . 1992

16. Testing for white noise against multimodal spectral alternatives(with E. RESCHENHOFER). J. Time Series Analysis 13, 35-439. 1992

17. Copositivity conditions for global optimality in indefinite quadratic programming problems. Czechoslovak J. Operations Research 1, 7-19. 1992

18. Detecting all evolutionarily stable strategies. J. Optimization Theory Appl. 75, 313-329. 1992

19. A dynamical characterization of evolutionarily stable states. (with E. VAN DAMME). Annals of OR 37, 229-244. 1992

20. Randomisierte Feldstudie über die Ätiologie des Strabismus concomitans (with H. AICHMAIR, W. GROSSMANN, M. AICHMAIR, K. FRÖSCHL, A. FUTSCHIK, I. THEYER, E. HIRMANN, I. KAUTZKY, J. HAFNER, U. SPADT). Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 104, 600-606. 1992

21. Using copositivity for global optimality criteria in concave quadratic programming problems (with G. DANNINGER). Math. Programming 62, 575-580. 1993

22. Behaviour of the length test for medium sample sizes (with R. DITTRICH, E. RESCHENHOFER). Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 22(9), 2517-2525. 1993

23. A global optimization algorithm for concave quadratic problems (with G. DANNINGER). SIAM J. Optimization 3, 836-842. 1993

24. On the definition of an evolutionarily stable strategy in the playing the field model'' by V.P. Crawford. Letter to the editor (with B. PÖTSCHER), J. theor. Biol. 161, 405. 1993

25. On the balance between mutation and frequency-dependent selection in evolutionary game dynamics (with R. BÜRGER). In: Ph. Clement, G. Lumer (eds.), Proc. 3rd Intern. Workshop/Conf. on Evolution Equations, Control Theory and Biomathematics, 11-23. Marcel Dekker, New York. 1993

26. A finite algorithm for solving general quadratic problems (with G. DANNINGER). Journal of Global Optimization 4, 1-16. 1994

27. Generalized convexity for second-order optimality conditions (with G. DANNINGER). In: S. Komlósi, T. Rapcsák, S. Schaible (eds.), Generalized Convexity, 137-144. Springer, Berlin. 1994

28. The dynamics of self-evaluation (with W. GUTJAHR). Applied Math. and Computation 64, 47-63. 1994

29. Lotka-Volterra equation and replicator dynamics: new issues in classification. Biol. Cybernetics 72, 447-453. 1994


30. Stability by mutation in evolutionary games (with R. BÜRGER). Games and Economic Behaviour 11, 146-172. 1995
31. Checking positive-definiteness by three statements. Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol. 26, 289-294. 1995

32. Estimating qualification in a self-evaluating group (with W. GUTJAHR). Quality and Quantity 29, 241-250. 1995

33. Does neutral stability imply Lyapunov stability ? (with J. WEIBULL). Games and Economic Behaviour 11, 173-192. 1995

34. Evolutionary stability is not a foolish game. Central Eur. J. O.R.Econ. 4, 26-56. 1996

35. Stationary distributions under mutation-selection balance: structure and properties (with R. BÜRGER). Adv. Appl. Prob. 28, 227-251. 1996

36. Parallelizable evolutionary dynamics principles for solving the maximum clique problem (with M. PELILLO). In: H.-M. Voigt, W. Ebeling, I. Rechenberg, H.-P. Schwefel (eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IV, pp. 676-685. Springer, Berlin. 1996

37. Block pivoting and shortcut strategies for detecting copositivity. Linear Algebra and its Applications 248, 161-184. 1996

38. The L-space of a statistical experiment. In: M. Hazewinkel (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplementary Vol. 1, pp. 345-346. Kluwer, Dordrecht. Extended version available as: TR-ISOC 96-06. 1997

39. Evolutionary approach to the maximum clique problem: empirical evidence on a larger scale (with M. PELILLO, R. GIACOMINI). In: I. Bomze, T. Csendes, R. Horst, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Developments in Global Optimization, pp. 95-108. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1997

40. Evolutive versus Naive Bayesian Learning (with J. EICHBERGER). In: C. Bicchieri, R. Jeffrey, B. Skyrms (eds.), The Dynamics of Norms. Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction and Decision Theory, pp. 109-130, Cambridge University Press. 1997

41. Evolution towards the maximum clique. Journal of Global Optimization 10, 143-164. 1997

42. Global escape strategies for maximizing quadratic forms over a simplex. Journal of Global Optimization 11, 325-338. 1997

43. Uniform barriers and evolutionarily stable sets. In: W. Leinfellner, E. Köhler (eds.), Game Theory, Experience, Rationality, pp. 225-244. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1998

44. On standard quadratic optimization problems. Journal of Global Optimization 13, 369-387. 1998

45. Replicator dynamics for the evolution towards the maximum clique: variants and experiments (with F. RENDL). In: R. De Leone, A. Murlí, P.M. Pardalos, G. Toraldo (eds.), High Performance Algorithms and Software in Nonlinear Optimization, 53-67. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1998

46. Genetic engineering via negative fitness: evolutionary dynamics for global optimization (with V. STIX). Annals of OR 89, 297-318. 1999

47. The maximum clique problem (with M. BUDINICH, P. PARDALOS, M. PELILLO), In: D.-Z. Du, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (supp. Vol. A), pp.1-74. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1999


48. Copositivity aspects of standard quadratic optimization problems. In: E. Dockner, R. Hartl, M. Luptacik, G. Sorger (eds.), Dynamics, optimization and economic analysis, 1-11. Physica, Heidelberg. 2000

49. Linear-time detection of copositivity for tridiagonal matrices and extension to block-tridiagonality. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 21 (3), 840 - 848. 2000

50. Approximating the maximum weight clique using replicator dynamics (with M.PELILLO, V.STIX). IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. 11, 1228-1241. 2000

51. On copositive programming and standard quadratic optimization problems (with M.DÜR, E. DE KLERK, A. QUIST, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY). Journal of Global Optimization 18, 301-320. 2000

52. Quadratic Optimization: Standard Problems I - Theory. In: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization Vol. 5, 270-272. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 2001

53. Quadratic Optimization: Standard Problems II - Algorithms. In: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization Vol. 5, 266-268. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 2001

54. Quadratic Optimization: Standard Problems III - Applications. In: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization Vol. 5, 268-270. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 2001

55. Branch-and-Bound Approaches to Standard Quadratic Optimization Problems. Journal of Global Optimization 22, 17-37. 2002

56. Annealed replication: A new heuristic for the maximum clique problem (with M. BUDINICH, M. PELILLO, C. ROSSI). To appear in: Discrete Applied Mathematics 121, 27-49. Also available as TR-ISOC 97-04 revised. 2002

57. A complementary pivoting approach to the maximum weight clique problem (with A. MASSARO, M. PELILLO). To appear in: SIAM J. Optimization. Also available as TR-ISDS 2000-13. 2002

58. Ellipsoidal approach to box-constrained quadratic problems (with P. DE ANGELIS, G. TORALDO). To appear in: Journal of Global Optimization. Also available as TR-ISDS 2001-06. 2002

59. Solving standard quadratic optimization problems via linear, semidefinite and copositive programming (with E. DE KLERK). To appear in: Journal of Global Optimization. Also available as TR-ISDS 2001-03. 2002

60. Regularity vs. degeneracy in dynamics, games, and optimization: a unified approach to different aspects. To appear in: SIAM Review. Also available as TR-ISDS 2000-04.

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