Prof. Dr. Carsten Hefeker

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Siegen
FB5: Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsrecht
insbesondere Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik
International Economics
Monetary Theory and Policy
Political Economy
Ort / PLZ
57076 Siegen
Raum H-C 6305 Hölderlinstr. 3



Labor Market Regulation and the Legal System (with Michael Neugart), Juli 2007 (CESifo Working Paper 2041 ).

EMU Enlargement, Policy Uncertainty And Economic Reforms, July 2006(CESifo Working Paper No. 1767 ).

Die Europäische Währungsintegration nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Politik, Ideologie oder Interessen?,Juni 2006 (HWWA Discussion paper 347 ).

Does Financial Integration Make Banks Act More Prudential? Regulation, Foreign Owned Banks, and the Lender-of-Last Resort (with Helge Berger), January 2006 (HWWA Discussion Paper 339 )

Unions, Wage Setting and Monetary Policy Uncertainty (with HansPeter Grüner and Bernd Hayo), June 2005 (ecb Working Paper 490 )

Default, Electoral Uncertainty and the Choice of Exchange Regime, November 2004 (HWWA Discussion Paper 298 ).

Uncertainty, Wage Setting and Decision Making in a Monetary Union, March 2004 (HWWA Discussion Paper 272 ).

Real Exchange Rates, Structural Reforms and the Accession to EMU, June 2003.

Fiscal Reform and Monetary Union in West Africa, May 2003 (HWWA Discussion Paper 224 ).

Articles in Journals

Trade, Labour Market Regulation, and Growth (with Matthias Busse), forthcoming Applied Economics Letters.

Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment (with Matthias Busse), European Journal of Political Economy 23 (2007), 397-415. (HWWA Discussion Paper 315)

Monetary Policy in EMU with Asymmetric Transmission and Non-Tradable Goods (with Daniel Gros),Scottish Journal of Political Economy 54, 2007, 269-282.

Between Two Poles: A Dual Currency Board for Mercosur (with Matthias Busse und Georg Koopmann), North American Journal of Economics and Finance 17, 2006, 349-362. (HWWA Discussion Paper 301)

Project Aid or Budget Aid? The Interests of Governments and Financial Institutions, Review of Development Economics 10, 2006, 241-252. (HWWA Discussion Paper 309 )

One Country, One Vote? Labor Market Structure and Voting Rights in the ECB (with Helge Berger), Journal of Economic Integration, 20, 2005, 672-687. (CESifo Working Paper No. 1165 )

China's Role in East-Asian Monetary Integration (with Andreas Nabor),International Journal of Finance and Economics 10, 2005, 157-166.

Can Process Conditionality Enhance Aid Effectiveness? The Role of Bureaucratic Interest and Public Pressure (with Katharina Michaelowa), Public Choice 122, 2005, 159-175.

Optimal Central Bank Conservatism and Monopoly Trade Unions (with Helge Berger and Ronnie Schöb), IMF Staff Papers 51, 2004, 585-605.

Federal Monetary Policy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105, 2003, 641-659.

Promises Made, Promises Broken: A Political Economic Perspective on German Unification (with Norbert Wunner), German Politics 12, 2003, 109-134.

Lobbying Contests with Alternative Instruments (with Gil Epstein), Economics of Governance 4, 2003, 81-89.

Globalization and Unemployment: The Role of International Diversification (with Philipp Harms), Economics Letters 78, 2003, 281-286.

Reconsidering Central Bank Independence (with Bernd Hayo), European Journal of Political Economy 18, 2002, 653-674.

The Producer Interest in Foreign Labor Standards (with Norbert Wunner), European Journal of Political Economy 18, 2002, 429-447.

One Size Must Fit All: National Divergences in a Monetary Union (with Daniel Gros), German Economic Review 2, 2002, 247-262.

Lobbying and Concessions: Comparing Nash to Stackelberg Game (with Gil Epstein), Public Choice 109, 2001, 175-181.

Labor Market Rigidities and EMU, Journal of Economic Integration 16, 2001, 229-244.

The Agony of Central Power: Fiscal Federalism in the German Reich, European Review of Economic History 5, 2001, 119-142.

Sense and Nonsense of Fixed Exchange Rates: On Theories and Crises, Cato Journal 20, 2000, 159-178.

Delegation and Wage Determination in Trade Unions (with Laszlo Goerke), Labour 14, 2000, 393-416.

The Dynamics of Trade Integration and the Political Value of Commitment (with Daniel Gros), Oxford Economic Papers 52, 2000, 398-414.

How Will EMU Affect Unemployment and Inflation? (with Hans Peter Grüner), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101, 1999, 33-47.

Achievement or Burden? Labour Standards in a Monetary Union, Applied Economics Letters 5, 1998, 383-386.

Bank Cooperation and Banking Policy in a Monetary Union: A Political-Economy Perspective on EMU (with Hans Peter Grüner), Open Economies Review 7, 1996, 183-198.

Regional Free Trade and Social Integration, Public Choice 87, 1996, 379-393.

The Political Choice and Collapse of Fixed Exchange Rates, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 152, 1996, 360-379. [reprinted in B. J. Cohen, Hrsg. International Money Relations in the New Global Economy, Cheltenham: Elgar, 2004.]

Interest Groups, Coalitions and Monetary Integration in the 19th Century, Journal of European Economic History, 24,1995, 489-536.

Domestic Pressures and the Exchange Rate Regime: Why Economically Bad Decisions are Politically Popular (with Hans Peter Grüner), Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, No. 194, 1995, 331-350.

Monetary Union or Currency Competition? Currency Arrangements for Monetary Stability in East and West, Constitutional Political Economy, 6, 1995, 57-69.

German Monetary Union, the Bundesbank and the EMS Collapse, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, No 191, 1994, 379-398.

Articles in Edited Volumes

The Relationship between Central Bank Independence and Inflation (with Bernd Hayo), forthcoming in M. Bohl and P. Siklos, eds. Frontiers of Central Banking, Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Die Europäische Währungsintegration nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Politik, Ideologie oder Interessen?, in C. Henrich-Franke, C. Neutsch und G. Thiemeyer, eds. Internationalismus und Europäische Integration im Vergleich, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2007, 57-81.

Trade, Money and Institutions for Conflict Resolution in Monetary Unions: The Gold Standard and European Integration Compared (with Cédric Dupont), in L. Jonung und J. Nautz, eds. Conflict Potentials in Monetary Unions, Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 108, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2007, 107-129.

Structural Reforms and the Enlargement of Monetary Union, P. de Grauwe and J. Mélitz, eds. Prospects for Monetary Union after the Euro, Cambridge: MIT-Press, 2005, 31-53.

Ressourcenverteilung in der EU: Eine polit-ökonomische Perspektive, in T. Bruha, W. Schäfer and A. Graf Wass von Czege, eds. Die Europäische Union nach der Erweiterung: Deutsche und ungarische Standpunkte, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, 26-47.

Asymmetric Transmission of Monetary Policy. What Should the ECB Do if One Size Does Not Fit All? (with Daniel Gros), in H.-W. Sinn, M. Widgrén and M. Köthenburger, eds. European Monetary Integration, Cambridge: MIT-Press, 2004, 45-63.

The Political Economy of Pro-Poor Growth (with Katharina Michaelowa), in M. Krakowski, ed. Attacking Poverty: What Makes Growth Pro-Poor?, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, 239-256.

Handels- und Finanzarchitektur im Umbruch: Globale Integration und die institutionelle Arbeitsteilung von IWF, Weltbank und WTO, in D. Cassel und P. Welfens, eds. Regionale Integration und Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union, Stuttgart: Lucius and Lucius, 2003, 77-105.

Great Expectations, Hard Times: A Political Economic History of German Unification (with Norbert Wunner), in J. Leonhard and L. Funk, eds. Ten Years of German Unification: Transfers, Transformation, Incorporation, Birmingham: Birmingham University Press, 2002, 168-182.

Factor Mobility, European Integration and Unemployment (with Daniel Gros), in EC/DGV - OECD/DEELSA Seminar: Wages and Employment, Brüssel: European Commission, 1999, 125-146.

Globalization and the 'German Model': Can it Survive?, in S. Black, ed: Globalization, Technological Change and Labor Markets, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 141-171.

Stabilitätskultur in Europa (with Peter Bofinger and Kai Pfleger), Kredit und Kapital, Beiheft 14: Europäische Währungsunion, 1998, 137-161.

Between Efficiency and Stability: Germany and European Monetary Integration, in J. Pisany-Ferry, C. Hefeker and A. J. Hughes Hallett: The Political Economy of EMU: France, Germany and the UK, CEPS Paper 69, Brüssel: Centre for European Policy Studies, 1997, 39-71.

Books, Monographs and Reports

Asymmetries in European Labour Markets and Monetary Policy in Euroland (with Daniel Gros), ENEPRI Occasional Paper 1, September 2003.

Wie wirkungsvoll sind Sanktionen? Das Beispiel Südafrika (with Karl-Wolfgang Menck), HWWA-Report 220, September 2002.

Labour Costs and Wage Policy Within EMU (with Daniel Gros), Working Document, European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Economic Affairs Series 111 , Luxemburg, 1999.

Labour Market Structure and Monetary Union in Europe. Does it Make a Difference?, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 1999.

Der Einfluss der Globalisierung auf die Arbeitsbeziehungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz, WWZ-Forschungsbericht 5/99.

Stabilitätskultur in Europa: Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Befunde, Bedeutung für die EWU, (with Peter Bofinger and Kai Pfleger), Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Stuttgart, 1998.

Interest Groups and Monetary Integration: The Political Economy of Exchange Regime Choice, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1997.

Policy Papers

Regulierung und Stabilität der internationalen Finanzmärkte, Wirtschaftsdienst 4/2007, 215-219.

Vermeidung und Bewältigung von Verschuldungskrisen, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 32 (2006), 295-312.

The Monetary Policy Consequences of Enlargement, CESifo Forum 4/2006, 29-34.

Die geldpolitischen Konsequenzen der Erweiterung der Währungsunion, IFO-Schnelldienst, 22/2006, 6-8.

Rivalling the Dollar? Prospects for the International Role of the Euro, Intereconomics 3/2006, 129-135.

Will a Revised Stability Pact Improve Fiscal Policy in Europe?, Intereconomics 1/2005, 17-21.

Turkey and the Borders of Europe, Intereconomics 6/2004, 292-295.

Ist ein flexiblerer Stabilitätspakt ein besserer Pakt?, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 53 (2004), 54-61.

Finanzsanktionen gegen Südafrika: Erfolg oder Misserfolg? (with Karl-Wolfgang Menck), List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 29 (2003), 249-267.

Handelssanktionen gegen Südafrika: Die Rolle der Unternehmen (with Karl-Wolfgang Menck), Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 52 (2003), 254-273.

WTO und Internationale Handelsarchitektur (with Georg Koopmann), Wirtschaftsdienst 6/2003, 402-406.

Credible at Last?: Reforming the Stability Pact, Intereconomics 1/2003, 15-18.

Monetary Policy in a Union of 27: Enlargement and Reform Options, Intereconomics 6/2002, 315-320.

Ein Insolvenzrecht für souveräne Staaten?, Wirtschaftsdienst 11/2002, 684-688.

Lohnpolitik und Geldpolitik in Euroland, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 71, 2002, 354-367.

China und die Zukunft eines ‚Asiatischen Währungssystems‘ (with Andreas Nabor), Nord-Süd Aktuell, 16 (2), 2002, 289-300.

Stabilitätspakt und Glaubwürdige Fiskalpolitik, Wirtschaftsdienst 3/2002, 137-140.

Soll der Schweizer Franken an den Euro gebunden werden? (mit Aymo Brunetti), Aussenwirtschaft 53, 1998, 511-538.

Possible Effects of EMU on German Long-Term Interest Rates (with Mathias Moersch), Intereconomics 32, 1997, 144-151.

Globalization: New or Déjà Vu?, Swiss Political Science Review 3, Winter 1997, 116-121.

Together or Separately: Is Wage-Coordination Necessary in a Monetary Union? CEPS Review, No. 2, 1996, 22-28.

Reviews, Comments and Op-Eds

Mr. Sarkozy and the EMU, Intereconomics 4/2007, 178-179.

Viel Lärm um wenig, Wirtschaftsdienst 6/2007, 346-347.

Inadequate IMF Reform, Intereconomics 5/2006, 238-239.

Reform des IWF, Wirtschaftsdienst 10/2006, 552.

Review of H. Berger and T. Moutous, eds: Managing European Union Enlargement, International Review of Economcics and Finance 14 (2005), 498-500.

Dollarkursverfall: Wer hat den Schwarzen Peter?, Wirtschaftsdienst, 12/ 2004, 744.

Die Türkei und die Zukunft der EU, Wirtschaftsdienst, 10/2004, 608.

Monetary Policy for a Larger Europe, Intereconomics, 4/2004, 178-179.

Das fiskale Dilemma der EU, Wirtschaftsdienst, 8/2004, 476.

Europe After Enlargement: What's Next?, Intereconomics 3/2004, 114-115.

What Should be Made of the Swedish Decision?, Intereconomics 5/2003, 230-231.

Präsident Lula macht den ersten Schritt (with Albrecht von Gleich), Die Zeit, 14. August 2003, S. 22.

Review of J. C. Martin-Das: The European Monetary Union in a Public Choice Perspective, Public Choice 116, 2003, 243-246.

Stabilität ohne Pakt?, Wirtschaftsdienst 12/2003, 752.

The ECB's "New" Strategy, Intereconomics 3/2003, 114-115.

Capping the Cap?, Intereconomics 4/2002, 178-179.

European Integration under Pressure, Intereconomics 3/2002, 122-123.

Internationale Finanzarchitektur und die umstrittene Globalisierung, Sparkassenzeitung, 23. Februar 2002, S. 14.

Geschädigter Stabilitätspakt, Wirtschaftsdienst 2/2002, 64.

Die argentinische Krise, Wirtschaftsdienst 1/2002, 4.

Review of G. Roland: Transition and Economics. Politics, Markets, and Firms, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 157, 2001, 677-679.

Review of E. Brezis and P. Temin, eds: Elites, Minorities and Economic Growth, European Journal of Political Economy 17, 2001, 905-908.

Comment on Belke and Gros: Effects of European Monetary Integration on Unemployment, in H. Wagner, ed: Globalization and Unemployment, Berlin: Springer, 2000, 243-252.

Bindung des Schweizerfrankens an den Euro? (with Aymo Brunetti), Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1. Dezember 1998, S. 23.

Review of J. Komlos and S. Eddie, eds: Selected Cliometric Studies on German Economic History, Kyklos 51, 1998, 300-301.

Review of M. Fratianni und F. Spinelli: A Monetary History of Italy, Kyklos 50, 1997, 599-601.

Review of L. A. Craig and D. Fisher: The Integration of the European Economy, 1850-1913, Kyklos 50, 1997, 597-598.

Review of M. Flandreau: L'Or du Monde: La France et la Stabilité du Système Monétaire International 1848-1873, Kyklos 49, 1996, 663-664.

Review of B. Eichengreen, ed: Europe's Post-War Recovery, Kyklos 49, 1996, 659-660.

Review of B. A. Simmons: Who Adjusts? Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy during the Interwar Years, Kyklos 48, 1995, 163-164.

Review of T. Steinemann: Währungskooperation und Europäische Währungsunion, Kyklos 46, 1993, 453-454.

Review of M. Ahbe: Europäische Währungsintegration: Konventionelle Wohlfahrtsanalyse versus polit-ökonomische Kooperationsproblematik, Kyklos 46, 1993, 273-274.

Freihandel oder Handelsstreit?--Wirtschaftsblöcke bauen neue Hindernisse auf, St. Galler Tagblatt, 5. Januay 1993, p. 2.

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