Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Hermann Waibel

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Entwicklungs- und Agrarökonomik
Entwicklungs- und Argrarökonomik
Ort / PLZ
30167 Hannover
Königsworther Platz 1


Refereed publications

(including articles in print and accepted for publication)

ASFAW, S., MITHÖFER, D. AND WAIBEL, H. (2007): What Impact are EU Supermarket Standards Having on Developing Countries Export of High-value Horticultural Products? Evidence from Kenya. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, (in print).

PEMSL D, H. WAIBEL AND A.P. GUTIERREZ (2007): The Economics of Biotechnology under Ecosystem Disruption. Accepted for publication in: Ecological Economics.

GARMING H. AND H. WAIBEL (2007): Pesticides and Farmer Health in Nicaragua – a willingness to pay approach to evaluation. Accepted for publication in: European Journal of Health Economics.

ZILBERMAN, D. AND H. WAIBEL (2007): Advances in Impact Assessment of Natural Resources Management Research. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 47, No. 4- special issue, p. 395- 420

WAIBEL H AND D. ZILBERMAN (EDS.). (2007). International Research on Natural Resources Managment: advances in impact assessment. CABI publishers Wallingford.

PEMSL D, AND H. WAIBEL (2007): Assessing the profitability of different crop protection strategies in cotton: Case study results from Shandong Province, China. Agricultural Systems Vol. 95, (December 2007) p. 28 – 36.

WAIBEL, H. ASFAW, S., AND D. MITHÖFER,. (2007): Small-scale Producers and Food-safety Standards in the Agrifood Supply Chain: the case of High-value Crops in Kenya. Annual Conference, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer im Verein für Socialpolitik 2007 in Göttingen.

MITHÖFER, D. AND H. WAIBEL (2007): Economics of On-Farm Production of Indigenous Fruits. In Akinifesi, Indigenous Fruit Trees in Southern Africa , Chapter 13. CABI publishers, Wallingford.

PEMSL D, H. WAIBEL and A.P. GUTIERREZ (2006): The Economics of Biotechnology under Ecosystem Disruption. Contributed paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006.

PANDEY, S., N.T. KHIEM H. WAIBEL and T.C. THIEN (2006): Household food security and commercialization of agriculture in uplands of Vietnam: a micro-economic analysis. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines, 106 p.

MITHÖFER, D., WAIBEL, H. AND F. AKINNIFESI (2006): The role of food from natural resources in reducing vulnerability to poverty: a case study from Zimbabwe. Poster and background paper. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Agricultural Economics Association, August 2006 in Brisbane.

WITT, R., WAIBEL, H. AND D. E. PEMSL (2006): Training intensity and diffusion of information from Farmer Field Schools in Senegal. Proceedings Annual Conference, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer im Verein für Socialpolitik 2006 in Berlin.

PEMSL D, H. WAIBEL AND A.P. GUTIERREZ (2005): Why do some Bt-cotton farmers in China continue to use high levels of pesticides? International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (IJAS), Vol 3, (1) p. 44-56.

AGNE, S. and H. WAIBEL (2005): Estimation of Pesticide Demand using Farm Level Data: a Case Study of Coffee Production in Costa Rica. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture Vol 44(2): 141-153.

PEMSL, D. WAIBEL, H AND A.P. GUTIERREZ (2005): Institutional Constraints for the Success of Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries: The Case of Bt-Cotton in Shandong Province, China. Paper presented at Annual Conference, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer im Verein für Socialpolitik 2005 in Kiel.

WAIBEL, H. MITHÖFER, D., J. WESSELER. (2005): R&D and private investment: how to conserve indeginous fruit biodiversity of Southern Africa. Paper presented at Annual Conference, Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer im Verein für Socialpolitik 2005 in Kiel.

ZANDER, K and H. WAIBEL (2005): Die Zahlungsbereitschaft für traditionelle Formen der Landbewirtschaftung: das Beispiel „Streuobst“. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht (Journal of Environmental Law and Policy). 1/2005, 109 – 126.

PEMSL, D., H. WAIBEL, et al. (2004): "A Methodology to Assess the Profitability of Bt-cotton: Case study results from the State of Karnataka, India." Crop Protection (23): 1249-1257.

PRETTY, J. and H. WAIBEL (2004): Paying The Price: The Full Cost Of Pesticides. Chapter 3 In: The Pesticide Detox: Solutions To Safe Agriculture (J. Pretty, Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd, London. Published In Association With The United Nations Food And Agriculture Organisation.

WAIBEL, H., ZADOKS, J. C. and G. FLEISCHER (2003): Impact Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants: What can we learn from the Economics of Pesticides? In: Battling Resistance to Antibiotics and Pesticides, R. LAXMINARAYAN, (Editor). Resources for the Future Press, Washington, D.C.

FLEISCHER, G. and H. WAIBEL (2003): Elements of economic resistance management strategies – some empirical evidence from case studies in Germany. In: Battling Resistance to Antibiotics and Pesticides, R. LAXMINARAYAN, (Editor). Resources for the Future Press, Washington, D.C.

MITHÖFER, D. and H. WAIBEL (2003): Analysis of Income and Comparative Labour Productivity of Collection and Use of Indigenous Fruits in Zimbabwe. Agroforestry Systems 59:259 – 305.

MITHÖFER, D., J. WESSELER and H. WAIBEL (2003): Small farmer investment in indigenous fruit tree planting in Southern Africa: An application of real options theory. Poster and background paper presented at 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 16-22.08.2003, Durban, South Africa.

PEMSL, D. and H. WAIBEL (2003): Methodological Issues of Impact Assessment of Bt Cotton in China. Poster and background paper presented 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 16- 22.08.2003, Durban, South Africa.

PRANEETVATAKUL, S. and H. WAIBEL (2003): Farm-Level Economic Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in Thailand. Poster and background paper presented at 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 16-22.08.2003, Durban, South Africa.

FLEISCHER, G., WAIBEL, H. and G. WALTER-ECHOLS (2002): Transforming Top-down Agricultural Extension to a Participatory System: A Study of Costs and Prospective Benefits in Egypt. Public Administration and Development 22, p. 309-322.

ZANDER, K. und H. WAIBEL (2002): Rentabilität der Umstellung auf ökologischen Apfelanbau. In: PENKER, M. und S. PFUSTERSCHMIDT (Hrsg.): Wie steuerbar ist die Landwirtschaft? Wien 2003, p. 227-234.

WAIBEL, H. (2001): Organic Farming in Europe: Re-orienting Agricultural Policy and Implications for Development – a discussion paper. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, H. 3/2001.

WAIBEL, H., H. GARMING, and K. ZANDER (2001): Umstellung auf ökologischen Apfelanbau als risikobehaftete Investition (Transition to Organic Apple Production as Risky Investment). Agrarwirtschaft (German Journal of Agricultural Economics) Jg. 50, H. 7, p. 439-450.

WAIBEL, H. (2000): Kosten Nutzen Analyse des chemischen Pflanzenschutzes: Konsequenzen für die Weiterentwicklung der Integrierten Produktion. In: Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft Ellendorf, F. und H. Stützel (Hrsg.) Landbauforschung Völkenrode, Sonderheft 212, p. 211-220.

ZADOKS, J.C. and H. WAIBEL (2000): From chemical pesticides to genetically modified crops – history, economics, politics. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 48: p. 125-149.

Other significant publications

WAIBEL, H. (2007): Externalities and the costs of pesticide dependence. In: Kunstadter, P. (ed). Pesticides in South East Asia . 181 - 196. Sanga Sabhasari Research Foundation. Silkworm Books, Bangkok, Thailand.

PRANEETVATAKUL, S. and H. WAIBEL (2007): Investment in Training Farmers to Reduce Excessive Pesticide Use in Agriculture. In: Kunstadter, P. (ed). Pesticides in South East Asia, p. 301 - 314. Sanga Sabhasari Research Foundation. Silkworm Books, Bangkok, Thailand.

JANKOWSKI, A., MITHÖFER, D., LÖHR, B. and H. WAIBEL (2007): Economics of Biological Control in Cabbage Production in two Countries in East Africa. Tropentag 2007. University of Kassel-Witzenhausen and University of Göttingen, October 9-11, 2007. Proceedings Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development.

HARDEWEG, B., PRANEETVATAKUL, S., TUNG, P.D. and H. WAIBEL (2007): Sampling for Vulnerability to Poverty: cost effectiveness versus precision. Tropentag 2007. University of Kassel-Witzenhausen and University of Göttingen, October 9-11, 2007. Proceedings Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development.

WU, L., PEMSL, D. and H. WAIBEL (2007) The role of Farmer Training in the Diffusion of Biotechnology in Cotton in China: A Multi-period analysis Tropentag 2007. University of Kassel-Witzenhausen and University of Göttingen, October 9-11, 2007. Proceedings Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development.

PANANURAK, P. and H. WAIBEL (2006): Impact Assessment of Farmer Field School on Cotton Production in Asia: A Cross Country Comparison. Poster presented presented at Tropentag, Bonn, October 11-13, 2006.

KRASUAYTHONG, T. and H. WAIBEL (2006): Which alternative production technologies are adopted by Thai vegetable producers? Poster presented at Tropentag, Bonn, October 11-13, 2006.

MAUSCH, K., WAIBEL, H., ASFAW, S. and MITHÖFER, D. (2006): Impact of EurepGAP Standards in Kenya: Comparing Smallholders to Large Scale Producers. Proccedings Deutscher Tropentag 2006. October 11-13, 2006, Bonn, Germany.

ASFAW, S., MITHÖFER, D. and WAIBEL, H. (2006): Adoption and Impact of EurepGAP Standard: The Case of Kenyan Smallholder Export Farmers. Poster Presentation at Deutscher Tropentag 2006. October 11-13, 2006, Bonn, Germany.

GOY, I. und H. WAIBEL (2006): Weitere Ergebnisse zur Situationsanalyse des ökologischen Gartenbaues in Deutschland. Konferenzbeitrag zur Deutschen Gartenbautagung in Potsdam, 22. - 25.2. 2006.

WAIBEL, H. (2005): Impact Assessment of Agricultural Research for Development and Poverty Reduction. Entwicklung und Ländlicher Raum 5/2005, 29-31.

OOI, P., PRANEETVATAKUL, S., WAIBEL, H. and G. Walter-Echols (2005): The impact of the FAO-EU IPM Programme for Cotton in Asia. Pesticide Policy Project, Special Series. No. 9, Hannover, University of Hannover, 132 pp.

GOY, I. und H. WAIBEL (2005): Situationsanalyse des ökologischen Gartenbaues in Deutschland. In: Heß, J. und G. Rahmann (Hrsg.): Ende der Nische. Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Kassel.

GARMING, H. and H. WAIBEL (2004): Análisis económico del Programa CATIE -NORAD MIP/AF. Hannover, Study in the Framework of the CABI organized Wider Learning Studies, External Evaluation of the CATIE IPM/AF (NORAD) Programme in Nicaragua: 59 pages.

WU, L., S. PRANEETVATAKUL, H.WAIBEL and L. WANG (2004): IPM-FFS Impact Analysis: A Case Study of Cotton Production in Shandong Province. Paper presented at Tropentag 2004. 5th to 7th October 2004 Berlin Germany.

PRANEETVATAKUL, S. and H. WAIBEL (2004): Economic Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in Integrated Pest Management. Thailand Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 23 (2): 49-66.

AFFOGNON, H., H. WAIBEL and T.F. RANDOLPH (2003): An improved framework for the economic analysis of animal disease control using the damage abatement function. Paper abstract. Proceedings of the International Symposium for Veterinary Epidemiology & Economics (ISVEE), Vina del Mar, Chile, November 2003.

PEMSL, D., H. WAIBEL and A.P. GUTIERERREZ (2003): Productivity Analysis of Bt cotton: a Case Study from Shandong Province, China. 7th International ICABR Conference on Productivity, Public Goods and Public Policy: Agricultural Biotechnology Potentials. Ravello (Italy), June 29 to July 3, 2003.

PRANEETVATAKUL, S., D. KUWATTANASARI and H. WAIBEL (2003): The productivity of pesticide use in rice production in Thailand. Thailand Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 22, No. 2, p. 73 – 87.

RANDOLPH, T.F., H. AFFOGNON, S. MUGASI, P. IRUNGU, N. MCCARTHY, H. WAIBEL, M. KAMUANGA and J.J. MCDERMOTT (2003): An evolving economic framework for evaluating farmer-based sustainable trypanosomosis control strategies. Proceedings of the 27th ISCTRC, Pretoria, South Africa, October 2003.

WAIBEL, H. and D. PEMSL (2003): Comments Requested by FAO on the publication “State of Food and Agriculture” (SOFA): Chapter 4: Economic Impacts of Biotechnology, Hannover.

GARMING, H. and H. WAIBEL (2002): The choice of risk efficient portfolios of varieties in organic apple production. International Conference on Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics, 5.-7.6.2002, Wageningen, Niederlande.

HARDEWEG, B. and H. WAIBEL (2002): Economic and Environmental Performance of Alternative Vegetable Production Systems in Thailand. Paper presented at the International Symposium Sustaining Food Security and Managing Natural Resources in South East Asia. Jan. 8-11, 2002, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

HARDEWEG, B. and H. WAIBEL (2002): Application of decision-theoretical tools to the case of desert locust management in Africa. Poster for the International Conference on Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics, 5.-7.6.2002, Wageningen, Niederlande.

GUTIERREZ, A.P. and H. WAIBEL (2002): Review of the CGIAR Systemwide Program on Integrated Pest Management. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)/Interim Science Council (iSC), Rome, 96pp

FLEISCHER, G., H. WAIBEL and G. WALTER-ECHOLS, (2002): Egypt: How Much Does It Cost To Introduce Participatory Extension Approaches In Public Extension Services? In: RIVERA, W. and G. ALEX: Demand-Driven Approaches To Agriculture Extension. Agriculture And Rural Development Discussion Paper No.10. World Bank, Washington.

PANDEY, S., NGUEN TRI KHIEM, TRAN CHI THIEN and H. WAIBEL (2002): Does upland rice research have a role? Paper presented at the workshop on Food security, commercialisation and upland development. International Rice Research Conference, Beijing, China, September 2002.

PEMSL, D., S. PANDEY and H. WAIBEL (2001): The Role of Upland Rice in Food Security of Farm Households in Northern Vietnam. Poster presented at Deutscher Tropentag 2001, 9-11th October, Bonn.

WAIBEL, H. and D. PEMSL (2000): An Evaluation of the Impact of Integrated Pest Management Research at the International Agricultural Research Centers. 101 pp. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Rome, Italy.

HARDEWEG, B. and H. WAIBEL (2000): New approaches in the assessment of desert locust management in Africa. Deutscher Tropentag, 11.-12. Oktober 2000, Hohenheim.

WAIBEL, H. und E. SCHMIDT (2000): Feeding Asian Cities - Food production and processing issues. Key note paper presented at the FAO regional seminar feeding Asian cities. Bangkok, 27.-30. November 2000.

ZEEUW, DE H., S. GUENDEL and H. WAIBEL (2000): The Integration of Agriculture in City Policies. In: Putting Urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda. Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (DSE). Feldafing.

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