Juniorprof. Dr. Günter Beck
Professor - aktiv
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Makroökonomik und Monetäre Ökonomie
Makroökonomik und Monetäre Ökonomie
Monetary Economics
International Economics
Monetary Economics
International Economics
Ort / PLZ
60323 Frankfurt am Main
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Grüneburgplatz 1
Grüneburgplatz 1
69 798-28863
69 798-28863
Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen
1997: Fellowship by the DAAD (German Academic Institute for Studies Abroad)
1994 - 1998: Fellowship for "Hochbegabte" ("Intellectually Gifted") by the Bavarian State
"Learning and Control in a Changing Economic Environment" (with Volker Wieland). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26 (9-10), August 2002.
Working Papers:
"Nominal Exchange Rate Regimes and Relative Price Dispersion: On the Importance of Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility for the Width of the Border". Mimeo. November 2003. Job Market Paper
"Inflation Dispersion and Convergence in Monetary and Economic Unions: Lessons for the ECB" (with Axel A. Weber). March 2003.
"Price Stability, Inflation Convergence and Diversity in EMU: Does One Size Fit All?" (with Axel A. Weber). Mimeo. January 2003.
"Optimal Monetary Policy, Learning, Stabilization and Credibility" (with Volker Wieland). Mimeo. January 2003. "Economic Integration and the Exchange Rate Regime: How Damaging are Currency Crises?" (with Axel A. Weber). November 2001. CFS Working Paper No. 2001/13.
"How Wide are European Borders? Evidence on the Integration Effects of Monetary Unions" (with Axel A. Weber). October 2001. CFS Working Paper No. 2001/07.
Work in Progress:
"Sources of Inflation Dispersion in Currency Unions" (with Joachim Benner). In preparation.
German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), Annual Meeting, Zurich, October 2003 ("Price Stability, Inflation Convergence and Diversity in EMU: Does One Size Fit All?").
European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Stockholm, August 2003 ("Inflation Dispersion and Convergence in Monetary and Economic Unions: Lessons for the ECB").
European Meeting of the Econometric Society and Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Venice, August 2002 ("Economic Integration and the Exchange Rate Regime: How Damaging are Currency Crises?").
Research Seminar at the Goethe University Frankfurt, December 2001 ("Economic Integration and the Exchange Rate Regime: How Damaging are Currency Crises?").
Second Annual IMF Research Conference, Washington, November 2001 ("Economic Integration and the Exchange Rate Regime: How Damaging are Currency Crises?").
German Economic Associaton (Verein für Socialpolitik), Annual Meeting, Magdeburg, September 2001 ("How Wide are European Borders? New Evidence on the Integration Effects of Monetary Unions").
ECB Research Seminar, Frankfurt, September 2001 ("Nominal Exchange Rate Regimes and Relative Price Dispersion: On the "Real" Impact of Currency Unions on Integration").
European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Lausanne, August 2001 ("How Wide are European Borders? New Evidence on the Integration Effects of Monetary Unions").
Society for Economic Dynamics, Annual Meeting, Stockholm, June 2001 ("Optimal Monetary Policy, Learning, Stabilization and Credibility").
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, University of Maryland, June 2001 ("Optimal Monetary Policy, Learning, Stabilization and Credibility"). Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.