Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung
insb. Wirtschaftstheorie
Applied game theory
mechanism design
industrial organization
auction theory
market design
experimental economics
Ort / PLZ
90403 Nürnberg
Lange Gasse 20
+49 (0)911 5302 224
+49 (0)911 5302 168



Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions - An Experimental Investigation. The Economic Journal, forthcoming (with Dirk Engelmann)

Cooperation in Viscous Populations - Experimental Evidence. Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming (with F. Mengel)

Ein Vergleich ausgewähltereuropäischer Strombörsen. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 3 (2008), with Axel Ockenfels and Gregor Zoettl.

Strommarktdesign: Zur Ausgestaltung der Auktionsregeln an der EEX. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 3 (2008), with Axel Ockenfels and Gregor Zoettl.

Investment Incentives in Procurement Auctions: An Experiment. in Experiments and Antitrust Policy, J. Hinloopen and H.-T. Normann (eds.), Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. (with F. Mengel, L. Viianto, and G. Ponti).

Fixed Price plus Rationing: An Experiment. Experimental Economics, forthcoming (with Jaromir Kovarik and Giovanni Ponti).

Sequential versus Bundle Auctions for Recurring Procurement. Journal of Economics 90 (1), 2007, 1 - 27.

Selling Shares to Retail Investors: Auction versus Fixed Price. Review of Economic Design 10 (2), 2006, 85 - 112 (with Jürgen Bierbaum).

Division in Lots and Competition in Procurement Auctions. in: N. Dimitri, G. Piga, and G. Spagnolo eds., Handbook of (e-) Procurement, Cambridge University Press, 2006 (with R. Paccini, G. Spagnolo, and M. Zanza).

Overbidding in First Price Private Value Auctions: Implications of a Multi-Unit Auction Experiment. in: U. Schmidt and S. Traub (eds.), Advances in Public Economics: Utility, Choice, and Welfare, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005 (with Dirk Engelmann).

Auktionen: Zu Viel oder Zu Wenig Geboten?. in: Forschung und Praxis, Band 14, Behavioral Finance Group, University of Mannheim (with U. Schmidt, and M. Weber).

The Third-Generation (UMTS) Spectrum License Auction in Germany. in: G. Illing (ed.) Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunication, MIT Press 2004 (with Frank Riedel and Elmar Wolfstetter).

Low Price Equilibrium in Multi-Unit Auctions:The GSM Spectrum Auction in Germany. International Journal of Industrial Organization 21, 2003, pp. 1557 - 1569 (with Frank Riedel and Elmar Wolfstetter).

Implementing Efficient Market Structure. Review of Economic Design 7 (4) 2003, pp. 443 - 463 (with Frank Riedel and Elmar Wolfstetter).

Revenue Equivalence and Income Taxation. Journal of Economics and Finance, 24 (1) 2000, pp. 56 - 63 (with Ulrich Schmidt).

Equilibrium Bidding Without The Independence Axiom: A Graphical Analysis. Theory and Decision 49 (4) 2000, pp. 361-374 (with Ulrich Schmidt).

Optimale Auktionen. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 28 (1999), 12 (with Ulrich Schmidt).

Auction Theory: A Survey. in: S.B. Dahiya, The Current State of Economic Science, Spellbound Publications, Rothak, 1999.


Three Essays on Mechanism Design and Multi-Object Auctions. Aachen, Shaker Verlag.

Book Reviews

An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data. by H. Paarsch and H. Hong, Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

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